Monday 13 July 2015

HF; Stabbed

You dream a weird dream. Weird, because you rarely dream. Weird, because the content of your dream itself is too incoherent to decipher, even by you.

You awaken by the dream, which you hope was going to stay that way - stay as a dream. Only a dream.


You look at his smiling face, which had never failed to create this warm and fuzzy feeling inside you. The face that never fail to cultivate butterflies inside you. You're so drunk in love, yes you know that, which is weird too because people tend to not realizing their drunkenness.

You look at his hand that he held out for you. You look at him with questioning look and he just smile and took a hold of your hand instead, eagerness shown on his face. He pulls you towards him and you stumbled on his chest with an "omph" and he just smile his stupid smile and you fall again.

You're not easy to fall in love to, but when you do, you fall hard.

He twirl around while embracing you. His hold on you is not too tight, but you know that he’ll never let you fall or hurt because of him. His smile is showing his utmost teeth; showing his happiness.

“You kinda smile like a drunkard.” You commented carelessly after the spinning and twirling subdued. You lean close to his chest, feeling his erratic heartbeat surrounding you. You’re a drunkard too, you realized. You’re drown in happiness that makes you think that nothing matters in this world other than him and you.

His reply was just a simple peck on the temple of your head. You just scoot closer to him (if that even possible) holding his waist tighter.

You feel like the world is yours.


Your hands in his', while he drag you across the hallway to the departing gate. Both of you are running out of time to chase the plane, the result of sleeping late despite knowing having an early flight the next day.

But it's okay, you remind yourself. Things will be okay, you remind yourself again. It always had.

Your mind runs to what happened a few weeks ago, when he shove two holiday tickets on your face.


You just look at him dumbly, unable to process the object that just been shoved to your face.

"It's our anniversary present," he said, while he rub his nose a few times, a habit that you think never fail to make your heart flutter.

You read details on the tickets, flight ticket to an island, a vacation island. Perfect for unwind. "Why all of sudden, though?" You asks, despite knowing his tendency to do things out of blue.

He just shrugged and collect all of you in a tight bear hug. "Just because." He lean closer, if it's even possible, to give butterfly kisses on your head.


"Faster." Somehow, you are the one that dragging him right now. You could feel that he tried to catch you up, but you could also feel his tiredness. He's grip on your hand is not as firm as before.

You turn when your body jerk to a sudden stop. His grip on yours suddenly gets too tight that it started to hurt, and you turn around only to be embraced by him.

"What-?" You return his hug, but shocked when your hand met something wet, sticky, and hot from his back. You bring your hand to your face, to your eye, silently praying that whatever you think it is, is not...

"Min?" Your voice cracked upon seeing your hand, full of blood. Your lover had been stabbed.

"Min?" You call again. You bring both of your hand, full of blood to his face and you could feel tears welling in your eyes.

"Be happy." He mouthed to you, slowly.