Sunday 31 July 2011

Something about: cheering the feelings.

Few days ago, I did write a quote as my status on my facebook.
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It is just, you decided to look beyond imperfections."
There are reasons of why I did post it as my status, but the most important thing is, I want to cheer myself up. Too many things happen at short span of time that I can't grab what happen actually at times. I'm lost. Like really. There are times that I engaged in a group talk and I'm thinking of other things and the next thing I realized that they already move into another topic. Haha. -,-" Well, I'm sorry for always seems distracted and distant. It is definitely my fault, but my mind can't stop thinking.

But right now, thanks to some people for making me smiles today. Small gestures, little jokes, short chat, etc etc had makes my day today. Believe it or not, I really do appreciate the present of all of you in my life.

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Kamenashi Kazuya - I'll be with You.
"Happiness is next to you~~~"

Sesuatu tentang: kata hati.

Ramadhan tiba lagi. Pelbagai kenangan menggamit memori. Terutama sekali, memori yang telah tercipta di kampung halaman, bersama segenap ahli keluarga. Jujur, aku rindukan semua. Apatah lagi mengenangkan cuti pertengahan semester yang baru berlalu minggu lepas dikorbankan untuk Pekan Teater yang juga penilaian akhir ko-kurikulum aku. Tak, sedikit pon aku tak menyesal mengorbankan cuti aku, tapi rindu yang membuak-buak di dalam dada ini kepada keluarga ditahan sedapa-upaya. Ingatkan diri, ingatkan hati; bukan kau seorang Nabilah yang berbuat demikian. Ramai lagi yang serupa dengan kau.

Aku rindukan semua ahli keluargaku. Rindu untuk duduk makan bersama-sama.

Malam tadi, ada satu peristiwa yang sangat menggganggu benakku. Entahlah, mungkin benar dia melakukannya tanpa sengaja, tapi hati kecilku ini sangat terasa dengan perbuatan dia itu. Aku sangkakan perkara yang pernah berlarutan itu kini telah selesai, tapi mungkinkah hanya aku yang beranggapan sedemikian? Mungkinkah itu hanya lakonan? Atau mungkinkah besar sangat dosa yang telah aku lakukan kepada dia sampai muka aku ini tidak langsung layak untuk ditatap dia? Walau setelah semua yang pernah terjadi, aku ini masih adalah watak jahat di hatinya? Seteruk itukah aku?
Ku khabarkan pada hati, "sabarlah Nabilah. Semua yang terjadi itu pasti ada hikmahnya." Namun jujurnya, perasaan terkilan yang hadir itu sedang menguasai diri aku kini.

Sesuatu telah terjadi hari ini, yang membuatkan aku rasa sangat gembira sekali. Tidurku nanti pasti diiringi senyuman dari hati. =) 


I am definitely not a Bieber's fan; but I am quite a huge fan of Faizal Tahir! So enjoy Faizal Tahir's cover of Justin Bieber's Baby. 

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Faizal Tahir - Baby (Justin Bieber cover)

Something about: fated.

There are things that should happen. Of all alive will facing death. How young will become old. How meeting end as parting, etc etc. But sometime as human, we keep on forgetting that it WILL happen, whether with or without our consent. 

Such thing is faced by me right now. How we meet and part. It is hard, especially when you had created such bonds among people around you that when parting should occur, it hurts you so much that you can't stop such feeling from engulfing yourself. You tried your best, but your best is just including you acting it is okay despite it is not. When you truthfully hoping that things will stay as it is and you hope that it is just a dream; the parting.

But you wake up the next day and realized that; THIS IS IT. Whether you like it or not, whether you agree or not, things will happen to be like that.

It hurts, but nothing can stop it from happening.

It hurts, but you need to face it.

It hurts, but it shows you later on, that you're strong enough to deal with it.

It hurts, but you can't show it on your face.

It hurts, but time will heals it.

InshaAllah. =)

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

Saturday 30 July 2011

Something about: hard.

Fall hard never mean that you can't stand up ever again. Fall hard means that you're stronger than lots of others, because how many of them had such experiences?

Nabilah Mohamad Arifin.

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! :D

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ flumpool - Haru Kaze

Thursday 28 July 2011

Something about: overall.

I realized that I am not matured as I should. And lots of time, I did mistakes, did things that I should not do, etc etc. But up until now, Alhamdulillah, it seems like I always protected from things that could hurt me. And of course I was hurt, here and there, but for the sake to make me stronger. I feel blessed for having great friends around me that always be there for me, encourage me when I feel down, tell where my mistakes were rather than leave me alone pondering what's wrong, protecting me from bad things, etc etc. I just can't tell how grateful I am to Allah for let me surrounded by great people. 

Lately, there are so many things that happen in short span of time. Our Pekan Teater that all in all, was great in my very own opinion. There are 5 pieces in the competition, and the winner deserve it, I think. Congratulation to all, winner or not, because be on the stage itself showing that you all are winners for being brave enough to show another side of you to others. :D

Despite that there are things that happen lately, of course not something that we could control of, hurt my feeling and my little heart a little, but by now I'm fine with it. It just disappointing to me that some people just decided to take matter at their very own hand without thinking the consequences of it to people that are not involved with it. It is just hard to accept it in my little brain, you know? To me, it is not acceptable at all! *emo* But then, who am I to criticizing it, right? 

Then, the next event that past just last night, our dinner. DBS's dinner with the theme of "Sunset on the Snowday", carrying meaning of dresscode orange and white. I feel so happy and enjoy the dinner thoroughly. Though that there are few things that can't stop bugging my mind, but I decided to kick it out from my brain. The dinner was so great that I think such thing should not bother me. I should enjoy the night, and I did! I can't thank enough to my ex-roommate and her friends for helping me with the dinner. Putting on make-up, setting my shawl, make me look great and feel great, I really can't thank enough to them for helping me! :D The show was great, the food was great, and we got AngryBirds as our doorgift! :D Mine is the black. Isn't he is sooooo cuteee? ♥♥♥ The event was great. The show for Part 6 student touched my heart, and I cried a little. "Every meeting, there's parting" - is the thing that blows my mind. The gimmick was great, too! Even the lecturers were having fun karaoke at our dinner. They're sporting, right? ;) Thanks to all out Part 4 seniors for putting it up for us! :D They really had done their best!
Look at me babeyh! Look at me! HAHA.

Busy week is busy. Quizzes, tests, term paper. This semester definitely is tiring, yet full of so much fun and experiences up until now. Things happens, people come and go, so does feelings. HAHA. Sudden much? Lately, some feelings go away from me. I don't know what's wrong, but I can't care much of it. Too many things to think of, and too many heart to be taken care of.

Today, there are two people asking me is there something going on between me and my best friend. And I was like...... -___-" Awkward much? YESSSS. It is so awkward because we had been best friends since Part 1 (that was like one year ++) and still there are people thinking that there are something between us. If there are something, that something will remain as best friend. Please, do stop such speculation. Thank you!

Earlier, there are something happening that hurts my little heart. I was trying to offer help, but the result, was... Well... It wasn't that I was treated badly, but the way that person speaks to me hurts my heart. I don't know. Maybe the timing was wrong, but it wasn't my fault. I dunno. I just think that it is unfair for me to be treated that way. It hurts me and no one knows about it. Sobsob! :'(

Okay, now let's enjoy the song from Tangga, a group that I adore their vocal so much! :D

Karma kicks back, I believe. Haha!

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! :D

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Tangga - Cinta Begini

Monday 25 July 2011

Sesuatu tentang: penyudah.

Umur bukan petanda aras kematangan seseorang. ;)

Akhir-akhir ini, pelbagai perkara yang aku pelajari. Alhamdulillah! 

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ The Click Five - Just The Girl
ps: kalau dah dewasa, tapi perangai tak boleh nak berfikir untuk TAK menyusahkan orang lain,... Pikir sendiri lah weyh! Lagi satu, jangan menggunakan orang lain untuk kepentingan dan kepuasan sendiri, tolonglah. 

Thursday 21 July 2011

Sesuatu tentang: Aku tahu aku cool. HAHA.

Tapi maafkan aku juga sebab aku bukan sempurna. 


Kesibukan melanda. Pelbagai hal yang terjadi. Tapi selepas setiap yang terjadi, Alhamdulillah aku masih mampu tersenyum dan tertawa. Syukur kepada-Nya setelah segala kebenaran yang ditunjukkan kepadaku. Benar aku terluka, tapi difikir kembali, aku lebih rela terluka sekarang, daripada tidak mengetahui kebenaran sebenar. Kebenaran yang pahit dan menyakitkan. Melukakan aku dan membuat aku lelah sendiri. 

Sehingga beberapa hari yang lepas, aku hampir menjadi gila serasaku. Menahan segalanya di dalam, kerana khuatir aku melepaskan kata-kata yang tidak sepatutnya, atau tanpa sengaja membuka aib orang. Aku tak mahu itu, lalu aku memilih untuk mendiamkan diri. Tanpa sangka pula, tindakan itu membuatkan orang lain yang tidak tahu apa-apa telah menilai dan menjatuhkan hukuman kepada aku. Pesan aku kepada hati; sabarlah hati, pasti ada hikmah yang mendatang nanti. Dan maafkan aku hati, kerana membenarkan kau terluka lagi, buat yang entah keberapa kali. 

Setelah beberapa perkara yang mendatang kepada aku, aku sedar bila aku terluka, aku perlu belajar untuk menyembuhkannya sendiri. Kawan dan sahabat, tangga mereka berbeza. Jujur aku katakan, apabila pergaduhan terjadi, barulah kita akan sedar siapa rakan kita yang sebenarnya. Hipokritkah dia, atau jujurkah dia berkawan dengan kita. Ada yang bertanya, tak penatkah bergaduh dengan kawan sendiri? Memanglah penat, tapi itu adalah salah satu cara untuk kita mengetahui tentang perangai sebenar seseorang. Percaya tak? Kerana sebenarnya, kita lebih banyak mengatakan kebenaran bila kita marah dan melepaskan semua yang terbuku di hati. ;)

Diamku bersebab, dan omong kosongku bukan sepenuhnya kosong. Hanya yang terpilih, mungkin, dapat menafsirkannya.

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~
ps: kalau kita nak tolong kawan, pastikan dia rela ditolong dan jangan pula sampai kita sendiri yang terluka.

Monday 18 July 2011

Sesuatu tentang: Duhai Hati.

Asalnya, memang aku dah tekad nak buat jahat. Sebenarnya, aku sendiri tak pasti macam mana benda ini boleh melalut sampai macam ini, tapi yang aku tahu, sabar aku memang ada batasnya. 

Terpaksalah terima, sebab aku juga manusia biasa.

Dan mungkin, Allah pun nak tunjukkan sesuatu pada aku.

Lari dari satu hal, datang pula hal lain. Walau bagaimanapun, Alhamdulillah kerana hal yang mendatang itu sedikit melegakan aku. Menunjukkan sesuatu yang lain dari yang lain. Menunjukkan aku ke jalan yang benar, mungkin.

Tapi, ditanya mengenai adakah aku sedang uzur oleh dua orang lelaki yang berbeza berturut-turut selama dua hari menjeruk perasaan aku sendiri. :'(

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Kiroro - Nagai Aida

Sunday 17 July 2011

Something about: Another time.

Another journey that makes me think a little bit more that usual. About me and the others. And the path that I choose.

I choose to let things go. I choose to change a little. I can't care too much of others when truthfully, my heart aches so much that it hurts. Thinking makes me even harder to breath properly. Lately, the best-est friend to me is my tears. Tears that never fail to be with me when I need it. I know it is not okay for being like that, but putting on facade that it is okay when it is not okay is hard.

I really can't thank enough to my ex-roommate for support me when I need it the most. And one of my senior too, that I could only talk to him because I do refuse to involve people that will take action in their hand. Because to me, it will only make things complicated and nothing good will come from it. 

Karma will kicks back, I believe. I think from now on, I prefer to be a bad person. Because time will show the truth. It only sooner or later.

Tell lies. Boast off. Do whatever you want. Let's see if I could care much of it after this. You should know when to back off. I didn't explode yet doesn't mean that I won't anytime soon. 

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ KAT-TUN - TABOO

Thursday 14 July 2011

Something about: hectic.

A hectic week waiting for me! Let see. First draft for BEL311, Pekan Teater finally arrive, and I want to do practical for my licences. Not only that, revision should be done as I realized I left out quite a lot in study. So yeah, everything need to be done in a week. Wish me luck. :)

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ The Ting Tings - Great DJ

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Something about: sometimes,...

Sometimes, things didn' happen according to what we'd plan. And we can't help but feeling sad over it.

Sometimes, we lost few things as we goes on in our life, but never forget that Allah will turn it into something much better than what we have right now.

And believe, that things happen for reasons. ;)

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Jessie J - Price Tag

Monday 11 July 2011

wahai hati, kuatlah engkau. maaf kerana aku selalu membiarkan kau terluka, wahai hati.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Something about: bla bla bla....

Putting on façade. Feels like an actor would, just that, I hate being in this situation. A situation where you could only speak hyperbolically and not the actual truth. As it is too complicated to even put into proper wordings.

People say of how much I had changed. Truthfully, I don’t think I change *that* much. Sure, I lose weight. And yeah, sure, I did turn into more feminine to be compared the me from waaayyyy before. It’s like, … hm, years ago. But I think it just about time. People change when the time has come. Eh?

Next, about the RM50 and the Watson’s worker. Somehow, I learn to let it go. There’s definitely reason of why I lost it. It teaches me of how I can’t trust anyone to handle my money other than myself! Haha. XD

Last night, I dreamt of something that I can’t comprehend the means behind it. I know that things happen for reason, and I need to let things go despite never forget about it, but that dream make me sad as I could only watch and do nothing about it despite how wrong things were. I could only pray that the dream will remain as dream for as long as possible. I can’t bear the thought seeing anyone around me hurt. I just can’t, especially with my very own condition.

This post turns from something so hyper to super angst post. HAHA. XD

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Kurnia - Mizz Nina & Noh Hujan

Something about: dream.

I did have a bad dream. Weirdly, its not about me, at all. Its like, I am the person that watching from afar how things happen to be like that. And I didn't like it at all. Because it happen to people that are important to me, and I do hope that they'll be happy. 

I know I'm rambling nonsense here, but I can't stop thinking about that and can't stop hoping that it is just another nightmare. Once is enough! :'(

Anyway, take care!

(|].-_-.[|) ♪♫~~ NEWS - Sayaendou

Friday 8 July 2011

Something about: truth.

“A dying man once said: talking about the past, no matter how bad or how good it was, will help you to build up a better future. To be able to accept and forgive, it’s unavoidable to talk about the past. But when you talk about the past, talk and think about it as a whole, not only the ones you want to remember. Remember the bad times, but most of all the good times. To be able to decide either to forgive or to reject, it’s important to remember everything you shared and the feelings you are harboring for each other so that you won’t have regrets in the future.”


*crying and in need of a lending ears*
I guess that there are times that we couldn't stop thinking that maybe, we are not meant for each other.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Something about: for now...

All I can say is alhamdulillah. =)

Let's pray that I could go through everything, through laugh and tears, through right and wrong, through everything that'll come together. InsyaAllah.

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Maher Zain - Barakallah
ps: sometimes, there's some moment should be spend to looking back and reminiscing about the past.

Monday 4 July 2011

Something about: feeling.

All of the sudden, there are few things that I want to write.

People come and go in your life. Little did stay. And then, there are also times when you just look around and think, among them all around me, how many are trustworthy, enough that I could share some of my secrets with?

It makes me kinda sad as I realized that I can’t really share so many things with so many people. It is just the fact of insecurities within me, engulfing myself that couldn’t be break.

I am stressed out. My body is showing signs. I lose a little weight. The ring could even fit my middle finger, and I can’t even wear it at the ring finger as it’ll slip off easily! I throw up last Thursday if I’m not mistaken, early in the morning. I eat half as what I usually eat. If my body could talk, they’ll be screaming endlessly. No, I’m not torturing my body or anything, it just that … I think that I’m not think things positive enough. I get angry easily. I get sad easily. I let my emotion control me easily! I’m so down right now.

Plus, the thing that happens late evening before, I am uptight right now. It makes me sad and angry and so many emotions pent up within me that I hope that I could puke it all out.

But then, life isn’t THAT bad for me. I got to know few people better. Hah! Last Friday, when an accident happen to me, I could feel how people around me that cares of me. It makes me realized that sometimes, what we need to do is just open up a little bit and things will be better soon, InshaAllah. One of the sentences that touch my heart is, "Allah give is to us, so we need to accept it and look at the bright side of it" (it’s roughly translated as that).

And then, something happens last Saturday too! I got to know for real how crazy people around me are! And it is a good thing! A girl had a cramp at her left leg and I tried my best to soothe it by massaging it slowly. We sit under a tent that selling food cause there’s space there. All of the sudden, a senior of mine asking what happen to the girl. I replied, saying that she’s having a cramp leg. The senior of mine, smiling and hand me a knife (used to chop fruits) and casually says “this might help”. I was so extremely shock at that time. But I laughed after few moments, realizing that he was just joking with us. Later on, I do ask him, why did he do that? He replied by it looks fun. Haha. I know, I’m surrounded by so many unique people around me!

I really want to write more, but I need to sleep. Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Auburn - All About Him

Sunday 3 July 2011

Sesuatu tentang: Watson Malaysia.

Kau tau gah nya Watson yang ada di Kangar tu tapi takde CCTV?

Kau tau hari ni duit aku hilang sebab kecuaian aku kepada Watson?

Kau tau yang aku rasa nak menghadiahkan sebakul carutan kepada kakak cashier Watson yang jaga kaunter semasa peristiwa itu terjadi sebab dia berkata seolah-olah itu salah aku seratus peratus?

Kau tau kenapa aku letak link dekat semua perkataan Watson? Sebab aku tengah marah! ^_^ 

Ya, aku teramat marah sebab benar, itu kecuaian aku yang tidak menyemak baki yang aku terima, tapi aku lagi marah sebab kakak cashier Watson tu seolah-olah ingin menolak kesalahan itu kepada aku.

Aku tak tahulah kalau ayat "Hari tu ada orang cakap macam tu dekat aku, so aku bagi je lah duit dekat dia, lepas tu tengok2 duit aku yang short" yang dikatakan di hadapan pelanggan itu adalah ... well ... boleh diterima. Kan??? Pelanggan kott. Agak-agak lah weiii. Aku customer. Kerja kau tu memang tengok duit. Kau dibayar untuk berkerja dengan duit. kau boleh pulak cakap macam tu depan aku, kan? Pergh, memang kalau ikut baran aku, depan kau aku carut. Tapi tak, aku sabar. Aku carut kau dalam hati je. *okaytaklawak* Ingat lah akak cashier Watson Kangar oi, kalau duit tu dalam minggu depan aku tak dapat balik, halal halal je jadi duit kau yang kau makan jadi darah daging kau, ... Aku ucapkan semoga berjaya lah dalam kerjaya kau di masa hadapan. 

Kau nasib baik sangat-sangat sebab ada rakan sekerja kau yang bagi penerangan dekat aku. Kalau tak ... *lupikirlahsendiriiiii*

Yang aku paling pelik sebenonyelah kan, kedai-kedai yang ada di dalam UiTM Arau ni pon ada CCTV, kedai yang se-gah Watson tiada CCTV? Dahsyattt punye kes!

Kita bako je Watson Kangar sebelah Pizza Hut tu~~~!!! Cis cis, nanti terbakar pulak Pizza Hut tu sekali! tak boleh tak boleh! -,-"

Something about: rain.

There's definitely something about rain in Arau that makes me scared. There's few times that it keep on raining until well, flood comes. It just makes me scared. :/

O Allah, plase keep us all away from any danger that could bring harm upon us.

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

Friday 1 July 2011

Something about: Friday.

I swear to you that this post got NOTHING to do with THIS. Haha. Okay, I tried to be sarcastic but obviously it failed. ;)

Anyway. I'm excited for tomorrow because its our Sports Day, and there's lots activities will happen tomorrow. :)

Truthfully, I'm extremely tired because of certain people's behaviour. :'( Awfully sad because some people decided that things could be taken for granted as it comes easily. :/

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Akanishi Jin - Bandage