Monday 9 May 2011

Something about: self-healing.

#this post is full of incoherent-ness. you've warned enough, I guess?#

Running from things for a little while. Feeling much better right now, alhamdulillah. :D Thanks a lot to some friends that just be there for me. You all don't know how much it means to me, darls.

Truthfully, I don't know what to write at this moment. I'm just having my moment,... I guess?

希望. Hope.
This world is full of hope. Read somewhere the phrase "don't think, just feel" and I just want to do just so. Just feel and embrace everything that come to me without think too much of why it happens that way.

I did quite a lot of reading these last few days. I think a lot, too. It kinda sad that I chickened out in the end, that what I plan thoroughly didn't happen for real. It makes me a little bit depressing, but then, I'll live. I just hope that I'll have enough courage to speak out the truth. Because one thing that I hate to feel the most would be regret. Because regret brings nothing good with it.

"Life is an endless waltz. You meet and dance with different people, but will meet the same person again."

Well, your choice. To me, from this quote, stop waltzing means to die. Well... Would you? ;)

Had done almost nothing throughout the break, up until now. Well, other than fatten myself up, again. *sigh* Buy hey, two weeks back in Arau and I'll lose all those excessive fat again, too! So, no worries for me. Haha!

Will cook for my mother *only* this evening, for dinner. Haha. The supposedly Mother's Day gift from me. It should be done yesterday, but few things come out. That is wedding invitations. I go to none. Haha. Too tired as I did attend one at Perak last Saturday.

And listening to this song, it just makes me think of the good old time, all over again. A song with so many emotions inside it that makes me think how time passed and how human changes. How strangers become friends, and how friends become strangers, again. Weird, but looking at how things were right now... Hmm...

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! :D

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Akanishi Jin - care
ps: my english had worsen. agree? *sigh*

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