Friday 4 February 2011

Something about: this post is full of incoherency. :)

Happiness blown away just now. My mother said that my brother need to work tomorrow, thus he won't be here tomorrow, equal to no baby Umar flailing for me. Sad sad saddddddd. :'(

Yesterday was a blast. Going to Sungai Congkak and enjoys the nature does help me a lot. I guess I tensed up easily and I need to handle things more at ease. My poor body. Haha. I can't thank my sister enough for bringing me there. :) And after Sungai Congkak, we went to an outlet of Wong Solo at Shah Alam. My sister want to have a taste of Ayam Penyet, but end up ordering the set with Ayam Bakar in it. I order the exact same set, while my mother orders the set with Pecel Lele and my brother-in-law is the only one ordering the set with Ayam Penyet. I think that my sister is a very funny woman. The set with Ayam Bakar is fine, I guess. We even buy one for our father that didn't feels well and just stay back at home. But the set of Ayam Penyet, I guess that it just not our taste? My brother-in-law didn't quite enjoy it, and my sister that take a bite of it says that its sooo spicy. Glad I didn't order that set as I can't cope well with spicy food! Haha. 

Its tomorrow. The journey back to the north. Haha. And I don't know if I'm ready for it. I hadn't pack up a single thing. Haih~ And the most downcast thing is that my brother and his little family won't be here tomorrow. I miss them so much, baby Umar especially. :'(

This year will be the first time I'm celebrating birthday without family by my side. Any of them. Its kinda saddening. But I already set up a plan for me. Hope there will be nothing and no one will ruin it. I just should enjoy it as it will be the last time I celebrate it as a teen. =)

Anyway, take care and have a greaaaaattttt day everyone! =)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ Westlife - Season in the Sun

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