Monday 13 July 2009

Something about: PLAGIARISM

PLAGIARISM?! Yes, that was the first thing that I want to write today. Does anyone sees Last Friends? Oh yeshhhhh~~~ the drama about a crazy psycho and lesbian and all... I was reading [actually, looking through a Chinese newspaper] and I saw something that was...made me have this funny feeling inside me... It was about a drama, Taiwanese drama "Qiao Qiao Ai Shang Ni" [Knock Knock Loving You]. The banner, I mean.

This is Last Friends' banner...

*click to enlarge*

And this is Ai Ai Shang Ni's banner...

*click to enlarge*

Now tell me, am I the only one that's hallucinating here? (>.<)

Hopefully, I'm not... *sigh*

Second, I'm still sick. This is the third week, and I didn't do re-check. Hell, my parents didn't seems to care though I'm coughing blood. Just a little..., though...

Third, tomorrow was the test and I'm here, net-ing and lack of sleep and feels like puking and bla bla bla... *sigh* I really, REALLY need a big help here, don't I?

Forth,... I'm watching Cartoon KAT-TUN where Nakamura Ataru attent for Hard Disc[Heart Disc] *again*~~~ XDXDXD Seriously, that episode really touch my heart because I could see that they talk about themself, like showing more of themself to the world. But that part stop there because I read somewhere that the viewer didn't like because they thought that they was too open... *sigh* This episode really, really touching because you could see that Kazuya, Koki and Ataru talking about love AND marriage seriously [though they joke a little here and there]. She kinda amazed me when Kazuya and Koki ask her, would she confess if she think that the person didn't love her [or something like that. It was raw translation, so I might be wrong...]. And she answer something like "when I think that I woulnd't see him again, you know... when you have that kind of feeling that you won't ever see that person again, I will... You know, as a last fart..." Lolx, as a last fart? Hell, no wonder they didn't want that segment in CTKT again... XDXDXD But I like her answer, because it was an honest answer, don't you think? I believe I would do the same thing if it's happened to me too... XDXDXD
I was reading her wiki and I just realized that she was under the same label as Tackey and Tsubasa~~~~ XDXDXD *dies*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(TTT.TTT)---> IS SICK~ waaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~

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