Monday 3 September 2012

Something about: Past time.

So, finally I'm back here with an update. Haha. 

Not so surprising for me that my health seems deteriorating (again) which I've been provided with gazillion type of vitamin (which tasted not pleasant, at all, NO!). It's actually funny for anyone that actually knows about what happen, but for me, it is extremely painful. No lies, okay?

So last Monday (last week), when I'm preparing for my Fundamental of Finance's class, I was taking time with preparation and all and I do a little bit of stretching AND MY HEAD TILL HANDS ACHES SUDDENLY. (TT.TT) Not funny I tell you! I cried a little bit as I'm trying to ease back my hands and try to put my hands down (since well, I'm stretching and my hand was up in the air at the moment). Yes, starting from area below of my head - to my neck - to my shoulder - to my hand ; it's aching all over, okay? Spend my day on the bed, just lying and trying to ease the pain away. 

Almost the same thing happened on Tuesday and miss the first class. Putting up strong face and determination (cewah, ayattt... Kemain kau... Haha) I went to the afternoon and the next class. Still in pain on Wednesday, decided to drop by at Unit Kesihatan (abbreviation; UK) and been provided with many, many vitamins. So up until now I was quite dependent on all the vitamin given. The doctor says that my body maybe lack of something that I can't quite understand what I've been told. Haha.

Next. Guess who had gotten a new haircut?

If your answer is Kamenashi Kazuya, you're right. He did look younger in that haircut, and I'm oh-so-jealous of him, okay? I want to look younger too! *extremely jealous*

On to the Raya part of this year...
I certainly can't thank them enough for actually spending some time and visiting my house for Raya.

Hazmi, Hadziq, me, Ana.

Seriously terharu since this is the second time they come to my house, okay? And I never been to their house, except Ana's house (yes, not only I did went to her house, I've been sleeping at her house too). Since this year, our cuti Raya was actually, extremely short, I don't even have enough time to visit their house. Sorry all, and thank you sebab sudi jugak datang beraya. =)

And so, I've finally meet Nurfatiha Humaira, my niece.

Botak sebab dah cukur rambut untuk ditimbang rambutnya. 

And that is the quite-angry face from Humaira to me since I kinda disturbing her when she was fed milk. I really do love playing around with her, quite frankly. Just that, she kinda having her "moody moment" sometimes that she's gonna cry all day or sleep all day. 

And this is Umar. I know I know - my niece and nephew's name kinda rhyming each other. =3

Demam di Hari Raya...

Poor boy got sick on the third day of Shawwal. Snapping picture when he was sleeping because it is super-duper hard to take picture of him when he's awake. Keep on fidgeting nonstop and making all other picture blurry all over. -,-" And one thing, I do wrestling with him. He hates me when I tried to be all cuddly and kissing and hugging him, okay? Giving me "I'm-a-boy-and-I-hate-kissed-and-hugged" when I tried to do so. So we two did wrestle together. And get scolded by my mother. Haha. 

This is me, on the first Raya. Shaddap, I know I look fat, okay?

Random picture taken by my cousin. 

So, before I ended this entry, do spend some time to listen to this song, eyh? ;')

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Ingrid Michaelson - Ghost

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