Thursday 31 May 2012

Something about: Lovers.

Something is completely off with me lately. Watching too many Korean dramas probably had finally showing off some effect to my mind. Haha.

Someone had actually introduce this song to me, from Jung Yong Hwa. "For The First Time Lovers // Banmal Song".

"For The First Time Lovers"

And I must say that I really, really had fall in love! With this song, of course! :') The lyrics are so nice to ears that I could just smile all the way as I listen to the song. Banmal (반말) or simply acknowledge as crude language, means that dropping the honorific in conversations. The opposite of Keigo (敬語) which simply acknowledge as "respectful language" in Japan. 

Both in Japan and Korea, they had their own way of engaging in conversations, which varies in many ways  (and levels) such as how close between the people is, or differentiate by age, too. Such as in Japan, I remember that it actually considered quite rude to not using Keigo when talking to a people that you barely knew.

Thus, I could actually says that I really loves the way Jung Yong Hwa actually arrange this song. Conveying such feeling to talk in Banmal as you grew closer to each other, knowing more about each other, had really makes this song special in its own way. 

I could actually listen to Korean's music (surprise surprise! LOL!).

Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Jung Yong Hwa - For The First Time Lovers

Friday 25 May 2012

Something about: Annoyed.

Click to enlarge. 

As you can see, my twitter account currently is suspended. I completely had no idea what happened, and it irks me sooo much. More than 24-hours without twitter? I think I'm dying. And I hadn't decided yet about I should or should not stop subscribing twitter on my phone. 

As you can see, I'm not an android user, not have iPhone nor Blackberry, so I tweeting via mobile subscription which cost me some money over certain period of time. Devastated, and annoyed at the same time. Had already referring this problem to twitter support, TWICE, but getting the same result, still. I believe I had enough reason to be angry about this. 

Because let's face this - my twitter account is not having twitter block, it's freaking suspended. And it's freakingly annoying to me. 


Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ KAT-TUN - Our Story~Prologue~

Thursday 24 May 2012

Something about: 3 Weeks Holiday.

warning: fangirl ahead. 

Yeah. Holiday that doesn't really feels like holiday. 3 weeks and 1 day to be exact. LOL. Well, I better use it fully before coming back to Arau.

First thing first - I had finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, all 64-episodes of it. "まえ へ すすめ。。。 // mae he susume" literally translated as "keep on moving forward" is the phrase that used a lot in the anime. It makes me feel happy, and reminded how harsh this world is, giving up is not an option. It's a sign that you're not human once you giving up. It makes me feels  "げんき // genki" all over again.

Second thing - I had also finished watching all 11-episodes of Ouran High School Host Club [drama version]. What a happy otaku I am, since I loves the anime too much, too! The drama version seems to have quite a lot of things changed, but it gives out new and surprised feeling.
Yamamoto Yusuke as Suou Tamaki, personally I never thought that he could pull it off. But gladly, he did it! I'm sooooo in love with Suou Tamaki! :'3 It is because I think he seems a little bit too "hard" to be Tamaki. His body, I mean.
Kawaguchi Haruna as Fujioka Haruhi; I really don't even know how to comment about this girl. Since Haruhi's character is very emotion-less, she did a great job. By being emotion-less, I mean. I'm not even make any sense here, right? -___-;
Next, Takagi Shinpei and Takagi Manpei as Hitachiin Hikaru and Hitachiin Kaoru. This is the first time I ever watch their acting and they're quite okay, I guess. But still, they're lacking the Hitachiin Brothers' craziness. I don't even know how [they're real-life twins but... Hitachiin Brothers' is really crazy in the anime]...
Daito Shunsuke as Ootori Kyouya. I really loves the way he act as Kyouya. I think he is the only one that did manage to pull off the character the best. The way he moves, the way he speaks, and all~ I really loves this Kyouyaaaaa~~~!!! :'3 And the part where he shows emotion when he jump to save Haruhi? - LOVELY! 
Chiba Yudai as Haninozuka Mitsukuni @ Honey-senpai. I love Honey-senpai but this guy lacks the fluffiness, maybe? He looks cute but not cute enough to be Honey-senpai... This is quite disappointing to me because I really really really love Honey-senpai... :'( Well, I believe that Tegoshi Yuya would look better in Haninozuka character because he manage to pull it off being Toyama Yukinojo in Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Nakamura Masaya as Morinozuka Takashi. This character is another disappointing character to me. Because Takashi naturally is emotionless but Masaya somehow looking like a guy that full of emotion in the drama. I'm a sad sad girl. :'( But I think I could understand why he is picked to be Morinozuka Takashi - because of his height. 192cm - is he even a human? I mean - he IS taller than Shirota Yuu and anyone that taller than him is too tall because Shirota himself is soooooo tall. 
A big twist to me is Nekozawa Umehito's character somehow among the main characters. Played by Ryusei Ryo, I think that this guy is too sparkling [perhaps] to play Nekozawa-senpai. Because this character supposedly giving out "dark aura" but in the drama, I just think it is not "dark" enough.
Yeah, I love commenting dramas after I watched it. So please bear with this habit of mine. :')

Third thing - last Monday, my friends and I had painted the town red. So what? I live in Kuala Selangor and here we have:

  • bowling center
  • game center + karaoke 
  • cinema (HBO, if I correct)
  • Pantai Remis
  • Bukit Melawati

Trust me. This place is not as kampung as people believe. In fact, this place is more "town" than Arau. LOL. Here we have McD, even! Arau adeee??? XD

Fourth thing - visiting and meeting as many family members that I could. This weekend, one of my cousin will have her engagement ceremony at Putrajaya, inshaAllah. I hope that I could meet as many people as possible. :')

Right now, I'm on the way finishing Dream High [the first season]. Hope that I'll finish it before this week ends. :')

Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Dygta feat Ira - Cintamu

Sesuatu tentang: Memori Lampau.

Melihat kenangan lampau.
Senyuman dan tangisan lalu.
Gembira kini, mampu tersenyum.

Dygta feat Ira

Yang kurasa walau tak terucap,
Semakin dalam
Yang terukir di batas cintaku,

Tak pernah kumencoba,
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu
Kuingin selalu dalam,

Dan tiada yang kan memisahkan,
Yang terlintas, terbias matamu
Selama ini

Adakah di hatimu,
Terbesit satu harapan untukku
Tuk berjanji selamanya kan selalu milikku

Satu cinta,
Tak pernah kumencoba,
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu
Kuingin selalu dalam,

Tak pernah kumencoba,
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu
Kuingin selalu dalam,

Saja suka-suka nak kongsi lagu ni. Sangat best, silalah dengar! Walaupun lagu ni dah berzaman sebenarnya, tapi di antara lagu yang senang meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam. :')

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Dygta feat Ira - Cintamu

Friday 18 May 2012

Something about: School.

Today's twitter is full of #schoolmemories which actually, do makes me miss being a student. Though if you know me, I'm quite a depress girl. Well, I still am. 

But that doesn't mean I miss less school than others. 

I'll face the last paper for this intersession and flee back home the very night. Will be a tiring journey, but I hope I'll manage to put everything through. :')

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Tangga - Utuh

Sunday 13 May 2012

Something about: Everything needed.

I remembered of those moment when someone said to me, "do whatever it take for you to be happy, for you to heal" and I can't help but feeling guilty when right now, I'm letting myself swallowed by pain. 

Some people asked, what's the point of me keeping on with this blog? - The answer is simple, I'm trying to be a better person. I do occasionally read back my posts from way long ago, and realized how much had I change. Certain part change to the better, and some - it's not a pretty story to tell.  But one thing for sure is, I do change. 

Looking through my playlist, I'm stuck with this song from quite some time ago. Quite a fan of Tangga, this song really makes me feel something inside without I could put out my real feeling is.

Ahh. But somehow I kinda happy with how things were right now. :')

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Tangga - Cinta Begini

Sunday 6 May 2012

"everything will be more beautiful when we're being positive. :3"

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Something about: Meet the Baby.

When I write baby, I literally mean a new baby. To me, at least. 

It means NO, my sister had not deliver yet. She's due somewhere around June, which I still hopes that I'm still at home during that time. 

I mean that tadahhhhhh~!!! Meet MY new baby (which is not-so-new by now, actually). LOL. 

ROAD KING. How 'bout that? :'P

*pictures in bad quality since it was taken right after rain had stopped*

This post is mainly pointless. I think I just had the urge to brag about it. Pointless, still. 

Truth is, this month is not-so-great to me. Meet few people that just annoys the hell outta me -which is so not fun because I failed to be positive around them- and few things here and there. But but but. At least let me brag (again) about my MUET (since it is the only thing that didn't let me down) BECAUSE I GOT BAND 4. Alhamdulillah and YEAY~~~! Well... It just proved (once again) that my only talent is language and words. WORDSSS. I don't even know if it is a good thing or not. Really. 

I was thinking about changing my course once I further into first degree (inshaAllah, under HIS will) but I am still thinking about it. 

Next, one of my cousin had finally in India now. :'( Sobsob. Take care youuuuu. I know that first few weeks is the hardest (just look at me during semester 1, all crybaby and whatnot) and I know that he is stronger but but but I can't help but worried about him, actually. I think I'm blabbering like someone mother or something but stillll... This year will be one of the loneliest Raya to me because he is not here. Who else gonna feed me with ohsem movies and games after this ahhhh? Sobsobs.

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ KAT-TUN - Hodoukyou