Friday 27 May 2011

Something about: the feel of love.

“So, how’s it going?” Maria closes the book in her hand upon the arrival of Sara. She guessed that her date was splendid, and she’s right about it.

“It’s great. I mean – it’s beyond great. It’s magnificent! He’s being a great gentleman, and all. Well, he even introduces me as his girlfriend to his friends. Well, we first went for a movie before head to late lunch, and that’s where we accidentally meet a group of his friends. At first I thought that he’ll pull me away, but instead, we kinda hangout with the other too. We even join them for a game of bowling. Well, you know, not many guys will introduce their girlfriend to their friends but, he – he’s so different from the other guys that I had met before.” Sara keep on rambling incoherently that night, and Maria being a good friend as she is, keep on listening to Sara about her date.

Really, Maria is happy that Sara met Zachary, a great guy in her opinion, even. But she can’t help but feel a little worried for she did know the guy personally. Still, she is happy for Sara.

“Hey girl…” Maria holds Sara’s hand, trying to get her into proper conversation rather than this one-way and incoherent talk between them. “Did you think its okay for me to, let say, meet him?”

“Maria… Zachary is not a bad guy.” Sara says with her brows knitted together.

“Says who he’s a bad guy? I just want to meet him, get to know him a little. Plus, until when you’re going to keep him for yourself? You need to let him meet your friends too, right?” Maria put up her hand before Sara could cut her, “And I just need to get to know him by myself. You know, every girl needs a protective friend that will beat the guy who hurt their friend.”

Sara sighs. Maria grins, ear-to-ear as she knows she win when Sara put a small smile on her face.

“I’ll try to arrange something, okay?” Sara says, defeated.


So today is the day.

Maria tries her best to look presentable while Sara just can’t stop fidgeting since early in the morning, fussing over small things and changing her clothes few times just because it’s inappropriate.

“Too revealing” “Too boring” “Too colourful” “Don’t you think that I’m going to funeral with this” and many more comments from Sara, ended up she change her clothes for five time. Maria just chuckles from aside.

Both Sara and Maria arrived fifteen minutes earlier than the promised time, but much to their surprise, Zachary is already been there, waiting for them.


To sum it all, their small gathering was fun. And Zachary, oh Zachary, he really is a great guy, just like Sara had boast about him. To Maria too, he could see how sincere Zachary is towards Sara and as a good friend she is, she’s happy for her.

Zachary is a very great guy. He really is. Having the looks and status and intelligent and a very great gentleman and list just goes on and on.

There are few other times when Maria follows Sara to her date with Zachary, but Maria try her best to minimize it, much to Sara’s dismay, but she can’t help it. She need to keep their meeting as little and as short as possible, because she knows that she is in love with Zachary, and the feelings just grows and she’s helpless about it.

Maria falls in love. Oh. And she falls hard.


So, what it feel like when you’re at Maria’s place? Did you think she’s a bad person, just because she falls in love with her bestfriend’s-boyfriend?

In my own opinion, there’s nothing wrong with such feeling to present in one’s self. It will be right or wrong based on what she did later on. There are people that let go such feeling because they aren’t greedy enough to have it. And then, there are also people that too stubborn, keep on holding despite things just go wrong because of the person’s action.

I laugh when I realized that there are not many use in looking things at 360º, because that means you’ll set your foot back at the beginning. Funny much? I can’t help but agree. *sigh*

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! :D

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Sheila Majid - Dia

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