Tuesday 15 December 2009

Something about: because I'm such a fan-girl

and should always stay as it,...? XDD

Anyway, Best Artist 2009 just passed around one hour ago[I think...] and haha~ Clips~~~ :)

Yes, KAT-TUN since I'm biased~ Not surprising though, that most of their fans is girlsss~ The pie chart really had me burst to laugh~ :DD And and and~ Shuuji to Akira~!!! Urgh~ Gotta love Kame's "Akira?" and YamaPi's "Shuuji?"~!!! I'm a total fangirl~! ^.^" And it was so amazing when you realized that they still could dance the steps almost perfectly despites years had passed, no? :D

But this year's was quite disappointing for me... The sounds system, the chorus, the mic, etc~ We could barely listen to Nakamaru's voice, Takana's and Taguchi's voice overlapping one another, with Kamenashi's and Akanishi's too, and Ueda's mic... WTF was wrong with his mic? His voice goes up and down suddenly~!!! AGAGAGA~~~ And Kamenashi, poor you, he need to control his voice and the mic so that the other's vocal could be heard too~ *dies* And and and, the chorus's voice sometime louder than the singer's voice~!!! I'm too disappointed of this year's Best Artist! :((

*runs to watch TOKIO's*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


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