Friday 11 December 2009

Something about: finally free...

*double sigh* finally, I'm free from books(by now laaa~) and I could internet-ing till as late as I want without anyone actually care~ Woahahaa~ XDD

But now, I feel like I want to cry, but I can't cry... I was watching Gokusen 3 Graduation Special (you could download it here~) and I suddenly felt the pang in my heart the the fact I won't see my friends until we take the result or there's even possibilities that I won't met them anymore at all hit me. All these while, I'm just taking it as a normal things, people met and people part, it's what human do, but when I actually thinks about it, I just realized that it hurts me.

I realized lately that I had problem with how to express my feeling. Sometime, I was so angry, but I could only cry cause I don't know how to show my anger. My feeling pent up and I am so frustrated to myself. Is it so hard to yell at people when you're angry?

And I realized that even when the exam aren't yet to finish(a few days ago), I could see how some of my friends had already change. Some of them had already started job hunting and some of them just...distant themself for reasons that I don't even know and I realized that how much they look more and more like an adult. Somehow, I felt scared of this feeling.

My mother had started to nag about what I want to do during these three month span of time, durh~ I don't really want to work, but~ *sigh* I might need to, but that what I will think about later. Obviously, not now~ I still want to enjoy myslef in front of my baby pc first~

Ah~ there's three drama waiting to be finished~ *sigh* Well, at least there's thing that I need to do~

First, drama that I stop half-way: KAMI NO SHIZUKU~ (detail more on dramawiki) [I just don't seem to understand why they put the rating based on Kanto region only, durh~ XP]

Second: RESCUE. Owh, yeshhhhh~ I think this was based on a manga that I once read inside kreko, but I totally forgotten the title of the manga~ -.-" BUT, seeing Super Ranger in orange uniform rescuing, I'm interested to watch it~

Third: Koishite Akuma [I feel in love with the devil, I believe it will be like that of you translated literally...] I'm interested with this drama since it's not a love story which sometime too sappy for me to watch and I read some comments about it could be categorized as horror drama, so I'M IN!!! Plus, there's Kato Rosa too~ XDD She looks soooo young despite her real age, no? *am biased*

I think I'm having PMS though the fact that my monthly period is waaaayyyyy too long~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(^.^) p/s: I'm going out tomorrow. This is the first time I actually going places with my friends, so I'm a bit nervous since I'm just clueless about outings~ XD

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