Wednesday 13 April 2011

Something about: Love.

First thing first, this post is pointless. Read at your own risks. :P




Is there any differences?

Someone said to me:
Love is when, … we appreciate others more than ourselves.

Truthfully, I don’t know how true it is. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. But by now, I’m nobody to judge it. ;)

Lately, there are so many things invading my mind that I’m afraid I’ll be the one that hurt later on. I really am afraid. The need to face so many people from so many places just scared me so much! No matter how many times do I remind myself that if I didn’t face through this now, it’ll be much more complicated later on, but sometimes I really, really wish to disappear and never come back ever again!

Lately too, I come out to realization of how much people who pretend around me. No harsh feelings, but I guess it is not a good thing that I kinda get use to it too, right? *sigh* The only thing that I need to do, just finish off my things and care not less of others.

Some of people must wondering, how is it like to be me? The me that not-so-likeable - hateable even, the me that care less of what others might says of me, the me that most of the time alone, the simple me that wears whatever I want, etc etc. It kinda shock to me for being asked such question – how is it like to be me? – but hey, why not I just ramble around of this question? XD Haha.

It feels disappointing at times, when people misunderstand you. Well, a true fact of me, I’m easily misunderstood by others. IDEK why. Maybe it’s because of my attitude, or words thrown by me. To sum it all, I’m misunderstood-able. Haha. XD

And then, I’m also a very simple person. Sometimes too simple that people can’t understand my logic and perspectives. But the good part is, I can't didn't pretend. I am me and this is the real me. At times I might me bitchy, but hey! I’m straight and no one could deny it. I remember one of my best-est friends did tell me that my true emotion could be seen at my face, my eyes. Well, unless you’re too blind to not seeing it. ;)

I didn’t sulk easily too. IDEK why. I might get angry, and sulk and bla bla bla, but that won’t be for long. And it is rare for it to happen. Unless the mood swing is on the run. I’m still a human! Haha.

The bad side of me is that I say things without cares of others, sometimes. Some call it honesty but some call it mean. Just, mean. I know I am a bit mean, but I do believe that being honest, no matter how truth hurts, is better than sweet lies. I still do. :D

Too many things come across me lately, at the short span of time. And I need to breathe. Dear Saturday, please come as soon as possible? *sigh*

Kadang-kadang orang tak sedar, bukan wang yang jadi ukuran,
tapi kredibiliti sebenarnya yang menjadi persoalan!


And last but not least…

At this moment, love, at this moment, to me is:
亀梨 和也。

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Son by Four - Purest of Pain

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