Tuesday 5 April 2011

Something about: life is not easy.

Feeling a little bit helpless after seeing a mate's blog. I mean, she is someone that I care, A LOT, but I never get the courage to show it to her without looking so gay. She made me worried of her right now, as her life is just turning upside down for awhile by now. Oh, how I hope that I could be beside her and just give her a warm hug, or a helping hand so that she could cope up with her life. Well, dear, life is not easy, but hey, there's always silver lining over things that happen, please remember that, okay?

Next, Micro-E's test is just hours away, and I had covered only some of the topic. I know I shouldn't take things easily, but hey, its Micro-E! Its like, super duper boring subject to read. The thing that you should do to learn this subject is just stay focus in class, and InsyaAllah, things will be easy for you. ;) Plus, I'm a little bit tired of running around before this. XD

Oh. I tried to donate some blood, but my blood pressure is too low. So yeah, maybe later. ;)

I was reading something as I write this. And and and. I just wanna laugh. XD I mean. Okay, fineeee. Do whatever you want to do, or even think as you wish. LIKE HELL I CARE. Bare that in your mind, please. XD

Okay. I miss someone. Like. A guy. Though I know we won't evolve more than friends. One of my besties asks, 'why not?' and that is a big question for me to answer. I mean. Not now. Too many things need my attention and lets just says that guy is not my top priority at the moment? Something along that. XD

And yeah, Update about Z. I heard that your mom let you drive to college? Okay. I am so damn jealous of that, can? :P But please, take care, okay? ;) I do miss you. I know you knew it. But I just have the feeling that I should express it myself. XD

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Ella featuring Spider - Dunia Batinku

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