Wednesday 3 November 2010

Something about: Love you. Love me?

Aisy~ Flood. Not enough food. Not enough water supply. =.=" What a fate........

You know, I think I'm the only one that thinking that things is getting better. The truth is, maybe its just getting worst. :/ Maybe my friend was so true about it. Dear M, I know that you're a great friend, and how worried you are of me. But believe me, I'll stand up again. It might takes time, but well... Time is the best medicine, no? :)

I just can't wait for the last paper and Langkawi trip (well, if things gets better. I hope so) and and and, the long awaited trip to Johor. Owh~ Its going to be the first time I'm meeting my nephew.... Ah~ *happy*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


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