Thursday 3 February 2011

Something about: *gasps*

Tomorrow~~~~~ I'll follow my sister and my brother-in-law to Sungai Congkak. Ah~ Love love love it. This might the thing that I need. A breather. :O Thanks a lot kakak. I love you to bits, despite I always be the one that disturbing your life. Mwahaha~ =)

Oh yeah, a friend said that my laugh sounds weird. I don't know if its a compliment or what. but she said that my laugh sounds just like a robot. Or something like that. =,=" Heh? Robot? 

Assignments. Woah! :O Big load of assignments on the way. And plus, the ilearn thing. Just hope that I still be sane after going through everything. Haha. *awkward laugh*

We plan things, but the decision lies upon Him. O Allah, may you bless me always and please show me the right path in my life. :)

One great thing about being at home is my appetite rose. I eat until my stomach aching and could barely swallow food anymore. :O Just like today. My favourite asam pedas and I eat twice of what I eat normally. But that just technically equal to most people's one serving. Haha. =,=" Don't asks me why. 

Finally finally finally all the firecrackers had stopped. Well, I hope. I need enough rest in order to enjoy my day tomorrow. No thinking about assignment and ilearn for tomorrow! Just enjoy the time to spend with families. :)

Dear Z, I just know that you're worried of me so much. But please, don't. I had made a promise that I'll take care of myself, my health especially, and I'll do that. =) And please take care of yourself too. Study and do well. Go and chase after your dream, okay?  

Anyway everyone, take care and have a great day. And have a blast Chinese New Year! =)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ Siti Nurhaliza - Dialah di Hati

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