Friday 25 February 2011

Something about: Love.

First thing first. My apologize to everyone that I had hurt before. It never was my intention, and I really shouldn't mix things up. Works and emotion should come in separate ways, right? It really is my mistakes, and thus, my apologies. *bows*

Next. I was so pent up with emotions during my birthday last two days. Things happen that I didn't realized that it had gotten out of control. But thank you everyone for everything. For a senior that trying the best to become the first person wishing me ever. For friends that organizing small party for me. For friends that make me realized my mistakes. For friends that trying their best to cheer me up. For friends that been there by my side, and try to make me happy. For friends that spend time to wish me, via facebook or personally to me. Thank you, all. =)

The first thing that touch my heart the most is my mother. My mother sent a wish during BEL260's class, and I was already tear up. I miss my mother so much. :'( And during that time too, we had our listening activities. And one of the topic including a topic about parents abandoned at old folk's home. I cried that time. I just can't believe I did. Because I was overwhelming with feelings that time.  

The next thing would be my roommates. They make me a card, handmade, and they even decorates my table, wishing for me. Aww~ I was sooo touched that I almost cry upon seeing it. 

And I can't believe that my friends organizing small celebration at Secret Recipe too! =) I almost cried, touched that they celebrate it just for me. It makes me feel special that I can't even put it into words. I really, really want to thank you all for that. For the second time too, I played bowling with them. And can you believe that during the first game, my mark is ONLY 7? :/ But it turns out better during the second game as I manage to make three spare. And one of them should be considered as "strike". Because the first throw didn't hit any pin, but the second throw is all out. Mwahahaaaa! I can't believe it too! XD Thanks to my friends a lot for teaching me the right way, despite it is quite hard for I am a left-handed. I throw using me left-hand, vice versa to all of them. XD

Last few hours, I went for a theater titled "Gelanggang Tok Wali". I didn't give my 100% attention as me and my roommate that in the same co-curricular with me is inside the controlling room, watching and learning of how people controlling the light and sound. Its damn interesting, I tell you! >.< I want to do it, but given my task is to act, well, it wasn't like I could switch places easily. It'll give out problems to them. :/ But I'll try my best to do my part. The only thing that I want to say personally to you, but I can't due to certain constraints, my apologize for not able to have a small chat with you for I'm chasing my time to learn and digest the solution. I'm sorry, really! I do miss talking with you. :'( We're still friends, right? 

Anyway, take care everyone!

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~ Kerispatih - Lagu Rindu

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, we! This also means the fourth anniversary for us, since I had joined other fans as hyphens! *excited* I do hope that you’ll achieve whatever that you want to in life. Because after all of these years, you had proved more and more of yourself that makes me want to be better me as time flies. In much way than one, you make me feel better of myself. I hope that everything that you want will be a reality instead of just dreams! Happy birthday! ;)


Saturday 19 February 2011

I'm craving for enoki tempura right now. Oishiiiiiii~~~ XD

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~ ;)

(|]^,^[|)♪♫~~ TOKIO - Akireru Kurai Bokura wa Negaou

Something about: Realization.

I had finished reading "Rage of Angels" by Sidney Sheldon, as you could see the book & me here. =) I just managed to spend some times to finished it after stop for awhile. Things get too hard for me that I can't even spend some time to read. Words are one of my vital point in my life. Its hard to explain why, but words enchanting me. So very much. I think I put myself in words better to compare when I speaks.

Oh yeah. I think this year would cost a lot of my life. Last month had seen me fall a few times, and yesterday too, I fall again. Nothing too serious other than the little bit torn tracksuit. I think I am the clumsiest girl that you could ever seen in your life. I mean, how many of you would actually bang your head accidentally to the wardrobe, again and again? I think that it would be me. 

Yesterday's accident for some reason makes me remember of something that almost happen to me last semester here in UiTM. I almost knock-off by a biker. He was cycling while I tried to crossed the road and didn't realized there's someone approaching and he almost knock me off. I remember too, there's a girl screams in horror upon seeing me and the biker. Haha. -,-"

Off-topic is off. What I'm trying to write actually is about guys. I didn't hate them or anything. I just can't understand them at times. :/ I realized last few days (that only because there's some things require for me to work with him) that he wears a ring. Truth be told, I just didn't like guys who wears accessories. I didn't like it, and I couldn't understand of why the need for them to wears it. Rings, bracelets, necklace, etc etc etc. I mean, why? Just look at his hands bother me so very much. It irks me! =,=" Okay. I know that people had their own preference, but I just need to write it here. Please guys. Don't let me sees you and accessories. No matter how manly you think it is, its just annoying. In my opinion.

In the mean time too, I think there's something flutter inside me when everyone cares of me. I feel blessed having friends like them. I mean it. Other than some scratches and some minor bleeding, heeyyy~~~ I'm alive! =) I fall not-so-gracely this time. Haha. That's the only regret I have. LOL. Joking. =)

Yesterday, we learn the right way to breath. I'm having problem when doing the 'hissing' part. Because the teeth didn't develop perfectly, I hurt my inner cheek as I hiss. That might be the reason of why it sounds a little awkward as I pronounce words with 's' in it. Well, according to one of me friend, she thinks that my 's' sounds weird. 

Sometimes I can't help but wondering, will wait for you worth my time?
But I guess I didn't have the answer. I should let nature decide it. ;) I just hope I won't regret it nor wasting too much of my time because of it. That just, so wrong for myself.

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~~~ ^^v

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~ Melly Goeslow & Ari Lasso - Jika

Friday 18 February 2011

Something about: Because things happens.

My life is getting busier lately. Too may things happen that right now, in my mind, I just need some time to breath and leisure around for a little while. I think I could because there's nothing too important to be done until Monday comes. Yeay! 

Sometimes I care, it just I don't know the right way to express it. Maybe I didn't talk a lot to you, but that doesn't mean that you're nobody to me. You're somebody to me. I just don't know to express my gratitude to you.

Yesterday, I got tonnes of calls from an anonymous number. It kinda creeps me up a little because I was watching SAW III at that moment. And my mind really distracted by it. This is bad, no? :/

It is so extremely funny when a guy annoyed you when actually they're trying their best to impress you. Haha.

Like, for real. I got to know this particular guy for something. Let's say that he's kinda cute. Haha. Well, he is quite good-looking guy actually. But he just LOVES to annoy me with questions, bugging me with whatever nonsense that he finds interesting enough to talk to me, with me and I'm seriously annoyed. He even tried to fight with me on the smallest thing on Earth! -,-" It took me awhile to realized that he actually flirt me, or tried to. Haha. Weird guy is weird. :P

I'll be an actress. For one credit hours marks. Haha. XD I'm trying me best to, and right now, I learn to speak slowly so that others could understand me well. Hehe. =)

Take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ KAT-TUN - Neiro

Wednesday 16 February 2011

go here. fun thing is fun. :)

Something about: Funnayh.

Hazmi is an annoying guy. No matter how much I think that he's a good friend, he's annoying as that. :P

I really want to write about this certain someone that bugging me lately, but maybe not now. Maybe later. The thing is, he's annoying and really know the right way to piss me off. Great guy, isn't he? -,-"

Someone is nagging me and says that I should focus in a problem at a time. Blehhhh. As if I could do that. :P IMPOSSIBLE I tell you, IMPOSSIBLE! :P I mean, there's too many things to be settled in a short span of time.

I kinda worried about someone. Despite knowing how futile every effort that I make for that certain person is, I do worried of that person. :/

I'm updating from Language Lab here, so the incoherent is understandable, no? XD

Monday 14 February 2011

Something about: Don't make me cry, please.

You know, there are differences between KamaSutra and porn? Please don't make me cry here with your stupid opinion. Like, seriously. -,-"

Something about: Famous.

Me? Famous? Mwahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!! That was, like, the greatest joke, EVEEERRRRR! :D


Peoples are funnayh. :P

Friday 11 February 2011

Sesuatu tentang: Kepedihan. Kesakitan.

Akhirnya, aku dapat masa senggang yang membolehkan aku untuk berfikir dan bernafas. Akhir-akhir ini, hidup aku terlalu sibuk dengan segala macam perkara yang menyesakkan minda. Terlalu banyak hati yang perlu dijaga dan terlalu banyak perkara yang harus diselesaikan secepat mungkin. Dan terlalu kurang masa untuk aku merehatkan diri. Semester ini aku semakin memahami apa erti kesibukan dan kepenatan. Erti tanggungjawab dan erti menghormati yang layak.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, kesabaran aku benar-benar tercabar. Aku mengaku aku bukanlah orang yang paling sabar dalam dunia, dan salah satu kepantangan terbesar bagi aku adalah menunggu. 10 minit adalah had maksimum aku untuk menunggu, dan selepas itu, memang ringan mulut aku ini untuk menghamburkan segala sumpah seranah. Aku adalah seorang yang amat tepat pada masa. Aku tak suka menunggu, dan aku juga tak suka untuk membiarkan orang lain tertunggu. 

Dan beberapa hari yang lepas juga, hatiku dicabar. Dua orang sahabat aku datang dengan masalah masing-masing dan meletakkan aku dalam dilema, siapa yang harus ku bantu. Lelah sendiri, aku akhirnya membuat keputusan untuk tidak membantu kedua-dua mereka. Bukan aku ingin menjadi kejam, namun aku tak mampu nak membahagikan diri aku kepada dua. Jika boleh, alangkah indahnya! Lagipun, aku teringat akan kata-kata kawanku, 'kita takkan mampu untuk menjaga hati semua orang'. Dan diletakkan aku dalam situasi itu, aku terpaksa bersetuju seratus peratus kata-katanya itu. 

Dan hari ini juga, aku terdengar dari rakan mengenai seseorang yang berlaku biadab terhadap seseorang yang bukan sahaja lebih senior, malahan lebih tua daripadanya. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Tak tersangka perkara itu boleh terjadi. Kalau ada ilmu setinggi langit, tapi tak tahu menghormati orang lain dan berperangai seperti dialah yang terbaik di muka bumi ini, tak guna juga, kan? Apa kau fikir kau tu baaaaagusss sangat? Berlagak kau tu takkan bawa kau ke mana-mana pon, percayalah!

Tiga malam berturut-turut tidak lekat di bilik. Ada sahaja perkara yang membuatkan aku sibuk. Namun, aku punya masa malam ini. Tujuan aku adalah untuk menghabiskan ketujuh-tujuh filem SAW, salah satu filem francais terbaik pada pandangan aku. :) Kalau sempatlah...

Oh, pagi tadi, aku terjatuh lagi. Menggelongsor sebanyak empat (atau lima?) anak tangga. Sebahagian badan lebam, biru birat. Mujur kain yang baru sahaja dibasuh tidak terjatuh dari baldi. Membayangkan untuk membasuh kembali sudah cukup membuatkan aku penat, apatah lagi untuk benar-benar melakukannya. 

Esok pagi ada perjumpaan untuk kokurikulum Drama. Skrip dan tugasan akan diberi. Aku mengharapkan posisi di team management. Minat, dan kelebihan bagi aku di situ, berbanding yang lain. Tapi siapalah yang tahu aku diletakkan di mana, kan?

Semakin kita menyayangi seseorang, semakin kita mencuba untuk melindungi dia, dan bukan merosakkannya.   

Kita takkan mampu menjangka apa yang terkandung dalam hati dan otak manusia lain. Benar, bukan? :)

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Something about: Human. And patient.

I might be smiling all the way, but that doesn't mean that my patient had no limit. Please please PLEASE refrain yourself from testing the limit of my patient. I'm still a human, I have feeling to. What makes you think that I'll always taking care of others' feeling and ignore my own? I know that there are times that others' feel tired and worn out too, but I had my own difficulties too. Please do not think that I'll always be there and pretend that everything were fine when it is not.

There are something funny happened last few weeks. I was writing my thought and post it as my status in facebook. The funny thing is, there's two human that SUDDENLY posting angsty wangsty statuses. The fact that I write it for the other person that did not have any connections with those two human was just added the tickling  feels in it. Mwahaha. XD But its not my fault, right? I don't know what's wrong, or that two person had done anything wrong to me or what. Well, who knows? Haha. Damn funnayh, okay? ;)

My sudden craving over pasta had make me do something extremely creative. I cook pasta just using my water heater @ electric kettle. Haha. Damn creative, right? Please get jealous over that fact, because I never heard anyone do so other than me. Haha. ♥ ♥ ♥ I just boil it and the sauce. Ah~ I double boil it as I did buy the instant sauce inside glass jar. Easy, right? Maybe you could try to do it too. :) This make me soooo proud of myself.
Oh, craving=pregnant? Says who? -,-" I always am craving for food. But I'm not pregnant. Haha.  =)

I sleep rather fitfully lately. I don't know why. But the fact that you're tired despite did get enough sleep is not a good sign, right? :/ I just hope that I didn't have any nightmare that disturb my roommates.

But still, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ Utada Hikaru - This One

Sunday 6 February 2011

Sesuatu tentang: BAS.

Di dalam bas. Menuju Arau tercinta. Menahan marah dan bengang yang amat sangat sebentar tadi. Bas seharus tiba pukul 11 malam, hanya sampai pada dua lebih pagi. Bertolah tepat 2.35 pagi. Terasa bersalah kerana kedua-dua mak dan abah terpaksa menunggu. Bas yang aku naiki adalah yang terakhir sekali sampai. 2.30, sedang gerai-gerai pon dah habis tutup. Hanya kami penumpang yang tinggal, dan saudara-mara yang menghantar. Bayangkan sahaja perasaan kami menunggu bas yang tak kunjung tiba itu. 

Namun walau apa pun, aku bersyukur yang akhirnya aku di dalam bas, dan dalam perjalanan ke Kangar ini. Harapnya tiada aral yang menggangggu perjalananku lagi. =) 

Oh, dan tolong jangan buat spekulasi mengenai aku. Kalau ada apa-apa yang mengganggu benak, tanyalah pada aku sendiri. Khuatir terjadi fitnah pula. :)

Friday 4 February 2011

Something about: this post is full of incoherency. :)

Happiness blown away just now. My mother said that my brother need to work tomorrow, thus he won't be here tomorrow, equal to no baby Umar flailing for me. Sad sad saddddddd. :'(

Yesterday was a blast. Going to Sungai Congkak and enjoys the nature does help me a lot. I guess I tensed up easily and I need to handle things more at ease. My poor body. Haha. I can't thank my sister enough for bringing me there. :) And after Sungai Congkak, we went to an outlet of Wong Solo at Shah Alam. My sister want to have a taste of Ayam Penyet, but end up ordering the set with Ayam Bakar in it. I order the exact same set, while my mother orders the set with Pecel Lele and my brother-in-law is the only one ordering the set with Ayam Penyet. I think that my sister is a very funny woman. The set with Ayam Bakar is fine, I guess. We even buy one for our father that didn't feels well and just stay back at home. But the set of Ayam Penyet, I guess that it just not our taste? My brother-in-law didn't quite enjoy it, and my sister that take a bite of it says that its sooo spicy. Glad I didn't order that set as I can't cope well with spicy food! Haha. 

Its tomorrow. The journey back to the north. Haha. And I don't know if I'm ready for it. I hadn't pack up a single thing. Haih~ And the most downcast thing is that my brother and his little family won't be here tomorrow. I miss them so much, baby Umar especially. :'(

This year will be the first time I'm celebrating birthday without family by my side. Any of them. Its kinda saddening. But I already set up a plan for me. Hope there will be nothing and no one will ruin it. I just should enjoy it as it will be the last time I celebrate it as a teen. =)

Anyway, take care and have a greaaaaattttt day everyone! =)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ Westlife - Season in the Sun

Thursday 3 February 2011

Something about: *gasps*

Tomorrow~~~~~ I'll follow my sister and my brother-in-law to Sungai Congkak. Ah~ Love love love it. This might the thing that I need. A breather. :O Thanks a lot kakak. I love you to bits, despite I always be the one that disturbing your life. Mwahaha~ =)

Oh yeah, a friend said that my laugh sounds weird. I don't know if its a compliment or what. but she said that my laugh sounds just like a robot. Or something like that. =,=" Heh? Robot? 

Assignments. Woah! :O Big load of assignments on the way. And plus, the ilearn thing. Just hope that I still be sane after going through everything. Haha. *awkward laugh*

We plan things, but the decision lies upon Him. O Allah, may you bless me always and please show me the right path in my life. :)

One great thing about being at home is my appetite rose. I eat until my stomach aching and could barely swallow food anymore. :O Just like today. My favourite asam pedas and I eat twice of what I eat normally. But that just technically equal to most people's one serving. Haha. =,=" Don't asks me why. 

Finally finally finally all the firecrackers had stopped. Well, I hope. I need enough rest in order to enjoy my day tomorrow. No thinking about assignment and ilearn for tomorrow! Just enjoy the time to spend with families. :)

Dear Z, I just know that you're worried of me so much. But please, don't. I had made a promise that I'll take care of myself, my health especially, and I'll do that. =) And please take care of yourself too. Study and do well. Go and chase after your dream, okay?  

Anyway everyone, take care and have a great day. And have a blast Chinese New Year! =)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ Siti Nurhaliza - Dialah di Hati

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Dendam aku senang je. Seribu kali kau bagi najis kat aku, sejuta kali aku baling bunga kat kau.  :)

Aku pon tak tau lah yang kau ni tak faham ke buat-buat tak faham sebenarnya. Aku malas nak amik kesah dah. Kau buat lah ape yang kau suke. Dah tak kuasa aku nak masuk campur. Asalkan kau bahagia.

Dulu aku ingat kau buat semua sebab kau pun sayang kat aku macam aku sayang kat kau. Tapi aku salah. Kau cume nak main2 kan aku je. Best eh main2kan hati perasaan anak orang? Aku marah kau. Tapi aku lagi marah diri aku sebab percaya kat kau macam tu je. Aku marah sebab kau lah orang pertama yang buka hati aku untuk merasa cinta kononnya. Tapi macam ni pulak yang jadi. Aku pon tak tahulah yang salah tu kau ke aku. Aku yang percaya atau kau yang memberi harapan kat aku.

Serius, aku tak tipu. Selama aku kenal Zahrain pon, aku tak pernah bukak hati aku untuk bercinta. Sekarang aku menyesal sikit. Kalaulah aku bukak hati aku untuk dia, mungkin aku tak kecewa macam ni. Sebab aku dah tau awal2 yang dia akan pergi bile dah tibe masanye.

Sekarang ni, aku cume nak fokus dengan apa yang aku kene buat. Tanggungjawab aku kat persatuan, kerja2 aku, assignment aku yang dah makin menimbun segala.

Kalaulah kau terbaca ni, aku nak kau tau yang setiap apa pun yang aku cakap kat kau adalah untuk kebaikan kau. Sebab seteruk mane pun aku rase, aku still tak nak buat jahat kat kau. Sebab aku tak mampu. Aku bukan sesiapa untuk membalas perbuatan orang.

Aku cume berharap yang kau akan berubah. Kita bukannye makin muda. Kau pon ade tanggungjawab kau. Laksanakannye sebaik mungkin. Kau tak suke orang pandang rendah kat kau, tapi perbuatan kau tu yang membuatkan org pandang serong kat kat. Aku still sayang kau sebagai kawan. Saudara seagama dengan aku. Aku nak sangat kat tau, tapi aku tak mampu nak cakap direct kat kau. Aku takde kekuatan itu.

Jaga kesihatan kau elok2. Berhenti smoking kalau boleh. Aku tau kau boleh, cume kau yang melengah-lengahkannya. Aritu mase derma darah, aku tengok darah ex-smoker yang pekat likat sampai menyusahkan nurse tu, aku terus teringat kat kau. Dia yang dah beberape bulan berhenti pon darah pekat likat camtu, habis darah kau macam mane?

Aku dengar kau cerita pasal awek kau. Hati aku sakit sebenarnye. Tapi sebahagian aku pon rase gembira bile dengar kau gembira. Jaga dia elok2. Walau macam manepon, kau lagi tua. Kau lagi tau betol salah, baik buruk, halal haram. Benda yang dah jadi haritu tak sepatutnya terjadi langsung. Aku tulis ni bukan sbb aku cemburu ke ape, tapi aku tak nak kau hanyut mcm tu je. Bila kau dah berada dalam perhubungan camni, ka upon kene jugak bertanggungjawab. Takkan kau nak biarkan je dia buat bende yang salah mcm tu. Kau sayang dia, kan? Kau patut jaga dia elok2, bukannye biarkan korang dua dua hanyut dalam dosa mcm tu je. Jaga dia elok2. Ni pesanan aku sebagai kawan kau.

Aku tau yang kau still bace blog ni, sbb aku tak post pon pasal “crawling back to the shell” kat fb aku. Cume aku tak tau lah yang kau dapat cari cara nak baca post ni atau tak. Walau mcm mane pon, aku still nak ucap thanks sangat2 kat kau, sbb bukak mata hati & minda aku sikit demi sikit. Sampai bila aku nak takutkan dunia, dan takut buat kawan, kan? Thanks a bunch for that. Thanks jugak sbb percaya aku boleh buat kerja dalam bahagian penerbitan. By now, I think I’m in love with my job. Interesting sgt2. Thanks again for that.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Alhamdulillah. The bleeding had stopped. :) Need not a hospital. But if its happened again, I better go and get some check-up at Unit Kesihatan (UK).
I think I am seriously sick. I'm bleeding and it happens since yesterday. If today it still didn't stop, I think I'll go to the hospital. OMG blood! Please, stop bleeding! :'(
Pray that I'll be fine, please? :/