Friday 25 February 2011

Something about: Love.

First thing first. My apologize to everyone that I had hurt before. It never was my intention, and I really shouldn't mix things up. Works and emotion should come in separate ways, right? It really is my mistakes, and thus, my apologies. *bows*

Next. I was so pent up with emotions during my birthday last two days. Things happen that I didn't realized that it had gotten out of control. But thank you everyone for everything. For a senior that trying the best to become the first person wishing me ever. For friends that organizing small party for me. For friends that make me realized my mistakes. For friends that trying their best to cheer me up. For friends that been there by my side, and try to make me happy. For friends that spend time to wish me, via facebook or personally to me. Thank you, all. =)

The first thing that touch my heart the most is my mother. My mother sent a wish during BEL260's class, and I was already tear up. I miss my mother so much. :'( And during that time too, we had our listening activities. And one of the topic including a topic about parents abandoned at old folk's home. I cried that time. I just can't believe I did. Because I was overwhelming with feelings that time.  

The next thing would be my roommates. They make me a card, handmade, and they even decorates my table, wishing for me. Aww~ I was sooo touched that I almost cry upon seeing it. 

And I can't believe that my friends organizing small celebration at Secret Recipe too! =) I almost cried, touched that they celebrate it just for me. It makes me feel special that I can't even put it into words. I really, really want to thank you all for that. For the second time too, I played bowling with them. And can you believe that during the first game, my mark is ONLY 7? :/ But it turns out better during the second game as I manage to make three spare. And one of them should be considered as "strike". Because the first throw didn't hit any pin, but the second throw is all out. Mwahahaaaa! I can't believe it too! XD Thanks to my friends a lot for teaching me the right way, despite it is quite hard for I am a left-handed. I throw using me left-hand, vice versa to all of them. XD

Last few hours, I went for a theater titled "Gelanggang Tok Wali". I didn't give my 100% attention as me and my roommate that in the same co-curricular with me is inside the controlling room, watching and learning of how people controlling the light and sound. Its damn interesting, I tell you! >.< I want to do it, but given my task is to act, well, it wasn't like I could switch places easily. It'll give out problems to them. :/ But I'll try my best to do my part. The only thing that I want to say personally to you, but I can't due to certain constraints, my apologize for not able to have a small chat with you for I'm chasing my time to learn and digest the solution. I'm sorry, really! I do miss talking with you. :'( We're still friends, right? 

Anyway, take care everyone!

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~ Kerispatih - Lagu Rindu

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