17 years ago,... at this same date... And today, I'm celebrating my birthday, as well as Kazuya's birthday, just that he's born 6 years earlier than me. Ironic, he's celebrating his birthday 23rd birthday at 23rd of February [as in today]...
And I was very, very happy, that a lot of people wishing to me today~ Whee~~~~ ^.^ I guess, I could brag about it, right? *wink*
To Nada, thank you for be the first person wishing me~ And for your very romantic presents~ *blush* Hehehe~
To Farhanah, though that I always bullied you, thank you for wishing me and your presents. You really gives me a kame, don't you? (>.<)
To Khairiyah that didn't talk much, thank you for your cute present. And yeah, I know that I'm waaayyyyyy cuter than your presents, right? XD
To Yen Lee and Hui San, thank you for singing me the birthday song~ And I heart you Yen Lee, as you tried to pronounced "otanjoubi omedetou" [happy birthday in Japanese] in very cuuttteeee way~ XD
To Maisarah that did not want to give the present until the last minute at school, yeah yeah yeah... I'll try to feed it as much as I could~ XD Maybe to your birthday present? XD
To Aina, maybe the sweetest girl that I've ever known, thank for wishing me when Miss See didn't realized it~ XD OMG, you're soooo sweettttt~ *squeals*
To me net friends, shapika and chika, and anyone who wishes me, thank you~~~~
And to everybody that I didn't mentioned here, thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your wishes~ *bows deeply* Thank you for making this day as one of my happiest moment in my life~ Thank you~ *sniffsniff*
I know, I'm such a dramaqueen, right? That was definitely can't be helped~ THIS is me, a dramaqueen~ (>.<) And yeah, since I'm happy this day, I'm attaching the photos fo my presents~ OMG, I'm too excited today~ 
key holder~

a bookmark~

a wishing jar~ [hm, romantic, right? XD I know, I'm sooo gonna killed by Nada for saying it~]

a turtle to be feed~ XD
AND this is a thing that make me squeals inside the class~ XD

It's a turtle plushieeeesssssssss~~~~~
And that turtle was huge... So, it'll sleep with me because of its hugeness~ XD

My best friend made this for me, and I really, really, really, wanna hug her...[sad that I can't... cause my tickliness *sigh*] This was sooo sweet, right? XD
The wrappers was cool too, you know? Don't believe me? See these~~~

One of the wrappers write "You're at the peak of my heart", and it's kinda weird to be think of~~~ XD But it was cute, and that was the most important thing... XD
Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~
p/s: actually, my sister get me a wallet, as she sees that I really, really want a new wallet, And I'm sooo lovin' it~ It's the colour combination of purple and pink, and and and, it's from Milk Teddy... I always love this brand for wallet, because it's cute... No image cause I'm lazy~ XD