Thursday 31 May 2012

Something about: Lovers.

Something is completely off with me lately. Watching too many Korean dramas probably had finally showing off some effect to my mind. Haha.

Someone had actually introduce this song to me, from Jung Yong Hwa. "For The First Time Lovers // Banmal Song".

"For The First Time Lovers"

And I must say that I really, really had fall in love! With this song, of course! :') The lyrics are so nice to ears that I could just smile all the way as I listen to the song. Banmal (반말) or simply acknowledge as crude language, means that dropping the honorific in conversations. The opposite of Keigo (敬語) which simply acknowledge as "respectful language" in Japan. 

Both in Japan and Korea, they had their own way of engaging in conversations, which varies in many ways  (and levels) such as how close between the people is, or differentiate by age, too. Such as in Japan, I remember that it actually considered quite rude to not using Keigo when talking to a people that you barely knew.

Thus, I could actually says that I really loves the way Jung Yong Hwa actually arrange this song. Conveying such feeling to talk in Banmal as you grew closer to each other, knowing more about each other, had really makes this song special in its own way. 

I could actually listen to Korean's music (surprise surprise! LOL!).

Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Jung Yong Hwa - For The First Time Lovers

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