Wednesday 6 April 2011

Something about: true fact!

Oxygen is a whore. Because it reacts with almost everything. LOL. Okay, this is what will happen when you are a girl and you befriended with too many guys. Damn funny, minus the pervert thought in it. XD

Last few days, as we learn of oligopoly's demand curve, it is refers as kinky. And my mind is running around into something that, uhm, not-so-appropriate? It is not not my fault as the the word kinky as I know is something like the caps under. -,-"

See? That is sooooo not my fault for wandering around that what the graph means by. LOL. This is so Kamenashi-sama's fault. Let just say someone decided to refresh my thought of him and the images that popping out in my mind is, erm, yes, the Lamdash's campaign. -,-"

Next, I did gain weight. Not one or two kilos, but FOUR kilos overall. It might be because of the changing of my eating schedule. I eat dinner more late than usual lately. And I eat a lot for breakfast too. Hormone changing, perhaps? By now I am 48 kilos and I think I should reduce the amount a little. :/ Diet? No way. Just, no food after 8. That's it! :D

As I write write few posts back, I did try to donate blood yesterday. And I fail as the blood pressure is too low. Refuse to think much of it, but there are hole in my middle finger, the place that they poke to check my blood. -,-" I mean...a tiny hole in my middle finger. And, it hurts. It kinda swollen a little and I don't know why. ADSFDSGFDHJHLKJ.... *incoherent*

Dream of someone last night. K. He is like, the past that won't stop haunt my life. IDEK. This feels weird. :/

Earlier, once again, I locked outside my room. Luckily there's a friend that could help me to get a masterkey from the college worker and I'm saved. But, I'm late almost 10 minutes to class. -,-"

Last night, I sleep late. Like, real late. Because I need to fill more than 50 questionnaire. That took me around 2 hours++. But I'm done with it, so I'm happy. And relieved. :)

But, the works is not done yet. There's assignment for BEL260 and ECO160 that due by this week. And tomorrow is the day we need to present for our MKT234. And then, there's also two paperwork for next semester's activity under Kelab Kebudayaan Taming Sari that I need to finish and submit by next Monday. *died*

With all the works piled up, I might not be able to enjoy as much as I could before. Plus, the pamphlet and the poster for the theater is not finish yet. For this, let just say that it is hard when I need to repeat myself again and again. I had done my part and put my best in it. If there's anyone who want to comment and condemn my work, like I care. I'm too tired to care for anyone anymore right now. :P It is even annoying when I sees people who take responsibility easily. Lets hope that I do look like 40's rather than 60's that day. 

Will be doing laundry after this. Before busying myself with the slides. And the paperwork. And other things that need my concern.

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! :D

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ flumpool - Haru Kaze

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