Monday 4 May 2009

Something about: for the sake of a posting... >.<

i know i know i know... it had been a long time since my last post. Like... almost a month? XD I'm dead tired and things happen and blablablablabla~~~

Okay, first.
I go to camp. Yes. I mean like a real camp that was so real. Not the type that you sleep in the air-con-ed chalet and great fasilitators. NO. I mean, the type that you sleep in the tent, inside the sleeping bags with a few REAL soldiers as our fasilitators. YEAP. That type of camp. I'm dead tired and might be loss around 5 kg [ i mean it,okay...] but it all soooooo worth it. *smiles happily*

Seriously. Even at ONLY Sungai Congkak[like my parents and my sister says "Only Sungai Congkak?"] but I want to say that it was more than that. I believes that some girls actually does thinks that I'm gonna cry and blablabla [I did, truthfully but it wasn't because of the camp but the food... yeah, the food was awful] and I DID NOT CRY, OKAY? I'm so proud of myself.

We was force to lie on the mud [more accurate, swim?] and do like everything that out of my mind and those guys just said "you're not even reach at PLKN level" and things and smell like i-don't-know-to-compare-with-what but I made it till the last second.

You know what was the best? THE NATURE. Yes, we do mountain climbing if I could call it as that and feel the real waterfall. Yeah, the REAL waterfall, not the one that you get at the bottom, but up there, the cleanest water... I miss those moments like, seriously. I'm sure N-chan and S-chan and K-chan agree with me, kan kan kan??? XD

One thing that I wanna repeat, I'M PROUD OF MYSELF. XD~~~

teachers. *sigh* I'm not really interested at typing on this, so I prefer to skip this. I just feel like I neeeeeeeeddddddd to slaughtered someone. Like, SERIOUSLY?

the mid-term exam was just next week. And my sister plan to go and shopping a little at this Sunday. Giler, ah~~~

But would I miss this chance to go outta this house? Definitely, NO. XD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(^_^) ~> Kai Xin~~~ XD

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