Thursday 24 May 2012

Something about: 3 Weeks Holiday.

warning: fangirl ahead. 

Yeah. Holiday that doesn't really feels like holiday. 3 weeks and 1 day to be exact. LOL. Well, I better use it fully before coming back to Arau.

First thing first - I had finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, all 64-episodes of it. "まえ へ すすめ。。。 // mae he susume" literally translated as "keep on moving forward" is the phrase that used a lot in the anime. It makes me feel happy, and reminded how harsh this world is, giving up is not an option. It's a sign that you're not human once you giving up. It makes me feels  "げんき // genki" all over again.

Second thing - I had also finished watching all 11-episodes of Ouran High School Host Club [drama version]. What a happy otaku I am, since I loves the anime too much, too! The drama version seems to have quite a lot of things changed, but it gives out new and surprised feeling.
Yamamoto Yusuke as Suou Tamaki, personally I never thought that he could pull it off. But gladly, he did it! I'm sooooo in love with Suou Tamaki! :'3 It is because I think he seems a little bit too "hard" to be Tamaki. His body, I mean.
Kawaguchi Haruna as Fujioka Haruhi; I really don't even know how to comment about this girl. Since Haruhi's character is very emotion-less, she did a great job. By being emotion-less, I mean. I'm not even make any sense here, right? -___-;
Next, Takagi Shinpei and Takagi Manpei as Hitachiin Hikaru and Hitachiin Kaoru. This is the first time I ever watch their acting and they're quite okay, I guess. But still, they're lacking the Hitachiin Brothers' craziness. I don't even know how [they're real-life twins but... Hitachiin Brothers' is really crazy in the anime]...
Daito Shunsuke as Ootori Kyouya. I really loves the way he act as Kyouya. I think he is the only one that did manage to pull off the character the best. The way he moves, the way he speaks, and all~ I really loves this Kyouyaaaaa~~~!!! :'3 And the part where he shows emotion when he jump to save Haruhi? - LOVELY! 
Chiba Yudai as Haninozuka Mitsukuni @ Honey-senpai. I love Honey-senpai but this guy lacks the fluffiness, maybe? He looks cute but not cute enough to be Honey-senpai... This is quite disappointing to me because I really really really love Honey-senpai... :'( Well, I believe that Tegoshi Yuya would look better in Haninozuka character because he manage to pull it off being Toyama Yukinojo in Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Nakamura Masaya as Morinozuka Takashi. This character is another disappointing character to me. Because Takashi naturally is emotionless but Masaya somehow looking like a guy that full of emotion in the drama. I'm a sad sad girl. :'( But I think I could understand why he is picked to be Morinozuka Takashi - because of his height. 192cm - is he even a human? I mean - he IS taller than Shirota Yuu and anyone that taller than him is too tall because Shirota himself is soooooo tall. 
A big twist to me is Nekozawa Umehito's character somehow among the main characters. Played by Ryusei Ryo, I think that this guy is too sparkling [perhaps] to play Nekozawa-senpai. Because this character supposedly giving out "dark aura" but in the drama, I just think it is not "dark" enough.
Yeah, I love commenting dramas after I watched it. So please bear with this habit of mine. :')

Third thing - last Monday, my friends and I had painted the town red. So what? I live in Kuala Selangor and here we have:

  • bowling center
  • game center + karaoke 
  • cinema (HBO, if I correct)
  • Pantai Remis
  • Bukit Melawati

Trust me. This place is not as kampung as people believe. In fact, this place is more "town" than Arau. LOL. Here we have McD, even! Arau adeee??? XD

Fourth thing - visiting and meeting as many family members that I could. This weekend, one of my cousin will have her engagement ceremony at Putrajaya, inshaAllah. I hope that I could meet as many people as possible. :')

Right now, I'm on the way finishing Dream High [the first season]. Hope that I'll finish it before this week ends. :')

Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Dygta feat Ira - Cintamu


  1. nabila macam biasa, dengan crite jepun xabes (:

  2. eh eh~ haruslah~ :) fara cuti ni buat ape je?

  3. aku dah nak balik arau dah bhai~ dah bosan dgn cuti . puii!

  4. untunglah jadi abang OC. :'P thanks untuk hitam berjalur tu. inshaAllah aku pakai dengan jubah, ye? weh~ twitter account aku kene suspended. guano? tau tak camne nak betulkan?

  5. paham jugak kau hitam berjalur natang pew. chill2 la.. baju kurung sudah.. jgn nak vogue sgt. tp kalau nak pun, apa salahnya. masa utk kau berpindah ke fb balik. mauahahahah!

    1. kihkihkih~ :) lambat pickup lah. aku maksudkan time aku pakai dengan jubah aku pakai lah dia. nak pakai dengan baju kurung macam kurang sesuai, kot? :P

      pindah fb? aku rase better aku menggila kat blog je lah yee. -___-; fb macam takde orang dah. sunyi jeee
