Saturday 28 August 2010

Something about: I'm dumb. I admit it...

for easily trusting a guy. Really, what's up with "I'm not hypocrite" things, eh? I'm dumb dumb dumb. *sigh* How many guy in this world is actually trustworthy?

I'm soooooooo disappointed right now. I should be happy to knows that lots and lots of guys around me are good guys. Even there's some that not that honest, at least ALLAH had showed to me who they were.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Something about: how much will we go...

just to break someone's heart?

Thursday 26 August 2010

Something about: doing criminal makes me feel good.... :)

I was thinking about something, that is when love is all around. Getting mushy much? NO. (well, that's obviously showing how I'm in denial. haha.) Forget about that guy, I'm talking about my close friends from before, that I meet through facebook after years we had lost contact. See? The magic of technology. :) I'm in hyper~~ Damn, I just come to realized how much I miss my pc's keyboard. It's so much fun compared to the lappy's. Okay, back to the real topic, why oh why I never realized that he is such a hotty? *pervert* I'm flattered to know that he still remembers me, despite the fact that I knows him for barely a year! :)

I come to realized how much we need to cherish every moment in our hand, before it slipped away and left us with nothing, nothingness. Its just how much (or little, to be precise) I regret that I didn't help 'him' to become a better person. I wonder what had happen to 'him' right now. But would he change even I did try my best to help him, actually? Who knows. *shrugged* Let bygone be bygone. Eheh. :) But, really, meeting him again after years had made me conclude; my past aren't as bad as I thought it was. At least, there's tonnes of things that could make me smile when I remembers it, right? :')


Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(^.^) ---> Dear Mr S, you've changed so much, but in a very, very good way. :)

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Something about: putting on facade...

Damn it. I really, really should not about certain things, because it means I could live in ignorant, not became as miserable as I am right now. *sigh* How could my friend just casually tell me that a friend of mine [which we're quite close, actually] liking me?! It's just making things complicated, more than it is before. Truth be told, he's one of the guys that I'm comfortable with, because he's a very, very nice guy and tolerant to others. I like him too, of course, but not in "that" way, if you get it. I love to make friends, and getting myself someone special right now is definitely on my things-to-do list. And the worst thing is, I'm getting scared to get close to him now,which make things getting awkward.

Some of my close friends that knows did says or more accurately, hinting about we, and he, NOT EVEN ONCE did he denied it. TT.TT Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyy, what should I do? I hadn't tell my mother about it, yet. Maybe later, when things are getting better.

Oh yes, is not become jealous makes you not love him enough? I love him, but I just don't know how to get jealous when lots of girls around him. Haha, this is awkward. My friend said so, but I disagree with it.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(-.-) -----> sometimes, I can't help but wonder, would it be easier if people didn't grow up and face the world?

Friday 6 August 2010

Something about: *sigh* when things didn't get easier...

I'm spent. For real. As time past, you'll see the true colour of others. Its just, tiring for me to meet people everyday. *sigh* I really, really need a getaway.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~
