Tuesday 28 July 2009

Something about: girls are funny...no?

like seriously. During agama time today, we had bunch of girls asking... ridiculous questions...

"Bercerai mati" bermaksud suami tu mati, bukannya "bercerai DAN mati"... *shaking head furiously* Dang, how could the interprets it that way? *giggles*

and and and, my friend was soooo funny. She tease N-chan about her pinkish pimples, so we tease her, saying that the pimples will go to her. Urgh, if you got what I mean. And she says that it was "lagha", which I believe what she tries to says was "khurafat". We all laugh at her, and I teased her by saying "what are you doing with us is LAGHA". Hahahaha~ poor girl...

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


p/s: "lagha" means by doing something useless, like wasting your time, while "khurafat" was means by believes something that not true, or something like that. I'm not good to elaborate things, by the way...

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Something about: me, rambling

and this is another random post for me... And lots and lots of typing error... And I feel like I want to use rojak bahasa. Sue me... XD

Still not so well, but at least I feel better. Butbutbut, I manage to infect everyone in my house with my bacteria.... Lolx...

I don't understand some people. Somebody that I know. She didn't wear tudung, until lately. Her reason - "ala~ most people yg pakai tudung yg banyak buat maksiat..." I was thinking, wasn' that was just an excuse for her to avoid herself from wearing tudung? Boo you~human!!!

Another person that didn't seems like she cares about her SPM. I don't really mind when people borrow things from me, but when THAT particular thing was the thing that you need tosit for SPM, I just can't understand why she refuse to buy it... She's not poor... Membazir... Yelah kak oiiiii~ macamlah ko x leh jual balik bende alah tu kat junior2 ko... hisyy...

Neexxxtttttt... Two bestest friend and clashing. Heck, weird, no? They had been best friends since form one, and [seems] about to clash after five years. Whhaatttt a stressfullllllll year, deshyou?

Next... Mr N and Miss S. One is a cousin of me, one is my coolest friend... He says that, she says this. Oit, aku kawinkan je lah korang ni, okay tak? *smacked* XDD But seriously, jgn la asyik komen2 je,... Nanti jodoh tersekat betul2 baru tau...

Another important thing will be announce soon. Cause I need to inform Mr N bout it... Hehehe~


Ads in Malaysia.

I feel kind of sad with the quality of advertisement at Malaysia lately. Like seriously...

One - an ad about her mother promise to cook for her childs. "Yes... I promise. I'll cook, okay?" And she sees that there's a looooooooonnnnggggg queue to the counter. And she finally gave up on cook and buys a fast food for her family. Great, ne? It wasn't like I oppose the idea of she's buying the fast food, but I hate that she break her promise. You know, like giving the thought to the kids that it's okay for the adults to break their promises because they simply can't make it true. If you know that you can't fulfil it, why make a promise? *puke*

Two - an ad about a young boys throing tantrum at the mall. And one pretty lady walk... and she says "ah, it's okay... for acting like that for a loaf of bread" or "he's acting like that over a loaf of bread" or something like that. Is that was REALLY okay? *sighs*

Three - I got this from a friend. About a whatever-they-call-but-I-still-call-it-as-a-bleach ads. Put the washing powder and put the bleach. The housewife asks the model to stop and the model says that "it's okay. this is not bleac..." or something like that and my friend says that the housewife might meant by - you put too much bleach... LOLX. But it's true, you know? That model seems like she did put too much bleach in the washing machine...But seriously, the more you watch it, the funnier it gets... XD

I got a few more examples, but I think that these was enough...

It seems like my Commerce teacher was agreed with me too, she says about an ad about a coffee that bla bla and bla bla [can't write, or this blog will be rated as NC-17, so you got what that means]. She thought that it could give not-so-good image of Malaysia, like outsiders will think that Malaysian thinks about 'it' all the times. I'm sooooo agree of that.
Clue: genies... you got what that mean, right?

p/s: see? You've been warned about the language... XD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(T.T)---> feeling a little better
and learning everything in Bahasa didn't make we become more loyal to Malaysia, no?
why that careless people cares?

i love you, but it was hard to say so, no?

Monday 13 July 2009

Something about: PLAGIARISM

PLAGIARISM?! Yes, that was the first thing that I want to write today. Does anyone sees Last Friends? Oh yeshhhhh~~~ the drama about a crazy psycho and lesbian and all... I was reading [actually, looking through a Chinese newspaper] and I saw something that was...made me have this funny feeling inside me... It was about a drama, Taiwanese drama "Qiao Qiao Ai Shang Ni" [Knock Knock Loving You]. The banner, I mean.

This is Last Friends' banner...

*click to enlarge*

And this is Ai Ai Shang Ni's banner...

*click to enlarge*

Now tell me, am I the only one that's hallucinating here? (>.<)

Hopefully, I'm not... *sigh*

Second, I'm still sick. This is the third week, and I didn't do re-check. Hell, my parents didn't seems to care though I'm coughing blood. Just a little..., though...

Third, tomorrow was the test and I'm here, net-ing and lack of sleep and feels like puking and bla bla bla... *sigh* I really, REALLY need a big help here, don't I?

Forth,... I'm watching Cartoon KAT-TUN where Nakamura Ataru attent for Hard Disc[Heart Disc] *again*~~~ XDXDXD Seriously, that episode really touch my heart because I could see that they talk about themself, like showing more of themself to the world. But that part stop there because I read somewhere that the viewer didn't like because they thought that they was too open... *sigh* This episode really, really touching because you could see that Kazuya, Koki and Ataru talking about love AND marriage seriously [though they joke a little here and there]. She kinda amazed me when Kazuya and Koki ask her, would she confess if she think that the person didn't love her [or something like that. It was raw translation, so I might be wrong...]. And she answer something like "when I think that I woulnd't see him again, you know... when you have that kind of feeling that you won't ever see that person again, I will... You know, as a last fart..." Lolx, as a last fart? Hell, no wonder they didn't want that segment in CTKT again... XDXDXD But I like her answer, because it was an honest answer, don't you think? I believe I would do the same thing if it's happened to me too... XDXDXD
I was reading her wiki and I just realized that she was under the same label as Tackey and Tsubasa~~~~ XDXDXD *dies*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(TTT.TTT)---> IS SICK~ waaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~

Friday 3 July 2009

Something about: for the sake of a post...

I'm not well. Flu. Cold. Cough. Tell me if I could be worst. And no humans, I'm not carrying H1N1 virus with me. No. Believe me! XD

Well, the changing of weather affects me a lot. I'm sneeze and sneeze and sneeze like... no end. You know what worst? - When I'm trying to ask something to the teacher, I accidentally sneeze. Lolx~ XD And, instead of talking, I feel like I need to scream because my voice was so hoarse.

I did go to a clinic to get treatment, and the doctor, decided to be stingy, she just give me one day off. ONLY? Man~ Im half-dead in front of her and she just give me one day of MC... *sigh* poor me, no?

I didn't get to go to PLKN. Yeaayyyyy~~~~~~~ *stabbed* I feel grateful that I didn't get it because I could do something meaningful to me [rather than to do something to my country] and and and~ I need not to separate from my net, pc and you know, things~ XD Gosh, I can't imagine of KAT-TUN release a single or worst, an album during the three monts~ XD

Last few nights, I'm almost having a heart-attact when I switch on the TV. "Taiyou no~ NAMIDA~~~~~!!!!!" Heck, they play NewS songs, but but but, they won't ever play KAT-TUN's, no?

I was trying to kill mood of few peoples today. Just make something fun in my life~ XD You know, most Korean artist didn't go to National Service yet, such as DBSK, Super Junior, etc~~~ I was talking to Mrs. Kim [real name, secret...] about what if one day he need to perform it and come back with BALD head, like... Won Bin? XDXDXD I know, I'm a devil... And she thinks for a while and she says - so ugly~... XDXDXD That was totally make my gloomy day~ XDXDXD And I did to Miss Amalina to, since she's a fan of Kim JaeJoong from DBSK and she thought that I was mean~ I'm a meanie, aren't I? But seriously, could you ever imagine that happen? The whole DBSK or Super Junior or any other Korean boybands gone for two[?] months and come back being... BALD??? XDXDXD

Next week was a bus week, and the next week was the next mothly test. Heck, I feel like I'm dying.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(T.T)---> IS SICK~ waaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~
we had our own story, no?