Wednesday 11 May 2011

Something about: Girls.

Last Thursday, the girls, Ellyana and Farhanah came to my house. We have girly talk for hours, from 10 am until 3-something-pm. I do miss them so much.

And Farhanah sent me an sms few hours ago, and I do try my best to not cry over it. Because somehow, its breaking my heart a little. "We won't realize of what we do have until it's a little too late," is what I want to reply to her. But I hadn't had any courage to do so. I miss her, Ellyana, Nada, and Maisarah, so very much. I do hope that we could all gather together and just talk and talk until we had no topic left and laugh to each other and being silly to each other and just be what we are from before. It wasn't that I regret I'm growing up, or that I regret I need to separated from them, it just...won't it be easier if we're located more near to each other, and just be ourselves all over again.

I miss each and every single one of them! I really do.

Farhanah and Ellyana said that I'm crazy. I really do, I guess! Haha. Farhanah talk about once she asks me, if there's only one thing that someone willing to grant, what would that be? Can you guess my answer at that time? I answered "I want another ten wishes! Because one wish won't be enough for me! I'm a human, and I'm as greedy as that!" There~ Can you believe how crazy I was back then, with them?

Ellyana reminds me of one trick that I teach the girls, when the need arise. Such trick should only be discussed among girls, ONLY. And she said that she had done it few times. Once during she work and someone (a guy) tried to annoy her or something like that, and then she did it again to one of her besties at Melaka. Because that guy annoys her. Haha. :D

Both of them asks me, how could I come out with such crazy ideas? Well, I DON'T KNOW. I'm just as crazy as that, I guess? XD

Last few times I talk to Nada, she says that I should pity her. Because when my mood aren't that good, I always throw it out to her. This habit is still within me until now. I'm not that good coping with my feelings, and when things happen to be too much for me to handle, I tend to let it out to anyone happens to be around me. So yeah, be careful. Cause there's a time bomb within me! :D

And then, there's also Maisarah. The only girl that not in the same class as we. But we have things in common. The biggest one? Our crazy over j-dorama. She drew in and out at times, but we really do have good times together. I kinda miss the phase when she is head over heel to Nishikido Ryo. Ah~ What a memory.

And I'm a big teaser, too. Just so you know. Once, Amalina is the victim, and she had it hard. Normally during early morning, my body temperature is quite high. When we shake hand, she asks me, "why you're so hot?" Annnndddddd guess what I reply to her? "Because I am hot?" HAHAHAHAAA. Somehow, it become my very own trademark after that when people asks me why I'm hot. Well, what to say? I'm as epic as that! :D

I miss those good old times. I really do!

I guess that this song justify my feelings towards them.

"消えない この 絆" - This bond, won't ever cease
Kizuna by Kamenashi Kazuya

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Kamenashi Kazuya - Kizuna

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