Friday 29 March 2013

Sesuatu tentang: Memori.

Rabu (27 Mac 2013).

Tudung dipakai, hati bergetar. Peperiksaan akhir semester ini akan dimulakan dengan kertas pertama sebentar lagi. 

Tiba-tiba pintu bilik diketuk. Nita menjenguk ke dalam. Aku tahu dia mencari Aisyah, maka aku hanya senyum kerana Aisyah sedang solat ketika itu.

"Nabilah. Afiq, dia dah takde." Nita berkata, perlahan, namun jelas di gegendang telinga. 

Semangat aku terus terbang, entah ke mana.

"Siapa sampaikan?" Bibir terasa terketar-ketar, namun dikuatkan untuk bertanya. 'Ah, mungkin hanya khabar angin,' hati berbisik dan mengharap. 

"Wani. Baru baca dekat twitter tadi." Nita membalas.

Kaki dihayun ke bilik Wani, ingin bertanya. Namun sedikit hampa kerana Wani sedang solat. Kembali ke bilik, aku menegur Aisyah.

"Dengar Nita cakap tadi?"

Aisyah hanya mengangguk. Aku cuba senyum sambil berjalan ke meja study, ingin mengemas apa yang patut untuk ke dewan peperiksaan. Saat itu, air mata menitis tanpa dapat ditahan. Aku menangis teresak-esak. Ingatan dibawa ke semester dua, semasa kami masing-masing di bawah teater IMBAS. Kenangan demi kenangan menerpa ingatan.

Nina datang, memujuk. "Sabarlah Nabilah," diulang-ulang ke telinga aku.


Aku tahu petang yang sama, jenazah disolatkan di Pusat Islam UiTM, tapi aku tak mampu untuk datang melihatnya buat kali yang terakhir. Tak kuat. Gusar jika aku pergi, aku hanya memburukkan keadaan.

Aku juga tidak ikut untuk ke Kodiang walau diberitahu bas disediakan. Aku tak kuat. 

Aku ralat kerana hanya sempat menjenguk sekali sepanjang dia di hospital. 

Aku tahu, aku tak seharusnya rasa begitu. Tapi aku benar-benar tak punya kekuatan.

Dan kini...
Kenangan lalu terus memenuhi ingatan. 

Allahyarham Afiq Naqiuddin Bin Noordin.
Pemergian mu diiringi doa. 

notakaki: entri ini ditulis hanya sebagai ingatan kepada seorang rakan.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

kau tau apa perasannya ditinggalkan?

seolah-olah kau digantung tak bertali;
dicerai talak mati.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Something about: Laundry

So around half-an-hour ago, I was sitting on the floor, doing my laundry and such.

Until one girl from next room come into my room, without knocking.

I look at her.

And she screams. Quite loud, I might say. I bet she's super shocked with it.

She asked me when the time of Subuh prayer.

I answered, and she left the room.

Dude, really? What's wrong with me doing laundry early in the morning? Whyyyyyyy? Why must this kind of things always happened to me?

This brings to couple of weeks ago. I wears masks before I sleep, just because.

So after a few hours, I wake up to clean my face.

Right in front of the door, someone screamed. Shocked might be an understatement for her that time, perhaps.


I really not good sharing spaces with others. I want own room!

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Chester See - Lullaby

Thursday 7 March 2013

Something about: I'm Falling for You

I'm literally addicted to this song. 

Cause I could relate how pain it is when you're kinda have this stupid feelings on your friend. It is just like, the epitome of stupidity, maybe. Ya'know?

It just, the feelings is plain sucks. 

Chester See
I'm Falling For You

I don't wanna tell you that I long to see your face
I'm scared it might scare you away
and I don't wanna tell you that sometimes I think of you and smile
cause time with you is time enough for now

But I don't know how long I can stick around and be
just another friend time and time again and hold my tongue.
I don't know how long before it breaks me down inside
and all my strength has gone away, and it's too late before I say

I'm falling for you
I'm falling for you

I'm trying hard to be myself but I always seem to fail
I'm afraid I'm not the guy you know so well
cause every time I'm near you I just I seem to lose my head
and spend my time admiring instead.

But I don't know how long I can stick around and be
just another friend time and time again and hold my tongue.
I don't know how long before it breaks me down inside
and all my strength has gone away, and it's too late before I say

I'm falling for you
I'm falling for you

I'm torn between the chance for everything and a price that I can't pay
losing you is something that I'd never chose so I'll just have to wait
but it kills me everyday

I'm falling for you
I'm falling for you
I'm falling for you
I'm falling for you

I don't wanna tell you that sometimes I think of you and smile

Lyrics of Chester See's "I'm Falling for You" by Chester See. I own nothing. ;')

Yeah, it'll be cool if you know what I feel. 

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Chester See - I'm Falling for You
ps; it sucks when you need to pretend you're okay when you're obviously not. :'/

Sunday 3 March 2013

Something about: Of Sir Kimy and bla bla...

I'm bored and decided to write. I'm having trouble to sleep, and migraine did not help me at all. 

Some of you might know, some might not - that around last two weeks, I'm having this minor accident. Which by now -alhamdulillah- I'm fine.

And few days ago (last Friday to be exact), we had a replacement class for International Business. Sir Hakimy (our IB's lecturer) did know about it because he had seen we walking weirdly after ENT mid-test few days after the accident occurs. After the class, quite a number of us -resident students mostly- stay because of heavy rain and we did now bring our umbrella together with us.

Sir Hakimy being a nice lecturer as he is, asking me about my condition, with Hazwan around because he is keeping his laptop away at that time. And this conversation is basically what happen after that.

Sir Hakimy: So macam mana accidents hari tu? Luka okay dah? Parut tu apa cerita?

Me: *shows my hand* Takde apa. Okay dah. Jalan pon dah tak pelik. Cuma tulah kan, tangan cacat dah. Malu lah kalau bakal mak mertua tengok ni. Nak sarung cincin macam mane entah?

Sir Hakimy: Okay lah tu. Ha ni, saya ada satu produk, nanti saya bagitau kat awak, eloklah sapu kat kulit tu... Takde apa ni... Cuma kurang seribu camtu lah.

Hazwan: Kalau saya tolak lima ribu terus kot, sir...

Me: Apa? *flustered*

Sir Hakimy: Ha, nasib awaklah. Kalau dapat macam saya, saya tolak seribu je. Kalau dapat lelaki macam Wan ni, habis lima ribu terus dia tolak. Tinggal lima belas ribu je. 

Me: Sir~ =________="

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Rainie Yang - AiMei

Something about: Of Belated Birthday Celebration & Picspam

Yeah. So I miss 23rd of February to actually create a post for our birthday. So here I am, trying to make-up for it. 

Picspam of Kamenashi Kazuya-sama!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand a huge picture of me, just because I can. lol ;')

And that's it.

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Jin Akanishi - My MP3
ps; I just realized that I actually sharing the birthday with Aaron Aziz, too. But, meeehhh =,="

Saturday 2 March 2013

hati yang degil.

berkali-kali diingati, sayang itu haruslah punya limitasi.

namun sering saja hati ini lepasi.

makanya seringlah kau terluka lagi.


ps; i'm sorry; i'm not perfect enough.