Tuesday 8 February 2011

Something about: Human. And patient.

I might be smiling all the way, but that doesn't mean that my patient had no limit. Please please PLEASE refrain yourself from testing the limit of my patient. I'm still a human, I have feeling to. What makes you think that I'll always taking care of others' feeling and ignore my own? I know that there are times that others' feel tired and worn out too, but I had my own difficulties too. Please do not think that I'll always be there and pretend that everything were fine when it is not.

There are something funny happened last few weeks. I was writing my thought and post it as my status in facebook. The funny thing is, there's two human that SUDDENLY posting angsty wangsty statuses. The fact that I write it for the other person that did not have any connections with those two human was just added the tickling  feels in it. Mwahaha. XD But its not my fault, right? I don't know what's wrong, or that two person had done anything wrong to me or what. Well, who knows? Haha. Damn funnayh, okay? ;)

My sudden craving over pasta had make me do something extremely creative. I cook pasta just using my water heater @ electric kettle. Haha. Damn creative, right? Please get jealous over that fact, because I never heard anyone do so other than me. Haha. ♥ ♥ ♥ I just boil it and the sauce. Ah~ I double boil it as I did buy the instant sauce inside glass jar. Easy, right? Maybe you could try to do it too. :) This make me soooo proud of myself.
Oh, craving=pregnant? Says who? -,-" I always am craving for food. But I'm not pregnant. Haha.  =)

I sleep rather fitfully lately. I don't know why. But the fact that you're tired despite did get enough sleep is not a good sign, right? :/ I just hope that I didn't have any nightmare that disturb my roommates.

But still, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ Utada Hikaru - This One

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