Friday 30 December 2011

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Monday 19 December 2011

Something about: Reckless Week(end).

Arau ---> Padang Besar ---> Kuala Perlis ---> Kangar ---> Arau. That is the summary of our journey last Friday. All eight of us having a wonderful splendid journey together, via motorcycle. Yeah, you read it right.  All eight of us in five motorcycles. :D It definitely unplanned journey. Started of with one of our friends want to buy a new bag because his bag currently is not use-able anymore. So Padang Besar, here we come. 

Rempit? No. Cuz we're cool. :D

So the first thing that come into my mind after reaching Padang Besar would be the next day modul. I need a black t-shirt, of a jersey that I won't mind getting it dirty! So with help from fellow friends, I bought a black t-shirt. But, look what we found first at the shop. 

Bazinga! We love Sheldon! :D

Yes, we meet an epic t-shirt written "BAZINGA!" It is one of the famous quote from The Big Bang Theory, that I love to bits. :D It is just damn funny to not to laugh at it.
Watch. And laugh. :D

LOL. This video is making me laugh like a maniac.

Later the evening, we went to Kuala Perlis. Just for fun and totally unplanned. Watching the sea and sunset for awhile. One of the nicest thing we done, all eight of us trying to throw small stones and see who could go the farthest. Which obviously and naturally; would be the boys.

For dinner, we went to MaiCafe, located somewhere in Kangar. The first time went there for all of us. :D The food were great and the price was reasonable to me. Well, it kinda suits with the size of the food they serve.

And on Saturday, I'm involved in part 4's modul - explorace. Extremely tired despite how fun it is. Crawling with the mud, be inside a lake that seems like never been taken care of, playing with water and flour, etc. Just look at me, all flour-y and mud-y. 

Flour on scarf, mud on ... everywhere.


And since I'm having modul, I can't follow my sister and her husband to Padang Besar. But but but, I got a new handbag! :D Thanks to my sister that pick a cute handbag for me. 

sister. me. Kuala Perlis.

Well, maybe we can't go to Padang Besar together, but we reach Kuala Perlis together. :D Eat plenty of food and having fun together for few hours. Oh, and she's currently at Langkawi Island - holiday.

After two days doing things, the Sunday was entirely for rest. :D

On the other hand - listening to older people talks about life makes you realized how important it is to be happy. Or so I think. At least that what I'll aim for my life, being happy. ;)

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ - GReeeen - Ai Uta

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Sesuatu tentang : Derma Darah.

Buat kali ketiga dalam hidup, hari ini, telah berjaya mendermakan darah. :D Alhamdulillah. 

Kali Ketiga

Dan kali ini, buat pertama kali telah dibekalkan dengan beberapa supplemen tambahan.

Folic Acid

Vitamin B Complex



Terbaek! Vitamin C yang boleh dikunyah. :D Suka suka suka~

Ramai orang tanya, tak takut naik berat badan ke kalau derma darah ni? Aku akan katakan, "No comment." Sebab percaya atau tidak, aku rasa kesan itu mengikut orang. Ya, lain orang, lain kesannya. Seperti juga after-effect menderma darah seperti mual, muntah, atau terasa ingin pitam, aku tidak pernah lagi merasakannya. Pertama kali setelah menderma darah aku telah melakukan kerja-kerja berat dan kesan yang memudaratkan tak pernah lagi terjadi. :D 

Hidup di universiti sangat berbeza dari zaman persekolahan (yang untuk rekod, adalah berkali ganda lebih menyeronokkan) kerana di sini, kau tidak boleh mengharap agar semua orang akan menunggu kau. Kau hanya mampu bergantung kepada diri sendiri dan hanya beberapa teman (yang betul-betul rapat sahaja)?

Dalam beberapa hari ini, aku terpikir; terlalu sensitif kah aku - atau terlalu tiada perasaan kah manusia itu? Kali ini aku menulis setelah perasaan itu reda sedikit dari dalam hati kerana aku agak khuatir untuk menulis sewaktu aku terlalu emosional. Mungkin kadang-kala terlalu berterus terang itu mempunyai kontra nya juga. Entahlah. Dan aku juga terfikir - di tahap manakah kebenaran itu menjadi penghinaan? Kalau kebenaran itu terlalu pahit untuk diluahkan -kerana; ya, ianya memalukan- di tahap manakah ia akan dianggap sebagai mengatakan kebenaran dan di tahap manakah ia dianggap menghina? :/

Oh, dan janganlah kagum sangat bila melihat seorang perempuan yang seolah tipikal mempunyai wallpaper yang sangat lari dari imej tipikal itu. :D

HAHA. :D Konklusinya; aku bukan tipikal.

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Akanishi Jin - Tipsy Love

Friday 9 December 2011

HF; Knows.

"Sometimes you do know how precious such person to you. But you just able to comprehend about it after he or she is gone - away from your life. Never to come back ever again."

Your eyes penetrates mine for quite some time after I says so. I know what you feel but I pretend of not knowing it. Because for once I hope that you'll understand me - all of me.

"People do take things for granted; lots of time didn't they?"

"Why did you always do things so that people will hate you?" You look at me seriously as you asking such question.

I smile because I know how badly my action affect you lots of time. But I can't stop it. Since I really want to know how long will you stay beside me and how far could you accept me thoroughly.

Because I had seen lots of people did not manage to do so, and they walk away.
Apart of me thinking it is fine, since it shows how many people actually are sincere accepting you for who you are but still do hope that you'll change to the better.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Something about: Things.

Alhamdulillah after two days facing major migraine(again), my condition is actually better right now. This week shows how hard this semester will hit us because the workload - assignments and all had already piling up on my study. Major WOAH there. Haha. :D Yessss, after two weeks spent leisurely, the weeks full of activities had finally started. 


There are moments when things goes so wrong. It makes us confuse. It makes us feels suffocating. And we wants it to end right at the moment we feels that we can't take it anymore. Facing hardship sometimes makes us forget that in order to be stronger, we need to overcome such obstacle. 

"It's just like chasing a fleeting attraction, you know?" - This sentences bring lots of meaning to me. Last week, I kinda grieving over something. It comes as a big shock to me, but all turns well to me up until now, Alhamdulillah. Thanks to everyone that cheering me up and makes me happy. It is just that I hope that such people won't ever come back to my life. Because when I know such people is just not worth it, it turns me into someone who's not originally me. And it makes me upset about myself too. :'(

And I listen to this song sometimes to cheer myself up! :D

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ arashi - One Love

Sunday 4 December 2011

Something about: Temperature

It's very cold today here in Arau, eh? It's been raining since afternoon earlier. This makes me wanna say, "Let's roll like makizushi, everyone!" Yeah, like what I'm doing right now, roll up in my blanket because it is just too cold for not doing so. :D

I'm kinda craving for sushi too. Anyone? :D
I love ebi!

So some people questioning me about my choices of great car, Toyota Prius. I mean, what's to hate about Prius actually? Do tell me! It's hybrid and the body kit seems all nice to me. :D

Prius. Can you actually hate this car?

And it wasn't like I demand something like this.
Or this;-

Haha. Okay, this post is a very random. Because the temperature is too low for my brain to actually working properly. :D

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ - Shiina Ringo - Aozora

Sesuatu tentang: Comel

Kenapa comel sangat ni? Gigit kang! Gerrraaaammmm tau!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ - P!nk - F--kin Perfect

Sesuatu tentang: Sakit.

Sakit berguling-guling-guling-guling sebab sakit sangat dan tak boleh tidur. Yeayyyy~

Okay. Saja nak update sebab tak tahu nak buat apa sebab sakit sangat sampai tak boleh tidur.

Sakit yang memang sakit tu satu. Sakit yang kat dalam hati tu lagi satu. Malas nak cakap banyak. Kesian sangat, sebab orang tak tahu apa2. Jahil tak salah katanya. 

Buat masa sekarang ni, dengar yang ini banyak2. Lega sikit dekat dalam ni. :D

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ 
ps; memanglah barang aku hakmilik awam. memanglah budi bahasa bukan budaya kita. #perli

Saturday 3 December 2011

Something about: Easy?

What I hate about panadol is it do kill the pain fast, but the effect don't stay long and you'll increase the dose as time passes.

And whoever said that being a woman is easy, should get a kick. *emo*

Okay. I'm done with the second week in this fourth semester. BUT, up until now only two out of five subject I take this semester did actually have proper classes. Still I think it is quite fine because lots of things that need to be attended early this semester.

I was totally bored today so I decided to re-watch Johnny's Countdown 2009-2010 Concert and gaining this.

"Do me"
Me: It's a joke. If you get it, let me tell you this; you're dirty minded people. Haha. :P

I'm kinda lifeless right now. Since my jobs had finished at this moment, I'll just kill time by re-watching Cartoon KAT-TUN, again. Later. :D

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ - KAT-TUN - Neiro
ps; So if I tuck my hair on my left side using my right hand, will you really fall in love with me? ;D For every truth you tell, thank you!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Something about: Stickwitu

"You must love someone, not because you want them to love you too. But rather, you love them simply because, you have decided to do so, with no regrets."

Dear, red didn't suits you. But you're still the one that I'm stuck with since our first encounter. :D

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ - Pussycat Dolls - Stickwitu

Monday 28 November 2011

HF; Zippo.

I just look at your fingers; mesmerized by the way you flick your Zippo and start smoking. Inhale. Exhale.

I had always hate smoker since I just can't stand smokes surrounding me and filling my system but when I with you, such feelings disappears without any trace.

You take another cigarettes after you finished. You start to flick Zippo to make fire for your cigarettes.

And it flicks something inside me, too.

Source: here.

ps; my first love is a zippo lover! :D

Saturday 26 November 2011

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel.
Yokai Ningen Bem.

I know I'm selfish. But I can't help it. :D

Something about: November.

I was looking all over my blog and realization kicked me. How lifeless I am during November? Haha. Four more days before November ends and I only have 10 posts (including this post). What happen to me actually? Really, is having a broken heart makes me lose all muse to write? -.-;

Okay, ignore that.

I kinda blogwalking once in a while (which truthfully, a very rare event to me) and stumble upon a post about stalker. As I reading it, I'll be back to an event happen to me before. As I'll put it into words. "birthday disaster". 

Did you know forgiving never equals to letting go?

You did it, you bear it. 

Be a proper human, okay?

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Yu-Yu - Kimi to Zutto

Thursday 24 November 2011

Something about: Latest.

Finally, lots of things had been settled down. 

Few things makes me sad, because how it is too hard for me but eventually - Alhamdulillah - things getting better. :) This week really had put me on the verge, that I think I almost break inside. I just feel it is needed to express my gratitude for knowing great people around me that not hesitate to help me when I'm in need. It makes me happy to knows that no matter how hard it is, I'm not alone. To know that someones actually cares makes me happy. I might be fussy as a human, but I don't think it takes lots of effort to make me happy. Haha. 

Next. New semester just started this week, but the pressure of things already consume my mind. Maybe that's what I need, distraction from things hat hurts me too much at this moment. 

I kinda have a talk with a friend about gentleman earlier. And it makes me remember about how guys always misinterpret the word 'gentleman' in girl's eyes. It funny how people from both gender could argue about it continuously, you know? :D

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Akanishi Jin feat Jason Derulo - Test Drive
ps; this was kinda short because I'm facing a conflict of trust over someone. Haha. 

Monday 21 November 2011

Something about: YOU!


Picture stolen from here ^_^

Seems like a Japanese single from him in the next month. The covers were so pretty. Seasons. 春. 夏. 秋. 冬. :D

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Nakamura Ataru - Tomodachi no Uta

Wednesday 16 November 2011

HF; Flamboyant of Love

You lead me to a place that I know by heart. Our place, where we could hide from the world -people- for hours and just stay besides each other without even a word exchange between us.

As we getting closer, I gasp.

You turn and smile –I like to think it as bright as sun, I know it’s childish but still- and I can’t help but smiles back.

There, our place was decorated with balloons –vibrant colours, I notice- all over the place and each one of it written 'I ♥ U'. Your own handwriting on each of the vibrant colours balloons.

I look directly into your eyes, dark and full of love. "Why?"

You’re blushing, deep crimson red and I can’t help but falling harder to you. "Happy birthday. I want to do something special for you, but I don’t know what should I do and this idea suddenly comes into me and-"

"I love you too." I cut your words as I realized that you started rambling incoherently.

"Come again?"

"I love you too." I repeat.

Monday 14 November 2011

Something about: Concussion

I really am trying to put up proper update, or at least something on HF but the only things that come across my brain is "Mine all mine till the end of time" chanted repeatedly inside. I don't know what possessed me, but that is the only thing that come out each time I start to type on Words. Haha. =.=; Seriously, that is definitely not normal, right? 

Or maybe, I'm just ohsem.

But no one in this entire universe is ohsem than Hyde-san for being that creative.  "Futon!" :D
 L'Arc en Ciel for life! Haha~ *random*
and a bending Kamenashi is putting images on my hentai brain. Haha. 

Okay, those images was taken randomly by me because I was too bored and need to do something to kill my time in hand. :D

On the other side. I kinda realized that sometimes we tried to hard not to forget things but in the end we still did. And sometimes we really want to erased things from the memory but it stay. (Unless you're being like an ordinary guy that have auto-delete in their mind or somethings, but that's not the case, so~) It makes things harder at times, but then memories stay for reasons. Or so I guess?

I miss ayaka and her musics. :( *random* 

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Judy&Mary - Sobakasu

Friday 11 November 2011

Something about; say

I was browsing through my collection when I accidentally stumble upon a song from years ago. Sotsugyou ~sayonara wa ashita no tame ni~ from Tackey & Tsubasa, but the one that I save was from Shounen Club which the singers would be long list if I decided to put in here. Haha. Well, there're KAT-TUN, Ikuta Toma, Yamashita Tomohisa, ABC, and Hasegawa Jun (I tried google about him but pictures shows Hasegawa Jun the model. sharing the same name definitely not fun! =.=;) All of them were so young. Even Kamenashi was still in his boyish hair. *giggles*

So yeah, found this on youtube (well, where else, right~) and decided to put it here on my blog. This song was so deep. :3

Oh yeah. I miss someone. Hm~

This guy? No - not him. I never met him even. :P

Haha. Some might have known that I had fall in love. But then, I guess some things were just out of our control, eh~? Since the feelings had already passed the four month given time and I don't know what should I do about it. It might be easier if it really is crash and burn as I would like to put it, but it grows and turns complicated somewhere. Tangled and twisted as per se. Haha. But then, as usual, I'll live. =)

By now, I just hope that the college application plea will give me answer as soon as possible. I might need to live outside from campus for a little while, but I do hope that I won't be doing so for the whole semester. That will cost a lot of money. -.-; And to think that I only have roughly MYR700+ until the next loan get into my account. The biggest worried would be the fees. OMG, I'm just a student, why need to make me think so much of moneyyyyy???!!! And to think I just plan to buy new clothes - it all goes burn to pay the rent house(oh, this is the worst case situation, still).

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Tackey & Tsubasa - Sotsugyou ~sayonara wa ashita no tame ni~
someone had just asks me, will the love renew over time? - the answer is no. apart of it is because of ego, while the rest just says it's not possible.
We don't choose people to fall in love to;
our heart did.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Something about: Fangirl.

Since I am such a fangirl - I had waited for hours since early this morning for Jin Akanishi UStream live at his facebook page. Haha. I'm soooo happy that all of us (read; fans) able to actually interact with him, live! *happy* This was held for fans after the launch of his US debut single, Test Drive (which for the record, I love the song!).

These two pictures are the only pictures that I somehow managed to take because I was too stuck reading the fans comments and question. Taken after the session is finish, I think that they are fooling around because before that, there's fans asking will they kiss when they're putting the figure here and there while adjusting and readjusting the cameras. 

So yes, the figure's is kissing. Hihi! I think these were cute. Don't you? ;)



Oh yes, the only thing that kinda annoying (but kinda expected, too) is that Akanishi once again appear with fedora and uber huge sunglasses. Haha. I'm not going to condemn his fashion sense or whatsoever, but really, it does feels nice when us (read; fans) could see his face thoroughly -no fedora, no sunglasses, no bangs, no whatsoever that cover his face- because you know...we human communicate better with face-to-face conversation? Okay, I know I'm being incoherent, but truthfully, I just love his beauty mark (read; mole) beside his right eye.

Definition of mole. Haha. :D

Well, let's just say I miss seeing his face like this;

While this is just a pure spam! :D

*taken by me from the musicvideo "Test Drive"

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

ps; I really want to embedded the music video here on my blog, but after watching it thoroughly and contemplating for quite some time, I decided just to leave the link and not embedded here. *am looking for pillow to cover her face* Haha. -.-; Well, let sum it as Akanishi and blondie is not a very great combination - to me at least. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Something about; Murderous.

warning; This is an another emo post.

If I could turn back time, I would gladly screams out my thought until certain people decided that I was indeed, right. Rather than listen to other's thought to agree to that certain someone and regretting how things end up today. It's quite a f*cked up situation right now. Yesterday, I was so close to spit on someone's face, or taking a knife and stab someone's heart at the moment.

I don't know when, but somehow I rather let mistakes happen rather than listen to certain someone's word and end up hurt. It just; I rather hurt because of my decision compared with other's. Because I know that that is my choice. Could you imagine being in a position where you just follows someone's direction and things just go wrong and you look at that certain person, you don't know if you could forgive them for how f*ucked up things were to you at the moment.

As I write this thoughts of mine, I'm crying hard. Because I can't stop thinking about death right now. 

The feels of self-loathed is consuming me greatly.

If one day I could fled from this, I think I won't ever turn back.

(|] ._. [|) ♪♫~~ Shayne Ward - No Promises

Tuesday 1 November 2011

HF; to and fro

You boasted up that one day you’ll be a proud owner of a Stradivarius, when you’re taking a short break from the practice.

I just smile and nodded upon your words, because I know how passionate you are about them all.

Sometimes I think that you valued it much more than you valued the time -very little time- that we could always spend together considering how busy we are with our own life.

But it’s okay; what type of person I am if I can’t understand such feelings, right?

Truthfully, I just hate the sounds of violin as it never fails to make me cry. And looking at you right now, performing with it all alone, I can’t help but letting my tears falls freely. Somehow I want you to know, but you never tried.

Monday 31 October 2011

Something about: Distress

I was so stressed out lately. Crankier than usual. Haha.

So I kinda de-stress by re-watching my huge collection of Cartoon KAT-TUN and up until now, I had finished of the 10th episode with "Smile Athlete" segment and "DAT-TUN5 with Maya Miki". Put out link of Maya Miki because I'm just a fan of her. Hihi! :D

And these, had make me laugh until cries because it is just damn funny. Haha. :D

Caps are from the punishment, because this is the worst! Haha. Poor 'em all.

Nakamaru 'no smile' and tickled. :D

Ueda 'no smile' and he's tickled too.

And the same goes to Tanaka.

This one is just pure LOL-able because see that? The thing that bind his hand somehow fails to do its job properly. :D

This is the worse, the oh-so-ever-stoic Kamenashi that somehow didn't laugh when he actually being tickled.

I start to doubt that he is a human.

Because really - Look what he said! :O

The winner is Akanishi. This is around 2007. No caps for Akanishi because he just smirks all the way that is too creepy to me. And no Taguchi too because he kinda plain boring in this. *meanie* Haha. 

So, there. This is how I'll spend my holiday thoroughly if there's no one is willing to kidnap me from my house. Haha. =.=;

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ KAT-TUN - Utai Tsudzukeru Toki