Tuesday 1 May 2012

Something about: Meet the Baby.

When I write baby, I literally mean a new baby. To me, at least. 

It means NO, my sister had not deliver yet. She's due somewhere around June, which I still hopes that I'm still at home during that time. 

I mean that tadahhhhhh~!!! Meet MY new baby (which is not-so-new by now, actually). LOL. 

ROAD KING. How 'bout that? :'P

*pictures in bad quality since it was taken right after rain had stopped*

This post is mainly pointless. I think I just had the urge to brag about it. Pointless, still. 

Truth is, this month is not-so-great to me. Meet few people that just annoys the hell outta me -which is so not fun because I failed to be positive around them- and few things here and there. But but but. At least let me brag (again) about my MUET (since it is the only thing that didn't let me down) BECAUSE I GOT BAND 4. Alhamdulillah and YEAY~~~! Well... It just proved (once again) that my only talent is language and words. WORDSSS. I don't even know if it is a good thing or not. Really. 

I was thinking about changing my course once I further into first degree (inshaAllah, under HIS will) but I am still thinking about it. 

Next, one of my cousin had finally in India now. :'( Sobsob. Take care youuuuu. I know that first few weeks is the hardest (just look at me during semester 1, all crybaby and whatnot) and I know that he is stronger but but but I can't help but worried about him, actually. I think I'm blabbering like someone mother or something but stillll... This year will be one of the loneliest Raya to me because he is not here. Who else gonna feed me with ohsem movies and games after this ahhhh? Sobsobs.

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ KAT-TUN - Hodoukyou

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