Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Something about: when I'm angry...

I'm NOT a good girl. Be aware that I could talk back. But when I get really, really angry, this word, sometimes, unconsciously slip out from my tongue. BECAUSE some people didn't know what does this mean, so yeah, I put up a screen-caps for everyone. :) And yeah, the image expand when it's clicked. For those who didn't know.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(=.=)" - I hate when I need to use improper language when I talk. That's just so, uncivilized. *sigh*

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Something about: why sanctuary?

I had been blogging about my life since I was sixteen. I had closed my earlier blog for some reasons. Writing had always been something that I love, something that I could do naturally or forcefully. It had become a way of me expressing myself by writing out me happiness, my sadness, my frustration, and all. The truth is, I'm not someone that's so good at expressing myself, I keep on keeping things inside me and there's time that I'll just explode. So, when I write, I releasing all my pent up emotions. I did keep a diary before, but I failed at writing it constantly, and then, I just thinking, why not blogging? So I did when I'm sixteen, and it continued until today. So there, blog is a place of where I could just be myself, write what I want, without really care of others, my SANCTUARY. :)

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Friday, 26 November 2010

Something about: new layouts...

And I loving it so much. Simple, but so me, as I would call it. ;) A turnover point in my life, I guess? I think I should change to be a more mature person. Come on, even Yuto was much more matured than me. XD

Truthfully, I think that it's time for me to think more of my future. I think I had had 18 years of fun time without really thinks about what should I do in the future. It wasn't mean that I'm gonna be super-duper serious that I can't have fun anymore, but I think that I should change a little. I'll just bear in mind about something that a teacher had coincidentally said to us about friendship. "Will your friend feed you in the future if you can't find a decent job?" And really, that thought hit me so hard. I really, really thinks about it a lot, but I guess I was too immature to understand what does it means deeply. Of course, your friends will help you so much now, but when they grow older, they'll have responsibilities that make "friendship" not their top priority anymore. It just, not many could see it right now, or refuse to do so. Of course friends ARE important, but never let it be the one that hold you back. And arrogantly I admit, I made decision as I wish, and little did friends able to influence me.

It's about time to change. =)

Cherish people that worth it. Ignore who doesn't.

So, with this quote, I'm officially an ignorant. Haha. =)

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Something about: its flood there, once upon a time...

And that was the first time I experience something like that. TT.TT It's hectic, mannnn~ Not enough food, not enough clean water, it's such an experience! Can YOU imagine taking a bath with only two big bottle of water? ONLY? No, I'm not kidding. But luckily, we've been told about earlier, at least, we managed to keep some water.

Here, are some pictures managed to be captured by me. The place: right behind the hostel I'm in. Creepy much? YUP! Because, we're on high land, yet the water had reach there. I'm kinda panicked over it. Haha~ XD

Next~ About people around me. I don't know if its only me, but I'm not the person that hoping that others will change, actually. I'm more into, accepting people as they were, as long as they didn't disturb me. Well, you know, if I ask you to change, even a little, it means that it disturb me, even a little. Not to tattletale, but someone that I know had says things to me, even write about me, how that particular person hoping me to change my attitude and whatsoever lah, kann... But I refuse so. WHY? Because I refuse to change because of others. I prefer that changes come from inside me. Changing yourself because of others was kinda not practical to me. Because when the reason why you change was no longer there, you'll change back to your old self, no? That's why I refuse to change because of others. It won't stays. :) Peace, yo! And plus, I like feeding on my ego, because people who keep letting people do things to them will keep on hurting. That's why I didn't have much close friends, just because I'm afraid I'll hurt later on. Yes, I'm a scaredy-cat. Yes, I'm childish. Does it disturb you? No, righttt? ;)

I remember reading a blog of a friend of mine, she writes about love and such. Haha~ I kinda jealous of her, because she was much more matured than me on handling feelings and such. I'm such an inexperience on love and feelings and such. XD Mak suruh pergi sekolah untuk belajar, okay? Saya budak baik, tauuu~ :) Yes yes yes, I did did things, but I NEVER, I repeat, NEVER get involved with any guy. Why? I'm anti-social, okay? 

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~



Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Something about: Love you. Love me?

Aisy~ Flood. Not enough food. Not enough water supply. =.=" What a fate........

You know, I think I'm the only one that thinking that things is getting better. The truth is, maybe its just getting worst. :/ Maybe my friend was so true about it. Dear M, I know that you're a great friend, and how worried you are of me. But believe me, I'll stand up again. It might takes time, but well... Time is the best medicine, no? :)

I just can't wait for the last paper and Langkawi trip (well, if things gets better. I hope so) and and and, the long awaited trip to Johor. Owh~ Its going to be the first time I'm meeting my nephew.... Ah~ *happy*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~
