Monday 4 April 2011

Something about: Happy! =D

Some things happened today that makes me happy. =) Or maybe I'm just hyped up after coming back from home! XD I won't write in details. Well, just because. =P

Okay, so the boys new hobby is making me laugh because according to them, seeing me laugh makes them wanna laugh together. LOL boys, very funny. =,=" But truthfully, I do enjoy each and every moment I spend with my friends. Because they will be the one that scold me and correct my wrong doing, accept me as what I am, and be there in almost every occasion. To sum it up, they just will be there for me. :) It makes me happy being accepted as what I am. And, they treat me like I'm their lil' sister, too! I like being pampered and cared in such a way. This make me remember about something happened last month. One thing for sure, you could be anybody, like I care who you are, but once you hurt my friends, THAT'S IT. You will get some from me. Believe me. Because I do get protective at times, if it involving people that I care. XD Last semester too, one boy almost knock using a chair by me for insulting one of my besties. He's lucky that there's many people holding me from doing so. Erm. I act like mafia at times, no? LOL.

So, after this, things going on back to back. Assignments, presentations, reports, tests, quizzes, theater and the things connected with it, ALL lined up, waiting for me. *sigh* I know its a lot, I mean, like A LOT,  by hey, that's the life as a student is all about. Plus, being free and doing nothing all the times is boring! ;)

Am trying my best to look everything at the bright side. Its not easy, obviously, but I'm trying my best too! :)

Tomorrow, there's a test. Micro-E. All the best for me, yeah? ;)

Anyway, enjoy the song from Mizz Nina featuring Noh Hujan, Kurnia. I like this song best for the lyrics. While the music was kinda soothing, too. :)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Mizz Nina feat Noh Hujan - Kurnia

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