Sunday 4 January 2009

Something about: TAGGED...

By Amalina... :) Since I'm in quite good mood, I'm decided to do it now... :P

10 years ago [1999]
1. I'm 7?
2. Get into all new
3. I remember about my very, very nice class teacher... :)

5 years ago [2004]
1. I'm 12?
2. UPSR... *sigh*
3. Crazy class with crazy friends... [we're so noisy even we were on top of school office... XD]

2 years ago [2007]
1. PMR...
2. I think I'm having great classmates...
3. Watching Gokusen 2, turning point of my fan-girling life... XD

1 years ago [2008]
1. I got into a class that less tension...
2. I'm learning Tasawwur Islam...and it was great... :)
3. I'm addicted to Japanese drama...seriously.

Yesterday [3rd January 2009]
1. I'm having mixed emotions...
2. I finished watching Johnny's countdown concert... fan-girl~~~~~ XD
3. I hate Kamenashi Kazuya's face by now... He's getting skinny, again... Eat more, mannnn... I love you so much when you gaining your weight for Ichi Paun no Fukuin... XD

Today [4th January 2009], I...
1. Finished download ep 9 of Oh! My Girl!!! JDorama~ XD Because Kato Rosa was in it~ XD
2. Shocked looking at the cover of mini album flumpool...since they're... naked, seriously... O_o
3. Craving for McFlurry...[I hope I spell it right...I don't even remember how it was spelled...XD]

Tomorrow, I will...
1. Start go to school...again...
2. Wake up early in the morning...again...
3. Walk back home from school... *sigh* No one was willing to send me home~ XD

Three snacks I enjoy...
1. fries
2. ice-cream [this could be considered as snack meh~? XD]
3. marshmallow

Three things I can't live without...
1. My husband that was actually my PC... XD I'm a weirdo, I know...
2. My flashdrive named Jin...
3. Internet... Obviously, right? *smacked*

Three things I wanna but with RM 1K
1. Apple notebook...
2. A futago bungalow...
3. A very nice car... Jaguar, perhaps? XD

Three shows I like:
1. Cartoon KAT-TUN... I used to, before they change the format of this... :(
2. Criminal Minds... Oh Yeah~ I love this~!!!
3. Totally Spies... yeah, the that cartoon...

Three places I've lived in...
1. Taman Hassan
2. Klang
3. Selangor?
*smacked for the very very lame answer*

And I tag...
1. Naqib
2. Nur Syakirin
3. Cheok Wei Chin


Now, I'm rambling... Yesterday the school starts, and my parents still can't find anyone that could send me home after school. That previous "driver" did not want to do it anymore because my schedule... I'm taking Tasawwur class and Perdagangan, so I come back different time everyday. It was hard for him to memorized the time... *sigh* My mom ask about bicycle. I'm wondering, wasn't motorcycle would be better? *sigh* That was just too crazy wearing baju kurung and cycling, you know? Then I need to wear trousers inside my kain. Don't wanna. XD I prefer walks back than cycling...

That's it...

Have a great day, everyone~~~


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