Saturday 31 January 2009

Something about: Outing...

Tomorrow~ Oh yeah~ Need to buy a few things, so...

With my sister and her boyfriend... =_=" Can't be helped, but as long as I could go out~ Yepie~~~

A chance to watch movie? - Yes. But, don't know what to watch~ =_=" Maaannnn~ I really have a lot of problem, ne~?


Oh yeah, I was thinking to write about what happen to me last Saturday. So, Naqib does know, because he's there... Though that he's late, but hey~ he's having a new nickname~ XD Hohoho~ We girls was so bad, you know? Hohoho~

Back to the main thing... Last Saturday, my family make a doa selamat at our Kuala Selangor's house. It's tiring... Yeah, Friday was the cross-country day and that ceremony was the day after... Though I'm not really doing anything, but stilll...I felt so tired. Didn't really eat, but I drink a lot. A LOT.

Okay, not to the main story that I wanna share. This was regarding to a little cousin by my mom's side. This little girl just know how to make people pissed-off over her. Why? Could you imagine that she's sneaking at my parent's bedroom and make my parent's bedroom's bathroom dirty. With things that my parents can't solve what it was. Nothing much, but to think that a little kid doing something like that was enough to make me pissed-off. I don't care, you know? I scold her in front of her mom when she's doing things wrongly. It was something that quite personal, but I think I'll share why I didn't like her family. It was when I'm around 12, I guess... My aunts call my house to talk to my mom, but my mom was out to her workplace. And my aunts said something like "ah~ it's good to be born it wealth family... you could wake up late" and it's totally pissing me off. Okay, so I wake up late, but that was during holiday. What did you hope me to do? House chores? Man~ I'm not even a teen yet... And my mom was okay since it was holiday, so why you're making fuss aout things like that? I was wake up by your phonecall, be glad that I didn't take out the wire from the phone. >3< And since I'm not a good girl, I'll write things about my aunts' family. Her daughter that was the same age as mine was...=_=" erm... she's not getting any A for her PMR. *sigh* I was still angry to her about that. So, watch out how you behave towards me, because I keep things inside my heart. And yeah, I believe things will come back to you. What goes around comes around, you know?


Okay, cut that's all. I'm eager about toorow's outing~ ^.^ Finally, someone was consider to make me feel happy~ ^.^

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~

And "our cute cousin" was kinda cute, I think~ Hohohoho~~~

Friday 30 January 2009

Something about: one week

without net, and I think that I'm crazy, technically by now. I really, really wanna whack that TMNet fella that come to my house...but luckily, he's a nice guy... Okay, that was kinda lame... The real reason was because that person was "elder" people. *sigh* Did I look like a gangsta that gonna kill anyone that I hate? Definitely not, right? Since I'm the cute little Nabilah. Okay, you deserve to puke right now, I don't mind that~ XD

Okay, what I miss? ALOT. *sigh* And I'm on9ing using my sister's lappie, which was kinda slow compare to my baby pc, but that was better than without net. Worse? Need to share this with my sister, since this lappie was her's~ *sigh* That stupic modem got some probleminside it. Could you believe that? No, read this carefully. *takedeepbreath* DID WEEEE REALLY REALLY NEED TO MAKE TWO FUCKING REPORT TO MAKE THAT TMNet FELLA TO COME TO OUR HOUSE? Okay, sorry for those harsh words, but I can't help it. We pay, and they complain if we pay it a little bit late, but is it necessary to make the two fucking complain to make them come to our house? AND AND AND, that wasn't our fault. That stupid fucking modem was having problem and how are we supposed to know about that? We weren't technician that checking everything? Stupid internet. Stupid TMNet. Stupid connection. What make I angrier? Because they did cut our line once, because my dad forgot to pay, and it was just late by 24 hours, and they make ME to wait for 48 hours before connecting it back to our line. Stupid fucking TMnet, right? And NO, I'm not gonna censored my words.


And you know what was the result of this one-week holiday? A bunch of homeworks that I did not finish, yet... *sigh*

And the torrent still can't move because I can't get the net to get into the baby pc... *sigh* And I miss Ryuusei no Kizuna ep 6, Kami no Shizuku ep 1, and more interview of RumiJuri... *sigh*

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~


Saturday 24 January 2009

Something about: short,

because I'm tired, and I need to update another blog in nano-second later~ XD

Did you know that I didn't have handphone before? And just got my own number lately? [I know you don't] Because my parents was technically against it, students have handphone and such. But she call me when I'm at school today. THREE TIMES. -_-" See~? I really can't understand adults. The first was to checking out whether I'm not forgotten about house keys and the second and the third - let just make it a secret. But it was just damn weird... *chuckles* Don't you think so too?


Today was actually the cross-country day... Run and run and run while I'm...period. That was annoying... Okay. The main things, the guys. Okay, I'm actually was in an all-girl school, so where does come the guys? The all guys school, our neighbors... -_-" We meet at a few times and you wanna know what was funny? Their teachers was holding make sure that they won't "accidentally" got into a wrong way~ Hahahaha~ That was uber funny, man~ *giggles* But one thing, the upper-six of the guys school did have some girl students, and somehow, she lost her track and mixed up with us, so she need to turn back...which was quite a long lost track... Poor her...
Second - the cheater. This was still about the guys. My friend and I see tho students that was stop at a place and "suddenly" joins back with his school-mates. And yeah - they was by car, maybe it was their parents or friends or someone else, but the main points it - THEY'RE CHEATING. Come on, would you actually be happy if you win like that? - By cheating? Would you? *sigh* What was the use of learning Sivik at school?


And even I'm not giving any points at Rumah Biru, but I'm proud to say that - RUMAH BIRU WAS NO 1 MAN~!!! WE ROCK, RIGHT? >.< style="font-style: italic;">potong
me... But there's some of form 3 student's that made it, though~ *sigh* I'm really a nenek that can't run, eh~ *giggles*


I'm tired and tomorrow night we will have a jenduri doa selamat at Kuala Selangor - out other family house. Definitely will be a tiring day~ *sigh* I NEED REST, SERIOUSLY... But my homeworks~ *sigh&

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~


Thursday 22 January 2009

Something about: pms-ing mode

was on~!!! Grrr~!!! Seriously, I was annoyed by a lot of people. A LOT FOR TODAY~ *sigh* Some people just don't know that they'd cross the line, you know? And it just make me feel like I'm gonna f***ing killing someone there and then~ Argh~!!! It was regarding the ULBS. It was enough that some people just don't wanna listen to me, but yeah, my group was supposed to be the last group, since we was mixed... The un-wanted poeple, la~ *sigh* The real story I was there was looooong story, and I don't feel like I wanna share about it.

So, this particular peoples was supposed in the 6th to make the presentation and such, they change to the 7th group and such... and today, they wanted to be the last group... I just can't handle it, they jusy, just had enough...


second - half an hour at the car, because stuck at the stupid dumd thing called a "traffic-light"... Half an hour, just to buy groceries, and half an hour was spendt at the car, because of the traffic-light - TOO MUCH TRAFFIC LIGHT. Stupid dumb *!$#@@^%$&%@$##^%&*&*

And this few "clever" drivers was driving as they wish, and you know what? I curse him~! Behind my dad [since my dad was the one that driving] LOUDLY. The hell I care with that. Don't they learn about ethics? Stupid driver. I'm seriously gonna f***ing killing him there and then... If killing someone was not a crime...


During at the counter at Tesco. A little boy [around 7-8 y.o.] push me, palm at my waist. And and and - HE GLARES AT ME. THAT was so unbelieveable. I really, really wanna smack that boy's head if not his parents were there, but... *sigh* I don't even know what type of parents they was, letting their chile behave like that. You know, I kinda regret for not smacking that boy's head by now. He's a boy, but his behave~ *sigh*


Not need to remind that I'm using a lot of dirty word today, but I just need to release it from my mind~

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday 20 January 2009

Something about: Something new~

Oh yeah, my mood was getting better lately, just sill annoyed easily sometime~ XD ^_^" But that can't be helped, right? It was just me~

So yeah, my sister and I went out that Sunday, and it was fun, yet tiring at the very same time. Can't get into the movie as the ticket was sold out [yeah, BOOO~!!! Boo them for not give me the chance to watch, and my sister cause she wont let me see any 18+ rated movie. XD] We do some shop, and some - it mean some. A long-sleeve t-shirt and a shirt. So does my sister, that make 4 piece of cloths, after more than 2 hours walking non-stop~ XD It's hard to make desicion as most of the clothes wasn't really pretty and suitable for me. And when I look at home, my two clothes was purple. Weird, I know. I don't even know why I kinda "on" to purple lately. Help me, someone~?


So, yesterday, my brother's fiancee spend the night at our house since today she got interview job at Putrajaya today. She's fine, yeah. She's not very talkative, but it' fine. But that's not the main point that I want to write, but about my exessive forgetfullness. Yesterday, after the latihan rumah sukan, I did eat something. And for dinner, we went to eat outside. I feel it was kinda hard to finish my meal, harder than it should. Thinking about that it ight be because of my headache, I try to eat slowly. Until my sister look at my face and ask "didn't you just eat before?" and yeah, I just realized taht indeed, I did eat something... -_-" I think I could cry over this, right? TT_TT


And regarding "something new"~ Hehehe~ It was a secret~ *wink* *shot* *look around*

Sorry~~~ But I can't write it, but yeshhh~~~~ I'm soo happy of it~ XD

Anyway, have a great day, ev1eryone~~~


Saturday 17 January 2009

Something about: yeah yeah yeah~

First: the bengkel kepimpinan kelab. Boring, seriously~ ~_~ I'm sleepy and the slot for the treasurer was short. But we having fun during the "ice-breaking session". \(^.^)/ Yeah~ :S I kinda feel bad about it. One interesting thing: during the taklimat of school magazine, that was done by Pn. Tun Farina. It was kinda - silent? She's talking and nobody, nobody was dare to talk and cuit-cuit kawan. Seriously. XD


I hope that tomorrow, we [my sister and I] could really go out. Somehow, I fell like living in a prison. I never go out, yeah with friends... XD I did go out, a few times, and it was really, really a few times, but with my sister's friends. *sigh* And all of them was at least six years older than me~ :S That does sounds sad, isn't it? But, that was my life~ XD


Something that I think during the "ice-breaking" session this morning, though I know it was lame~ XD

Did you want to see a butterfly?

Easy - take a butter and throw it to the sky~


A butterfly~

You've been warned about the lameness of my mind~ XD


Oh yeah, I kinda addicted to a Singaporean drama - titled Mars VS Venus. I can't recall which year it was broadcaster, but here in Malaysia, it just shown lately. Why I love this drama? - it was soo fun. And having lots and lots of interesting quotes regarding man and woman.

Woman will understand about a man even she just know a man, but man can't understand woman though he knows thousands of woman.

THAT was so true, isn't it? XD


Wei Chin, you should've been flattered about this. Wanna know why? - THIS POST. She was that great and sketching those things. First, because she could sketch. Second, she's doing it while teacher was giving the speech in front~ THAT was great, wasn't it? XD

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~

Oh yeah, my torrent finally start move again after I burn a DVD, taking out 4GB from my baby pc... XD Yeah, and lot more to be taken out~ XD So yeah, my mood was better right now~ XD

Friday 16 January 2009

Something about: for the sake of

a post... >.< LOLX. A few days past without any post from me, ne~?

I won't enter the class tomorrow. Yeay~? I don't know. I'll need to replacing someone to go to the hall for some bengkel. XD Maybe I should be happy. No Add Math~ And tomorrow was for double period. Yesh, I should've be happy. ^.^ I really need rest from numbers and funny funny things. XD

UTorrent hates me? I don't know, it's move sooooo slow, which make me thinks that BitTorrent was better. *sigh* It would take a year to change a new torrent, I think... If I need to, since "Kami no Shizuku" will be released really soon... Ah~ I still want it from JOR, even I could've download the softsubs only~ *peace~*


Did you find that saying "no", or "I can't" or "it's okay" was hard? I find myself was kinda hard to do those things. That only lead - I'm hurt in the end... ~_~*

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~

yeah, short, I know~ XD

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Something about: yeay fro my sleepiness

Oh yesh~ I'm superbly sleepy during the tuition of Add Math just now~ I really really sleepy that might be, 50%[or maybe more] of what being teach was not even entering my ears. I'm bubbly all the time~ >.<

My mood was dramatically change today. One of the reason was the thing that you would know when you read the other blog - the fan-girling blog. So, there's something that make me fell sooooo angry last night. My father accidentally switch of the suis of the pc, not any suis, THE MAIN SUIS. I'm sooo fuming off last night. But the morning, Kazuya really does make my mood become better.

And somebody just can't realize how sensitive some topic would be, especially about religion. I think that I could actually killing someone at the very moment. But noooooo, I just stay silent. Respect the elder, even thought you knows how wrooonggg their opinion was~ Heh~

My torrent download was not trying to help me either... *sigh* They hate me, and you know what? - I'm soooo desperate to know what happen to Tokyo and who's the real "J". This was about Bloody Monday.

I'm lack of DVD. The poor "M" gonna be my victim each and every single week, cause she's the only one that could get me DVD fast, faster than my sister, obviously. I need to go to Tesco by now. NOW~!!! So that I could buy a stack of DVD-R, just for myself. XD I really need to get out from this house... *sigh* I sounds sooooo desperate~ TT_TT

My Add Math teacher was kinda cool tonight, just enough to make me not to sleep at his class. He found some key-chain, that kinda look like a voodoo doll, and he plays with it. I'm burst out laughing looking at him. Yesss, he's playing with the voodoo doll, and I think he loves it~ XD

I think that I'm making a lot of typos, but can't be help. I'm sleepy~

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~


*off to sleep, since I really need plenty time for it~*

Monday 12 January 2009

Something about: henna

Oh yeshhhh~ I'm having henna~ ^_^ But on my leg. [leg, I only make it at my left leg. I'm left-handed, so it'll be hard to do at the right leg. >_<] I can't make it at my hand[s], yeah, thank to the Malaysia's school rule. Boo that. It's henna, only henna. >.< _=" HELLPPPPP~~~~">_<

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~

I'm gonna be teased by Farhanah when she sees this. I hate you, girl... TT_TT

Something about: Tell me

about this...

How evil are you?

Seriously~??? >_<

So, I'm not as evil as I thought I would be~ >_<

Why why why and why~???

I don't understand that at all...


Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~


Thursday 8 January 2009




Wednesday 7 January 2009

Something about: I wanna kick myself....

If I can... LOLX. Obviously I can't... I'm so believing that myself already turn out to be an old grannies. I left my new brought school t-shirt under my desk.


Obviously, right? I could only pray that the afternoon session girl won't steal it... Or take it, actually. *sigh*

And I make two egg burn.

I want to repeat it...


Hell, man... *sigh* And I need to redo it again... Don't feel like to write about what happen actually. By now, I dunno whether I'm turning to become an old granny or I'm having Alzheimer... *sigh*

I'm sooooo tired, and I'm having tuition in less than one hour... *sigh* And and and, my homeworks...still having a few to be finished...

Hope my QoP concert downloads will finish as soon as possible... *sigh*

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday 6 January 2009

Something about: anything...

Since I don't really know the purpose of posting this post...*sigh*

Did you hate yourself when you're doing something wrong?

Sincerely, I did...

I just feel like "why I'm the one that doing mistake"...

But sometime, I keep on forgotten about me are a human...

Nobody is perfect.

But it keep on making me tired.


Even sometime, I'm hesitating over thing, whether what I'm doing was right, or it was wrong?

Did you'll feel the same?

I'm tired of everything.


Why can't I just disappear from this world? *sigh*

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~


Something about: Human...

That didn't realize and repent[?] even after things happen.

I can't stand them.


I was kinda pity at her, but to think that she says something about "you know, I never been in any of last class in my whole life" make me think - YOU REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY DESERVED IT. PADAN MUKA YOU.

I know that she always, always looking down upon me, but I still try to think that she's good people. But to think that she says something directly like that to somebody's face make me feel so angry. *___* I'm upset. How people changes as time flies. It's sad. Really, really sad. *sigh*

Or maybe she was just too happy with her bf? *x* I'm not jealous, because I think I'm happy like this... XD Durh, I'm having a bf, you know? In my fantasies. At least, it didn't really hurt if something happen... I know I know... I'm pathetic... XD


And somebody didn't fail at all to make me angry.

Maybe, it was my fault...

She asked us to bring antologi "kerusi" each and every day.

Me: WTF?!

She asked us read it during the 5 minutes reading at the assembly.

Me: You kiddin' me?

The 5 minutes reading was supposed to read story book, fiction or non-fiction, or something like that. NOT SOMETHING THAT CAN NOT BE RECORDED ON THE NILAM BOOK, LA HUMAN.

Life is superb.

And to bring it each and every day? *x* Heh. Why can't she pick a day to bring it only? Why, ah? Lolx. It's okay. I think I know the very right way to satisfied her. Maybe she'll be happy if my backbone broke. *sigh* Seriously, I can't understand human.

And I still didn't know my Account teacher... Hope that won't be Puan Aziah. I believe that I'm gonna sleep in her class if she's the one that teaching me Acc. *sigh*

Anyway, have a great day, everyone~~~


Monday 5 January 2009

Something about: since I'm normal like others...

I'll write something as this is the first day we come back to school...after and a half month. [and I still didn't find out I'm doing anything in my holiday than spend time with my PC husband and go to tuition.] And somehow, life is wonderful. <--- It's a reverse actually, okay? (>_-)

We got the same class teacher, a few same subject teacher, the same students, and hell...the same class... *sigh* My class was placed far far away from the canteen and the school gate. Which mean, more walking... *sigh* Why Jennifer why~~~??? *smacked* Life is so fair to everyone...

I think the teachers that I got for this year aren't that bad... BUT...some of them was make me goes like this... ---> O_O and O_o Seriously... But most of them make me XD over them... I'm a weirdo, and life is great.

Somebody is cursing me and I'm cursing back... Life is beautiful...

Next, we will really start to learn, just after recess we will having co-curriculum taklimat... *sigh* Merentas desa... *sigh* Life is superb...

Some of my friend need to split[I almost type it as spit...LOLX XD] from each other... That was hard, and I know that... I really hope that they could make themselves comfortable with the new environments. It's really hard, but we're human... Time will help us... :) Believe me, okay?

Have a great day, everyone~~~

p/s: Hey~ I'm having Pn Asiah for History classes... Life is reallly realllyyyy wonderful, you know? She's cool... (>_<)

Sunday 4 January 2009

Something about: TAGGED...

By Amalina... :) Since I'm in quite good mood, I'm decided to do it now... :P

10 years ago [1999]
1. I'm 7?
2. Get into all new
3. I remember about my very, very nice class teacher... :)

5 years ago [2004]
1. I'm 12?
2. UPSR... *sigh*
3. Crazy class with crazy friends... [we're so noisy even we were on top of school office... XD]

2 years ago [2007]
1. PMR...
2. I think I'm having great classmates...
3. Watching Gokusen 2, turning point of my fan-girling life... XD

1 years ago [2008]
1. I got into a class that less tension...
2. I'm learning Tasawwur Islam...and it was great... :)
3. I'm addicted to Japanese drama...seriously.

Yesterday [3rd January 2009]
1. I'm having mixed emotions...
2. I finished watching Johnny's countdown concert... fan-girl~~~~~ XD
3. I hate Kamenashi Kazuya's face by now... He's getting skinny, again... Eat more, mannnn... I love you so much when you gaining your weight for Ichi Paun no Fukuin... XD

Today [4th January 2009], I...
1. Finished download ep 9 of Oh! My Girl!!! JDorama~ XD Because Kato Rosa was in it~ XD
2. Shocked looking at the cover of mini album flumpool...since they're... naked, seriously... O_o
3. Craving for McFlurry...[I hope I spell it right...I don't even remember how it was spelled...XD]

Tomorrow, I will...
1. Start go to school...again...
2. Wake up early in the morning...again...
3. Walk back home from school... *sigh* No one was willing to send me home~ XD

Three snacks I enjoy...
1. fries
2. ice-cream [this could be considered as snack meh~? XD]
3. marshmallow

Three things I can't live without...
1. My husband that was actually my PC... XD I'm a weirdo, I know...
2. My flashdrive named Jin...
3. Internet... Obviously, right? *smacked*

Three things I wanna but with RM 1K
1. Apple notebook...
2. A futago bungalow...
3. A very nice car... Jaguar, perhaps? XD

Three shows I like:
1. Cartoon KAT-TUN... I used to, before they change the format of this... :(
2. Criminal Minds... Oh Yeah~ I love this~!!!
3. Totally Spies... yeah, the that cartoon...

Three places I've lived in...
1. Taman Hassan
2. Klang
3. Selangor?
*smacked for the very very lame answer*

And I tag...
1. Naqib
2. Nur Syakirin
3. Cheok Wei Chin


Now, I'm rambling... Yesterday the school starts, and my parents still can't find anyone that could send me home after school. That previous "driver" did not want to do it anymore because my schedule... I'm taking Tasawwur class and Perdagangan, so I come back different time everyday. It was hard for him to memorized the time... *sigh* My mom ask about bicycle. I'm wondering, wasn't motorcycle would be better? *sigh* That was just too crazy wearing baju kurung and cycling, you know? Then I need to wear trousers inside my kain. Don't wanna. XD I prefer walks back than cycling...

That's it...

Have a great day, everyone~~~


Friday 2 January 2009

Something about: School starts soon...

*sigh* And I don't really eager about it...

Anyway, I change my layouts after a few days... *sigh* It load too long... Why? - Dunno... Seriously... I'm not really happy by now... Just...luckily I'm a fan-girl... XD

Done. Bye2~ ^^v

Have a great day, everyone~~~


Thursday 1 January 2009

♥♥♥ ~*~ Welcome to the all new blog of Nabilah Arifin ~*~ ♥♥♥

*throws confetti everywhere*

I'm a a weirdo that loves to "merepek" - as said by Naqib... *sigh*

*waves* Hello~ Thanks for reading my blog~ *bows*
Thank you ~ Thank you~

The old blog was still active, but it was for my fan-girling session... But maybe I would close it and make a new blog for my fan-girling session... Dunno yet la...

Yup... I know some people annoyed by me when my fan-girl mode is on, I keep posting about it, so I think splitting it would be better... Agree?

So, I hope that my friends could change my link~ *bows*
Sorry for the inconvenience~ *bows*
I'm so sorry everyone~ *bows*

This layout was lovely, isn't it?
I found it somewhere, but I can't recall where and when...
So sorry to this layout maker...
But I think it's okay since the credit was still there... *smiles*

Lots of ♥♥♥,
