Tuesday 18 October 2011

Something about: Smoking - hot?

This topic was meant to be written around Budget 2012, but I delayed it until today. HAHA. =.=;

I do believe lots of us knows that the price of cigarette won't face any increase by next year. Truthfully, I don't even know is it a good thing or not. Somehow I just hope that it will so that less smoker exist in Malaysia. But then, thinking back; smoker is still smoker. Some of they goes to the extend of saving their money from buying foods so that they could buy cigarettes.

Well, given that I grow up in a family where there's no smoker - my father, my brother and even my brother-in-law is not a smoker, I guess it is just understandable why I can't cope much with smokers, right?

Some people (even females) think that there's nothing wrong with smoking. I'll said - everything is wrong when you're smoking. I just can't comprehend how you're solving problem while smoking (or even thinking about solving it!). I'm sorry if what I'm writing here hurts anyone feelings, but I just can't help it. Because to me, running away  from problem by smoking - there's very small differences with running away from problem using alcohol. My apologize, again, if what I did write is making anyone hurt.

For some reason, I then compared -thinking- what would happen to Malaysian if we have this type of vending machine here, in Malaysia.

The two picture above is among many cigarette vending machine that you could found in Japan. No, I'm not trying to point out that Japan is not a good country or anything, I just thinking with the way Malaysia is right now, what would happen if these kind of vending machine exist in my beloved country. To me, the biggest differences about cigarette in Japan and in Malaysia would be the price. Look that the price of cigarettes in the picture, and compare the prices of groceries in Japan. The easiest? Two package of bread is (almost) equal the prick of a pack to cigarette (depend on the brands and the strength of the cigarettes). From as low as 300円 , you could get a pack of cigarette.

Okay, now. What will happen if Malaysia having these kind of vending machine?

SMOKERS GOING TO HAVE GREAT TIME, DUHHHH. =.=; Because it is more convenient that way, having such machine around. Machine works 24-hours everyday - compared to shops. And it is not only that. Just imagine how much money could government makes out of these cigarette's taxes. It's easier to buy equals to more people buys equals to more income for the government. Splendid.

But it definitely become worse for people that suffocated because of smoke - like me. 

Writing about cigarettes makes me remember our talk in English class. Our lecturer basically saying that smoking can't be bad because if it is, it definitely is banned here. It makes me think about lots of things, actually. :D

Some people think that they're looking smokin' hot while smoking. Let me show you something. Unless you're able to surpass him, you don't deserve thinking yourself as smokin' hot. THIS is what smokin' hot means;-

DARE? It's a challenge. Nyahahaaaaaa~ <--- its the kind of laugh that people try to imitate a cat but failed miserably. :D



I just put a header, an ugly one. Made it out of blue after watching the performance Kamenashi Kazuya singing Aishiteirukara during Shounen Club. I kinda miss him. :S

Next, some people might have realized (or not) that I just put up few updates with new labels; Heart's Fragment. Basically, it is just things that I write out of blue; a spur of moment thing. You know? Some of it might be something that had happen to me or to someone else, while others is just things that I write thinking of "what-if's". Got the idea of writing things like that after listening to "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps" on The Kitchen Musical aired in ntv7. :D

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ KAT-TUN - Water Dance

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