Tuesday 24 February 2009

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Just thought of taking this for fun~
And yeah, I kinda depressed right now...

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Monday 23 February 2009

Something about: the day I was born,

17 years ago,... at this same date... And today, I'm celebrating my birthday, as well as Kazuya's birthday, just that he's born 6 years earlier than me. Ironic, he's celebrating his birthday 23rd birthday at 23rd of February [as in today]...

And I was very, very happy, that a lot of people wishing to me today~ Whee~~~~ ^.^ I guess, I could brag about it, right? *wink*

To Nada, thank you for be the first person wishing me~ And for your very romantic presents~ *blush* Hehehe~

To Farhanah, though that I always bullied you, thank you for wishing me and your presents. You really gives me a kame, don't you? (>.<)

To Khairiyah that didn't talk much, thank you for your cute present. And yeah, I know that I'm waaayyyyyy cuter than your presents, right? XD

To Yen Lee and Hui San, thank you for singing me the birthday song~ And I heart you Yen Lee, as you tried to pronounced "otanjoubi omedetou" [happy birthday in Japanese] in very cuuttteeee way~ XD

To Maisarah that did not want to give the present until the last minute at school, yeah yeah yeah... I'll try to feed it as much as I could~ XD Maybe to your birthday present? XD

To Aina, maybe the sweetest girl
that I've ever known, thank for wishing me when Miss See didn't realized it~ XD OMG, you're soooo sweettttt~ *squeals*

To me net friends, shapika and chika, and anyone who wishes me, thank you~~~~

And to everybody that I didn't mentioned here, thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your wishes~ *bows deeply* Thank you for making this day as one of my happiest moment in my life~ Thank you~ *sniffsniff*

I know, I'm such a dramaqueen, right? That was definitely can't be helped~ THIS is me, a dramaqueen~ (>.<) And yeah, since I'm happy this day, I'm attaching the photos fo my presents~ OMG, I'm too excited today~
key holder~
a bookmark~
a wishing jar~ [hm, romantic, right? XD I know, I'm sooo gonna killed by Nada for saying it~]
a turtle to be feed~ XD

AND this is a thing that make me squeals inside the class~ XD

Dunno? Here's the better clue~





It's a turtle plushieeeesssssssss~~~~~

And that turtle was huge... So, it'll sleep with me because of its hugeness~ XD

My best friend made this for me, and I really, really, really, wanna hug her...[sad that I can't... cause my tickliness *sigh*] This was sooo sweet, right? XD

The wrappers was cool too, you know? Don't believe me? See these~~~

One of the wrappers write "You're at the peak of my heart", and it's kinda weird to be think of~~~ XD But it was cute, and that was the most important thing... XD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


p/s: actually, my sister get me a wallet, as she sees that I really, really want a new wallet, And I'm sooo lovin' it~ It's the colour combination of purple and pink, and and and, it's from Milk Teddy... I always love this brand for wallet, because it's cute... No image cause I'm lazy~ XD

Something about: I'm happy~

Because all my great friends that I have... update later, kay? >.<

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Something about: kill...

Okay, first. Something to hurray about, I GET BACK MY NET THROUGH MY BABY PC~!!!

Second, I was scold freely by my mom, and I think I deserved to get angry a little. Okay, the problem wasn't because of me, but something about the thing that connect the modem to the pc. It's hard to explain, but since it's not important, I don't want to explain about it~ >.<

Third, it mean... I GET BACK MY TORRENT~ Gahhhhh~~~~ I miss downloading things... And using lappie was annoying since it'll fill up very fast... How small her memory was~ ~.~" Yes, continue of Ryuusei no Kizuna and and and... Kami no Shizuku~ >.<

Though, I'm still on hiatus,... It means that I still won't updating things frequently[or so I hope~ hehe~ *scratching my back head* >.<]

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Monday 9 February 2009

Sesuatu tentang: negara

Ya, saya menulis menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia, disebabkan perkara ini adalah mengenai negara yang saya cintai ini, Malaysia.

Situasi politik di negara ini semakin teruk, kan? Saya akan terus menulis dari prospek saya sebagai seorang remaja, maka saya amat berharap agar penulisan saya pada kali ini tidak menyentuh atau menyakiti hati sesiapa.

Saya berasa amat hairan dengan kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia pada ketika ini. Mengenai isu kedaulatan Sultan dan Raja. Sensitiviti mereka amatlah peka mengenai perkara ini, dan membuatkan saya berfikir, perlakuan yang amat mengagung-agungkan Sultan mahupun Raja itu seolah-olah melebihi hormat dan cinta mereka kepada Allah SWT dan Baginda Rasulullah SAW.

Bagi saya, walaupun mereka adalah pemerintah, yang seharusnya dan sepatutnya dihormati, tapi mereka tetap adalah manusia yang sama sahaja seperti manusia yang lainnya. Mengapa terlalu mengagung-agungkan mereka? Jika mereka meninggal sekalipun, mereka tetaplah akan dikafankan dengan kain putih, bukannya menggunakan kain kuning warna diRaja itu, betulkan?

Maaf jika tulisan saya kelihatan agak kurang sopan, namun itu adalah pandangan saya. Saya bukanlah manusia sempurna, namun saya cuba menjadi sesempurna yang mungkin, walaupun itu adalah mustahil. Kerana sesungguhnya, yang sempurna hanyalah Allah SWT, dan saya hanyalah makhluk ciptaanNya yang lemah. Namun itu tidak menghalang saya untuk melihat "kegilaan" orang Malaysia, orang Melayu terutamanya yang kadangkala terlalu mengagung-agungkan Sultan mahupun Raja.


Adakah itu tidak megapa apabila seseorang itu membiarkan dirinya dibeli dengan wang ringgit dan pelbagai lagi?

Semoga semua sihat-sihat sahaja hendaknya.


Something about: hiatus

just as I write on my other blog, I'm putting myself on hiatus. I need rest, so... Maybe I'll posting things once in a while, BUT it was just MAYBE. *sigh*

Random: My friend thinks that I should be a counsellor... *giggles* yeah, right~ That was the joke from me, today~ hihihi~ ^_^

Anyway, I really, really, really hope that my baby will be better soon... I want to net-ing using her~ >.<

Pray for my good results, eh? ^_^

Take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(_ _)