Tuesday 28 June 2011

Something about: a real update.

Lately, life is so harsh to me that I did not manage to update more than few sentences. In short, super duper short updates only appears from me. Haha. 

Some people been asking, how is it like to be like me. I mean, being a busybody like me. [yeah, if you catch the double-meaning phrase there. ;)] It is tiring, like, damn tiring, but it is fun. You get lots of experiences working with different people, and you get to know lots of people AND their characteristics. Lots of people and lots of characteristics. Its like, gaining new things as time passed rather than stuck in the same thing for long span of time.

But then, of course there's ups and downs being me. You need to control your emotion, your feelings. Sometimes, you even need to hide your own feeling and show to the world that you're completely okay despite you're not okay. Showing others that you're happy despite you're sad. Well, to some people it is being a hypocrite, but of course you can't show you're very own colours and emotion to just, ... well, ... everybody? Right? Well, please do correct me if I'm wrong here, but I guess lots of people is behaving this way. We just, tend to open up more to people that we more used to rather than the people that come-and-go in our life. Get it? Hmm.

In our business communication class earlier today, we went through a debate. Our class separate into two teams and we debating about social network and the quality of works. A very interesting debate, indeed. Apart of me thinks about responsibility. Someone bring along the part of how 'clean' our salary is because we were paid to work and not social networking in work. I do agree of that. Being raised in a family like mine, I've been reminded how important it is our will as we do works, no matter what it is. Especially being a worker, as the money we gain will become apart of our body, be in our blood and flesh and it is important to come from good sources. Not only the food we ate, but also the sources of the money. [okay, ini bukan ceramah agama, jadi kita skip je lah.]

Next. For some unknown reason, I do hope that things will be better than it is right now. I just don't know how to cope with the awkwardness and not-caring-ness between me and certain someone. It just that, past is past. I do apologize for behaving immaturely at times, but somehow, we need to learn to let things go. I do hope that it will be true. :'(

The classes lately is quite fun. I guess. Other than cracking our brain for the BEL360's term paper. I mean, the researching makes me crazy, I tell you. It drains me out so much. And the not-so-helping textbook is kinda cool, too. *sarcasm* You know, with so many wrongly formatted things given to us, what did they actually expect we gain from it actually, eh? -,-"

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Teshima Aoi - The Rose

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