Monday 4 July 2011

Something about: feeling.

All of the sudden, there are few things that I want to write.

People come and go in your life. Little did stay. And then, there are also times when you just look around and think, among them all around me, how many are trustworthy, enough that I could share some of my secrets with?

It makes me kinda sad as I realized that I can’t really share so many things with so many people. It is just the fact of insecurities within me, engulfing myself that couldn’t be break.

I am stressed out. My body is showing signs. I lose a little weight. The ring could even fit my middle finger, and I can’t even wear it at the ring finger as it’ll slip off easily! I throw up last Thursday if I’m not mistaken, early in the morning. I eat half as what I usually eat. If my body could talk, they’ll be screaming endlessly. No, I’m not torturing my body or anything, it just that … I think that I’m not think things positive enough. I get angry easily. I get sad easily. I let my emotion control me easily! I’m so down right now.

Plus, the thing that happens late evening before, I am uptight right now. It makes me sad and angry and so many emotions pent up within me that I hope that I could puke it all out.

But then, life isn’t THAT bad for me. I got to know few people better. Hah! Last Friday, when an accident happen to me, I could feel how people around me that cares of me. It makes me realized that sometimes, what we need to do is just open up a little bit and things will be better soon, InshaAllah. One of the sentences that touch my heart is, "Allah give is to us, so we need to accept it and look at the bright side of it" (it’s roughly translated as that).

And then, something happens last Saturday too! I got to know for real how crazy people around me are! And it is a good thing! A girl had a cramp at her left leg and I tried my best to soothe it by massaging it slowly. We sit under a tent that selling food cause there’s space there. All of the sudden, a senior of mine asking what happen to the girl. I replied, saying that she’s having a cramp leg. The senior of mine, smiling and hand me a knife (used to chop fruits) and casually says “this might help”. I was so extremely shock at that time. But I laughed after few moments, realizing that he was just joking with us. Later on, I do ask him, why did he do that? He replied by it looks fun. Haha. I know, I’m surrounded by so many unique people around me!

I really want to write more, but I need to sleep. Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Auburn - All About Him

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