Sunday 16 October 2011

HF; Façade

I don’t even remember how their conversations get into this topic.

“Because to me, love is feeling it surrounding me.” He babbles on.

I just smiles. “Uh-huh…”

“Really.” He stirs the bubble tea he has in hand. I just follow his fingers that keeps on stirring his favourites drink; bubble tea.

Astonishing.’ I think. I can’t stop thinking.

“I’m in love. Going to confess to her today.”


He keeps on with the now one-sided conversations.

“What types of guy did you think I’ll fall in love with?” I tried to test the water.

He pulls on a cigarettes and start smoking.

I waited, patiently.

“It’s hard to tell. But one thing for sure; not a guy like me. Definitely.”

But I already fall in love with you, you fool.’ I just smiled.

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