Thursday 2 September 2010

Something about: blah, blah, blah...

At first, I really thought that I'm hurt by the fact that certain someones lied to me, but it didn't surprisingly. Maybe because I never put up hopes that guys will be that good. I'll never ask for perfect guy, I only hopes that I'll meets lots and lots of good guy in my life. Because then, separation won't hurt us a lot. :D

I think that I failed to be a good friend. How I know she pent up her frustration, oh and how she put on facade in front of us, but I didn't asks her to show us (me, especially, she's a really, really good friend of mine) her true emotion. I think that I should've force her to let it out earlier, so that she didn't hurt so much. It breaks my heart to know that such wonderful girl had met lots and lots of crazy & lunatic guys, that willing to hurt her.

Oh, how I didn't get well with my roommates. I guess that our horoscope collides each other. Hehe~ XD I won't deny it when my friend asks me. It wasn't that they're THAT bad, its just we didn't really click well with each other. Its not something that we could help. Trying too hard to be good to each other is tiring. At least, we're civil to each other. XDD

Owh, I'll arrived at Selangor on Sunday. :D Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~!!!!!! ;D And I got this feeling that the almost-twelve-hours-journey will not allowed us to sleep. How can so many business student get the same coach when we buy it in different time??? >.>" 

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~ 

 ~*~NaBiLaH~*~ (=.=)" ---> I'm spent for real this time.