Thursday 5 January 2012

HF; Façade

You keep on holding the pain that seeping through your body. Pretending that nothing was wrong despite truthfully, everything was. You keep on with the thought that if you believe that the pain weren’t there, you won’t feel the pain.

You whimper once, the pain is barely bearable. The pain inside was like a needle; a long needle that poking your body from inside. You feel the pain, the clench and unclench of it inside of you.

You look in front of you and you see red. Blood. You think that somewhere, someone might be able to stop it. But you know that no one could stop the pain, truth be told. You just knew, there’s no justification of such thought – but you just knew.

So you smile, stand strong and tall.

At least you know when you’re feeling the pain; it proves that you’re alive.

And you can’t help but laugh at such sickening thought invading your mind.

It’s okay, you think. Putting on façade and everything will be okay; will be fine.

So you smile.

ps; dear dear, please get a haircut. and stop the perm-thing. the normal wave is okay, but the curly hair must go away. and please smile more. sincerely, your sweetie pie. ♥

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