Saturday 19 February 2011

Something about: Realization.

I had finished reading "Rage of Angels" by Sidney Sheldon, as you could see the book & me here. =) I just managed to spend some times to finished it after stop for awhile. Things get too hard for me that I can't even spend some time to read. Words are one of my vital point in my life. Its hard to explain why, but words enchanting me. So very much. I think I put myself in words better to compare when I speaks.

Oh yeah. I think this year would cost a lot of my life. Last month had seen me fall a few times, and yesterday too, I fall again. Nothing too serious other than the little bit torn tracksuit. I think I am the clumsiest girl that you could ever seen in your life. I mean, how many of you would actually bang your head accidentally to the wardrobe, again and again? I think that it would be me. 

Yesterday's accident for some reason makes me remember of something that almost happen to me last semester here in UiTM. I almost knock-off by a biker. He was cycling while I tried to crossed the road and didn't realized there's someone approaching and he almost knock me off. I remember too, there's a girl screams in horror upon seeing me and the biker. Haha. -,-"

Off-topic is off. What I'm trying to write actually is about guys. I didn't hate them or anything. I just can't understand them at times. :/ I realized last few days (that only because there's some things require for me to work with him) that he wears a ring. Truth be told, I just didn't like guys who wears accessories. I didn't like it, and I couldn't understand of why the need for them to wears it. Rings, bracelets, necklace, etc etc etc. I mean, why? Just look at his hands bother me so very much. It irks me! =,=" Okay. I know that people had their own preference, but I just need to write it here. Please guys. Don't let me sees you and accessories. No matter how manly you think it is, its just annoying. In my opinion.

In the mean time too, I think there's something flutter inside me when everyone cares of me. I feel blessed having friends like them. I mean it. Other than some scratches and some minor bleeding, heeyyy~~~ I'm alive! =) I fall not-so-gracely this time. Haha. That's the only regret I have. LOL. Joking. =)

Yesterday, we learn the right way to breath. I'm having problem when doing the 'hissing' part. Because the teeth didn't develop perfectly, I hurt my inner cheek as I hiss. That might be the reason of why it sounds a little awkward as I pronounce words with 's' in it. Well, according to one of me friend, she thinks that my 's' sounds weird. 

Sometimes I can't help but wondering, will wait for you worth my time?
But I guess I didn't have the answer. I should let nature decide it. ;) I just hope I won't regret it nor wasting too much of my time because of it. That just, so wrong for myself.

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~~~ ^^v

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~ Melly Goeslow & Ari Lasso - Jika

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