Monday 24 December 2012

Something about: Changes,...

and the way it surprises me.

A couple of years ago (now, even using the word years here quite surprising to me actually) I was so in love with someone that I cried a bunch because of him. But now when we met each other, we were like "wassup bro?" and things like that; means that we could just go on and have great conversations and just jokes and being fools with each other. 

No more those crazy thumping heartbeat inside my chest. No more clammy hands caused by nervousness when I sees his smile. No more blushing creeps into my cheeks. No more awkward feelings inside of me. 

It was just crazy of how fast and how much things had changed since then. 

And since then, yeah,... Quite a number of things happened to me. Example would be that I already falls in and out of crush and love with a few people. Some things turns complicated and some other just dissolves into open air into nothingness. 

The point that I write this blog post is, since this is the last week of 2012 and here I am reading through my blog post of 2012 and reflecting how much had I changes over this year. I think my attitudes didn't really changes, but my feelings... Hm~ That quite complicated. 

But rest assured, I fall out of love from him. Damn, I can't even recall his face now. :/ 

I deserved to be happy, I say. What says you?

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Kim Ah Joong - Byul

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Something about: Re-play

I was figuratively in blue lately. My temper went out of control here and there, and I'm feeling literally sick. Sick of almost everything. I don't even know why and how I should react upon certain things right now, already. 

I do believe that yes, things will once in a while get too out of control - too out of what you had already predicting and calculating and hoping but there are just some things that irks me so very much. Irks me of how it went that way and you knew you could do something to at least fix it,... but things won't turn pretty if you actually fix it

I'm trying to convey and putting my feelings into better phrases but I'm too incoherent at this very moment. 

*enter big sigh here* 

The other thing is someone seems to be bugging me once in a while when he decided he want to do so, or something like that I guess? I don't know. It's freaking annoying yet quite amusing at the same time. How can I actually describe it, eh? 

Okay, let me put into this situation... You let yourself be fooled once. You let your disappointment sinks into you. You let it go, because sooner or later its bound to happen anyway. 

But, after such things happened, acknowledge by you, him, and lots of other people - some time later that very particular guy actually had guts to try contacting you, communicates with you, LIKE. NOTHING. FREAKING. HAPPENED. WTF? Seriously? 

And the next thing, the thing that been bugging my mind almost this whole week; sometimes I wonder if my decision back then for the future of other people is good enough or not. I mean, there are people that once I needed to be responsible to - and things change as time pass by - and my decision, was it right? Or did I make things turn worse that it already is? This kind of doubt just bugging me and there's nothing that I could do; because it had already been like this now. I had no power to do anything - and this feelings is kinda sucks...

sayang sayang aduhai sayang 
adik bingung bertambah runsing 
hendakku buang terasa sayang 
udah menjadi darah dan daging

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Teshima Aoi - Raindrops Keep Fallin On My Head

Monday 3 December 2012

Something about: wonderer...

Had you ever wondering about seeing someone that you think you love so very much (yes I do realized the grammatical error located there, but it just how I'm expressing my feeling at the moment, so ignore it please) being together with someone that all in all is completely better than you?

Had you ever wondering would you fell hurt and aches in your heart; or would you be happy for them?

Had you ever wondering if you could turn back time; would you change things OR leave it as they were before?

Thoughts sometimes confusing; but you could do nothing. Because you're just a wonderer. It won't going to be real...

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Westlife - My Love

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Something about: Sometimes,...

Sometimes, you just want to let things go.

Sometimes, you just want to give up.

Sometimes, you just put on strong facade so no one knows what you hold inside.

Sometimes, you embrace things despite you think that it is too much.

Sometimes, you smile because you are feeling helpless over things surrounding you.

Sometimes, you just want to walk away.

Sometimes, you think maybe it is better if you are no longer here.

Sometimes, you just want to end things up.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Something about: True.

We live in a society where judging first, discover later. 

Sad, but this is what happen.

We live in a society where we heard rumours, making thousands of comment (harshly, even) before decided to checking how true or how false certain rumours is. 

Stop throwing rampage over things that you don't know. And I really do means it. 

I'm too devastated over how things were and how people react. Come on, be mature. Nobody says you can't comment anything, but did you even know what limit actually is? Respect others. Don't do things that is unacceptable and demand respect from others. Sorry, world did not run that way. 

Oh and the other hand; I think I'm done with playing around with templates and decided to stay with this. The background picture is a picture of forget-me-not; a type of flower which you can read more about it in here. A melancholic type of flower, but nevertheless a very pretty one. :D Oh yes, enjoy this song~

"I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
 The days we had; the songs we sang together~"
My Love by Westlife

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Westlife - My Love

Sunday 7 October 2012

Something about: Temporarily...

...this blog is looking kinda retarded, eh? I know I know~~~ I'm in the middle of looking for editing here and there template of this blog since it had been quite some time this blog stays this way. Even I (actually) get tired of it. =___="

So yeah, please bear with this for awhile until I found the best way to totally renovating this blog. :D

Onto the next thing. Found this little gem on youtube. Well, call me a noob or whatever since Hatsune Miku is long ago become a sensation.

But but but this song is really fun~~~ 

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Hatsune Miku - World is Mine

Sunday 23 September 2012

Something about: Be OK~

Assalamualaikum. Hello there, random human. By now, this is the 20th day I'm with these blotches-like and rashes-like on my skin. Alhamdulillah that it gradually decreasing, but sadly it did not go away fully. There are bad days, but the better one are there to; so it's okay. Sadder for me that when they went away, they leave marks on the skin. Sobsobsss~ Doctor says that it will go away, but but but~ they are ugly~~~ :'(

Just a little prompting about my twitter, here. Haha. 

Lately, it had been few times meeting someone that always manage to rendered me speechless. Realizing that time won't ever turn back to once it had been, but my brain can't erase the thoughts of "what if's".
"What if I never speak out my true feeling; the feel that had already engulfing me the first time my eyes set on you?"
But at least, I know I'm being honest to myself. No regret on that. At least if something happened to me later on, I won't regret for holding it just to me. 

Onto the next thing - finally~ This semester's class finally ended. Okay okay~ The last class is on last Thursday, but just few hour ago is the last test before final. Wehoo~ I think that this is better than the first one, I do pray so~ It just saddened me a little that I focused a little bit more on stock split when the question come out is stock dividend. Well~ yeah~ things happened~

This semester, it seems that I have change. Some turns better, some just turn out to be worsen. I don't even know whether my heart is too soft or what, but I learn that nobody is perfect; we need to learn to cope and to tolerate with each other. Certain things takes time to happen; but when it do - it's a wonder. 

My heart; please heal properly, eh? 

"I just wanna be OK, be OK, be OK;
 I just wanna be OK today~"

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Ingrid Michaelson - Be OK
ps: A guy said this to me, "you don't need to put too much effort; what you need is a hero" and it do crack me up so much. I'm surrounded with so many great friend, and I'm thankful for that. =)

Friday 14 September 2012

Something about: Normal, Perhaps...?

Let's flail together over my niece's picture here. \(^____^)/

Nurfatiha Humaira Binti Mohd Fairuz

First. I don't know I'm cursed for talking about my health condition or what but this is the second week I'm being like this. 'Like this' refers to blotchy skins I'm currently having. Starting from last week's Monday up until now. Last week itself, I've been getting myself shots after shots to reduce the blotch and rashes-like marks on my skin but up until now, nothing cures it. I had no worried, perhaps, if it just happens to be rasher or some-sort but it is itchy. Like, very, very itchy that I can't even go to class because it is very itchy. Itching itchy itchy... Well, I do hope you got the picture here. 

Last week itself, I've gotten three shots of piriton and another shot that I don't know its name but it is injected directly in veins so that it could mix with blood (200mg of it, so please, DO imagine how I'm suffering while getting this injection as it do take time for it to fully enters my body. Very thin needles since it is inserted directly to my vein, yeah, DO IMAGINE IT). Still, nothing change. Even if there is, it just actually worsen. The doctor think that I might developing allergies, but they don't even know what trigger it, or to what am I allergic to. I had no idea, since this is the first time for me. 

On the Friday, I was referred to Klinik Kesihatan Kangar. The doctor suspecting whether I'm having allergies or very, very minor chickenpox (since I have no symptom of fever, flu, or whatsoever). Really, now? I'm just given medicine no more different than UK gave me.

I really do thought that it turns better since it did when I'm on the two-days one-night trip to Langkawi. Surprise, surprise, on the evening of Monday itself, it turns worse than ever

So last Tuesday, since I'm already at the hospital visiting a friend, decided to go to emergency and getting myself checked. Three doctors come and examining my skins and none dares to says anything about my skins. Worse when one of them actually says something that I don't know what it is. (=,=) They only write a letter and refers to dermatology experts the next day (Wednesday).

Guess what I've been told? They just says that it might happen because I'm allergic to certain insects that flies  or happen to make contact to my skins in the hostel and to get myself a mosquito net to protect myself when I'm sleeping. I'm just given one medicine to be taken every night and a cream to help reduce the itchiness and an appointment two weeks from that date. . 

I'm actually quite angry over everything. Firstly, I don't even know what the name of these blotchy-marks all over my skin. Hey, come on! At least give me a name for this thing, okay? Secondly, I'm not someone who is science-based, but if this is actually caused by allergic reaction over something; won't piriton actually makes it goes away? Why it worsen then?

This is the second night I'm sleeping with mosquito net. Yesterday, nothing seems to change, still. I know that I need to be patient, but when things happened for almost two weeks; you'll eventually lose yourself. It's not easy to be patient...

Secondly. So many things that I've been keeping to myself that I'm afraid that I'll eventually loosing grip upon everything. Just a little more than half a year more (inshaAllah, I hope and pray) and after that, I hope such misery won't come back to me, ever again. 

Would I ever be able to make any decision? Would I ever be good enough for you? Would you realized that everything you decide for me just suffocates me in the end? Will you ever realize that?

Anyway, take care!

(|]        [|) ♪♫ Fun. - We Are Young

Monday 3 September 2012

Something about: Past time.

So, finally I'm back here with an update. Haha. 

Not so surprising for me that my health seems deteriorating (again) which I've been provided with gazillion type of vitamin (which tasted not pleasant, at all, NO!). It's actually funny for anyone that actually knows about what happen, but for me, it is extremely painful. No lies, okay?

So last Monday (last week), when I'm preparing for my Fundamental of Finance's class, I was taking time with preparation and all and I do a little bit of stretching AND MY HEAD TILL HANDS ACHES SUDDENLY. (TT.TT) Not funny I tell you! I cried a little bit as I'm trying to ease back my hands and try to put my hands down (since well, I'm stretching and my hand was up in the air at the moment). Yes, starting from area below of my head - to my neck - to my shoulder - to my hand ; it's aching all over, okay? Spend my day on the bed, just lying and trying to ease the pain away. 

Almost the same thing happened on Tuesday and miss the first class. Putting up strong face and determination (cewah, ayattt... Kemain kau... Haha) I went to the afternoon and the next class. Still in pain on Wednesday, decided to drop by at Unit Kesihatan (abbreviation; UK) and been provided with many, many vitamins. So up until now I was quite dependent on all the vitamin given. The doctor says that my body maybe lack of something that I can't quite understand what I've been told. Haha.

Next. Guess who had gotten a new haircut?

If your answer is Kamenashi Kazuya, you're right. He did look younger in that haircut, and I'm oh-so-jealous of him, okay? I want to look younger too! *extremely jealous*

On to the Raya part of this year...
I certainly can't thank them enough for actually spending some time and visiting my house for Raya.

Hazmi, Hadziq, me, Ana.

Seriously terharu since this is the second time they come to my house, okay? And I never been to their house, except Ana's house (yes, not only I did went to her house, I've been sleeping at her house too). Since this year, our cuti Raya was actually, extremely short, I don't even have enough time to visit their house. Sorry all, and thank you sebab sudi jugak datang beraya. =)

And so, I've finally meet Nurfatiha Humaira, my niece.

Botak sebab dah cukur rambut untuk ditimbang rambutnya. 

And that is the quite-angry face from Humaira to me since I kinda disturbing her when she was fed milk. I really do love playing around with her, quite frankly. Just that, she kinda having her "moody moment" sometimes that she's gonna cry all day or sleep all day. 

And this is Umar. I know I know - my niece and nephew's name kinda rhyming each other. =3

Demam di Hari Raya...

Poor boy got sick on the third day of Shawwal. Snapping picture when he was sleeping because it is super-duper hard to take picture of him when he's awake. Keep on fidgeting nonstop and making all other picture blurry all over. -,-" And one thing, I do wrestling with him. He hates me when I tried to be all cuddly and kissing and hugging him, okay? Giving me "I'm-a-boy-and-I-hate-kissed-and-hugged" when I tried to do so. So we two did wrestle together. And get scolded by my mother. Haha. 

This is me, on the first Raya. Shaddap, I know I look fat, okay?

Random picture taken by my cousin. 

So, before I ended this entry, do spend some time to listen to this song, eyh? ;')

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Ingrid Michaelson - Ghost

Thursday 9 August 2012

Something about: Raindrops...

Sometimes you just decided to not to care anymore.

Sometimes it happens in a moment that you realized that thing bound to be the same as ever.

Sometimes you realized that you could do nothing to change despite how sad and miserable you are over things happened. 

Sometimes you just decided to be happy. Carefree. Tryin' to see the world in the other side of it, the 180° because that is what you supposedly do. 

And here I am trying my best to never think about the moment when I need to say to them that I refuse to get married.

Sometimes you listen to a sound and it rings inside 'oh this is how a heart breaks' and you just walk away.


And a part of you feel free.

Raindrops keep falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me.

It won’t be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me
Original song by Burt Bacharach

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Teshima Aoi - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

Monday 6 August 2012

HF; Rindu

*kick kamu*




*merajuk lagi*

*offer makanan*


"Jelir lidah panjang2 lagi. Potong mau?"


"Kan comel bila senyum tu?"


ps; yang berlalu takkan berulang.

Friday 3 August 2012

Something about: Changes.

Changes means to the better, not to the worst side - ever. 

But for me, I realized that some part of me had change in the way it should not to. I know it is wrong, but some things are just too inevitable. 

I turn to someone that patient is not her virtue. Worst, right? But I can't help it. 

Years after years (since this is coming to the third year I stay here in Arau) had make me learn that sometimes, confronting things just won't turn pretty. Saying the truth makes people crazy. And at one point in this life, I just turn to someone that keeps too many thoughts inside. Just because.

I can't blogging my thoughts out, I can't tweeting my real feelings inside... and my facebook somehow still just exist because that is the only thing that still connecting me with my other friends - friends that keeping me sane to keep on going on and on throughout this life. 

It hurts. I'M HURT. 

It turns out to be harder for me, because I'm just not the type that take lies easily. I takes lies as a sign of betrayal. Betrayal to relationship. Betrayal to friendship. I forgive things that happened, but it is just plain wrong if you think that I would let things happen again. Trust is not something that you actually gain from me easily. I know it is cruel to say things like this, but healing heart never heals all in all. 

Ups and Downs of life - it's just things that happen naturally without we have control over it. Maybe little - but that might even close to none at all too.

The only thing that I could pray - these things won't affecting my health too much. I'm tired of all these medicine that I need to consume. Just because. 

I will not make
The same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break
The way you did, you fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known
Better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life
Because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

Lyrics from here.

Anyway, take care! =)

(|]TT_TT[|) ♪♫ Kelly Clarkson - Because of You

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Cerpen: Penakut Itu.

“AIRIL!!!” Hannah menjerit, geram. Di tangannya adalah buku nota subjek Fundamental of Marketing yang akan dihadirinya sebentar lagi. Atau sepatutnya. Buku yang asalnya berkulit putih itu kini penuh dengan lukisan keanak-anakan bercorak hati berwarna-warni. Dihempas buku itu -geram- ke dada bidang Airil.

Airil menyambut buku itu dengan kemas. “Whoa! Tak payahlah kau nak marah sangat, Hannah. Aku… Aku gurau je lah…” Airil mengangkat kedua-dua belah tangannya, mengaku bersalah sambil membuat muka sedih. Sebahagian besar dirinya tahu bahawa Hannah tidak akan melakukan apa-apa kepada dia.

Afzan yang berada di sebelah Airil yang pada awalnya terkedu dengan perilaku Hannah, kini tergelak besar. “Weh, kau Airil, agak-agaklah. Buku nota dia pun kau nak kacau jugak ke?” Afzan menumbuk lembut bahu kawan baiknya itu.

“Airil! Kau… Macam mana aku nak bawa buku ni pergi kelas, hah? Malulah aku…” Hannah mengetap bibirnya, menahan marah yang meluap-luap itu. Sebagai seorang yang agak dikenali umum sebagai seorang yang agak kasar -di mana Hannah selesa dengan persepsi sebegitu kerana kurang gangguan dari jantina berlawanan dengannya, terima kasih- dia punya imej yang harus dikekalkan.

“Nak aku belikan kertas pembalut ke? Aku balutkan, ye? Ala sayang bucuk bucuk, janganlah marah kita.” Airil memujuk.

Hannah mengangkat tangan, sedia menumbuk Airil di mana sahaja yang dia mampu lepaskan. “Habis aku nak pergi kelas ni macam mana entah?” Tangannya dijatuhkan ke sisi.

“Kau tahan sehari ni je, boleh? Kalau boleh, aku balutkan buku kau nanti cantik-cantik, lepas tu aku belanja kau makan, boleh?” Airil cuba memujuk.

“Domino’s.” Sepatah perkataan keluar dari mulut Hannah, menandakan dia tidak akan beralah.

“Okay okay~ Domino’s ye? Malam ni, ye?” Airil tersenyum lebar, Berjaya memujuk Hannah.

“Aku dengan Afzan punya. Kau bayar.” Hannah berkata sebelum berlalu pergi, tanpa memberi peluang untuk Airil tawar-menawar lagi.

“Alhamdulillah, rezeki aku makan free malam ni.” Afzan berkata dengan kuat, sengaja menyakitkan kati Airil.

“Habis lari budget aku minggu ni, oi!” Airil menumbuk bahu Afzan perlahan.

“Dah kau sengaja cari pasal dengan Hannah kenapa entah? Padan muka. Kau sendiri tahu yang dia takkan lepaskan kau senang-senang je, kan?” Afzan menjelirkan lidah.

“Hannah cantiklah bila dia marah.” Komen Airil.

Afzan menggelengkan kepalanya beberapa kali.


Hannah menyuap sekeping pizza dengan rakus ke dalam mulutnya.

“Amboi anak dara. Makan molek sikit boleh?” Airil menegur Hannah yang makan dengan aksi kurang sopan.

Afzan ketawa sambil menghulurkan kertas tisu agar Hannah dapat mengelap sos tomato yang melekat di pipinya.

Hannah menjelirkan lidah. “Pasal kau lah orang ingat aku buang tabiat hari ini, tahu? Tak pernah-pernah aku pegang benda comel-comel ni. Tiba-tiba buku nota aku tu, haa… colourful habis. Pensyarah aku pun tegur buku nota aku tiba-tiba je berwarna-warni.” Hannah menunjukkan muka kegelian sewaktu mengingati peristiwa dalam kelas tengah hari tadi.

“Dah kau ni melekat dengan warna hitam je? Tak hitam, putih. Paling kurang pun warna kelabulah aku tengok kau pakai. Jumaat pergi kelas pakai jubah, hitam juga. Isnin je lah masa aku tengok kau pakai baju yang ada warna sikit.” Airil mengomel. “Comel lagi kau masa sekolah dulu.”

“Haaa, ye. Aku pun rindu jugak nak tengok kau pakai uniform ketupat tu ha.” Hannah menjuihkan bibir.

Uniform ketupat?” Airil dan Afzan saling berpandangan sebelum masing-masing ketawa.

Hannah mencebikkan bibirnya. “Betullah…”

Airil memegang kolar bajunya. “Uniform ketupat pun, aku tetap handsome, kan Hannah?” Airil mengenyitkan matanya.

“Ewww. Afzan handsome lagi dari kau, okay?” Hannah mencampakkan kertas tisu yang telah digunakan ke muka Airil.

“Hey! Sampai hati you buat I macam ni? You, you kata nak kahwin dengan I, kan? Macam mana you boleh cakap lelaki lain lagi handsome dari I? You dah tak cintakan I ke? Sampainya hatimu~” Airil menyanyikan bait lagu oleh kumpulan Spring ‘Sampai Hati’ sampai tapak tangannya diletakkan di dada, memimikkan muka terluka dengan komen Hannah itu.

Hannah hanya melayan kerenah Airil sambil menyambung bait lagu itu.

Afzan mengeluh. “Kau dengan kau ni, patutnya aku kahwinkan aje. Tau? Bikin sakit kepala aku je dekat dengan kau berdua ni, tau?”

Hannah tersenyum lebar. “Kalau dia kahwin dengan aku, Safirah kesayangan Airil tu nak campak mana entah?” Hannah mencuit bahu Afzan.

“Fira! Macam mana ni? Aku terlupa langsung nak call dia.” Airil menepuk dahi sampai tangannya meraba poket, mencari telefon tangan miliknya lalu terus mendail nombor teman wanitanya.

Hannah hanya senyum memandang Airil, sebelum mengalihkan pandang kepada Afzan. “Kan aku dah kata?” Hannah mengenyitkan mata, cuba menutup luka yang dalam dan tersembunyi.

“Hannah…” Afzan berbisik, namun Hannah hanya menggelengkan kepalanya beberapa kali.


Afzan memberhentikan kereta tepat di hadapan rumah sewa Hannah.

Thanks, Afzan.” Hannah menanggalkan tali keledar.

I can’t quite get it. Thanks, for?” Afzan mencapai kotak rokok yang diletakkan di atas dashboard kereta itu.

For everything. Kau tahu kan apa yang aku maksudkan sebenarnya?” Hannah memandang Afzan, sayu.

Afzan menyalakan pemetik api dan mula menghisap rokok. “Yeah. That you let yourself be a fool. Kau biar je Airil buat apa pun dekat kau. Serius aku tak faham. Mana Hannah yang aku kenal? Fierce and full of self-confidence? Depan dia je, you turn into someone that aku rasa aku tak kenal langsung, kau tahu? Such things like love – relationship – hell, even marriage should never take as joke, Hannah. You’re wiser than that, girl. Bukan sekali dua dia bergurau macam tu dengan kau, Hannah. Dah berkali-kali sampai aku pun dah muak dengar gurauan bodoh macam tu.” Dia mencampakkan pemetik api itu, geram.

Hannah tertunduk dengan kata-kata Afzan itu. Hatinya mengakui betapa benar kata-kata sahabat baiknya itu.

“Berapa tahun?”

Hannah mengangkat kepala, tepat memandang Afzan. “Hm?”

“Berapa tahun dah kau simpan perasaan kau dekat dia?” Afzan menghuraikan persoalan yang bermain di kepalanya.

Hannah menghitung dalam kepala. “Dekat tujuh tahun dah kot?”

Afzan memandang hadapan, menguatkan hatinya untuk terus bertanya. “Macam mana kau boleh tahan? Siap kau boleh tolong dia pikat Safirah lagi? Dekat tujuh tahun, maksudnya kau dah ada perasaan dekat Airil masa kau tolong dia pikat Safirah, kan? Aku pun baru perasan akhir-akhir ni.” Afzan menggeleng kesal.

Hannah mengangguk, setuju.

Why did you even do that for him? Bukannya dia kisah. Bukannya dia tahu. And he certainly won’t acknowledge about your feelings towards him.” Afzan menghisap rokoknya dalam-dalam, sebelum menghembus keluar. “So, why?

“Sebab aku nak dia gembira. Love itself means happiness. If it needs me to sacrifice mine’s to makes him happy, why not?” Hannah tertawa kecil. “Dan bukan dia sahaja definisi bahagia aku dalam hidup ni. Banyak lagi yang mampu buat aku gembira. This kind of small sacrifices means probably nothing to me.

But that, Hannah dear, you’re completely wrong. Walaupun kau gembira, tapi sebahagian hati kau masih harapkan dia sedar semuanya, dan mungkin lebih menghargai kehadiran kau dalam hidup dia.” Afzan membuang puntung rokok keluar dari keretanya. “I dare you, tell me if I was wrong about everything.”

Hannah membuka pintu kereta. “Aku rasa, love itself makes people become fools.” Hannah beredar dan masuk ke rumah sewanya, setelah menutup pintu kereta.

“Kau salah, Hannah. People who are in loves make foolish things. But sometimes, they aren’t fools. Not at all.” Afzan melepaskan keluhan yang berat sebelum melepaskan brek tangan dan meninggalkan rumah sewa Hannah.


Hannah menyandarkan badan ke dinding, menahan air mata yang akan mengalir pada bila-bila masa. Bibirnya diketap –kuat- mencuba untuk tidak melepaskan air mata itu. Ingatannya melayarkan dia kepada semua gurauan Airil yang sentiasa tidak pernah tidak mengusik perasaannya.

Bukan tidak pernah dia mencuba untuk memberitahu AIril mengenai perasaannya kepada jejaka itu, namun dia sentiasa mendahulukan Safirah dalam hal ini. Dahulu, dialah teman paling rapat kepada Safirah. Dia tahu, betapa Safirah juga menyayangi Airil dengan ikhlas.

Airil akan sentiasa mendahulukan Safirah, dan memilih Safirah sehingga bila-bila.

Dan Hannah juga akan kekal begitu, menunggu jawapan kepada persoalan yang tidak pernah dilontarkan.


Tak semua kau rancang akan berlaku
Mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku
Entah mengapa engkau yang aku cinta
Mungkin lebih baik kau ku lepas saja

Ini tidak adil tidak adil baginya
Ini tidak adil tidak adil bagiku
Ini tidak adil
Untuk engkau bertanya jika aku mencintaimu juga
Tidak adil tidak adil baginya

Kau tak pernah cuba memahami aku
Cinta kau ucap tak pernah engkau tunjuk
Dan bila tiba saat ku kehilangan
Beban yang tak pernah kau cuba ringankan

Ini tidak adil tidak adil baginya
Ini tidak adil tidak adil bagiku
Ini tidak adil
Untuk engkau bertanya jika aku mencintaimu juga
Kau bukan milikku

Dan aku memang penakut
Mengakui cinta kepadamu
Seribu kali ku cuba ucapkan
Bila bersamamu
Kau bukan milikku
Dan engkau pun tahu
Kau bukan milikku

Lirik dan lagu oleh Yunalis Zarai. No copyright infringement intended.
Sebuah cerpen KaiKumiko.


Kadang kala, kita melihat masa lampau dengan perasaan yang berbaur di dalam. "Kalaulah..." bermain di fikiran. Tetapi harus diingat, yang berlalu takkan berulang.

Friday 29 June 2012

Sesuatu tentang: Ketika itu...

malam tadi
aku bermimpi lagi
tentang dia yang telah pergi
dari hidupku ini

dalam hati merintih dan menangisi
mengapa bayanganmu mengganggu lagi?

terfikir aku tentang mimpi itu
apa maksud yang ingin disampai oleh kamu?

kamu, mengapa tidak saja kau pergi
pergi; tinggalkan diri ini
dan jangan sesekali kembali

sakitnya hati ku
pabila bayanganmu menusuk kalbu
adakah kau tahu?

Saturday 23 June 2012

Something about: Long Time.

Twitter really did cause me to blogging less and lesser as days passed. *sigh*

Well, started this semester, we supposedly kicked-out be the college. But who could have thought that this semester it was the walk-in interview? You don't even need to plea for it, just walk-in and BAM! you already been given a place in the college. ¬.¬; Quite frustrating, isn't it? To think that all of us had already prepared to stay outside from UiTM, and how my parents sacrifice their time and money and not to forget - the motorcycle. *sigh* It did frustrate me of how UiTM here did their work because really - there are just too many empty rooms that they could easily gives us.  

No, it wasn't that I'm not grateful for able to stay inside college but frustration did not go away easily. You know? 

Next - meet my bebegurl!
Born on 19th June 2012 around 1.30pm (since I don't know the exact time, lol!), my first niece! See, a set. My brother give me a nephew and my sister give me a niece. I'm so excited! Really! I haven't talked to my sister yet since she still stay in hospital and I asked my mother what's her name is. My mother reply with "I don't remember." I literally laugh my lungs out. "It's not my fault that your sister and her husband decided to give such a long name to her," she said. Yo, my momma is so cool complaining like that to me, lol!
And she is looking like her father. A friend said that girl that looking like the father usually have softer and kinder heart. I hope she did, too. :') I'm so excited to find some time to shopping things for her and Umar.

I did not forgotten about him, still! :'*
This upcoming Hari Raya will be chaotic moments for all of us! *sigh happily*

On the other hand, yesterday I'm having my first-ever police-block and the not-so-good thing is I had forgotten to renew my licence. Better do it ASAP! *remind self* Luckily I was saved.

Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Kamenashi Kazuya and Taguchi Junnosuke - Special Happiness

Thursday 31 May 2012

Something about: Lovers.

Something is completely off with me lately. Watching too many Korean dramas probably had finally showing off some effect to my mind. Haha.

Someone had actually introduce this song to me, from Jung Yong Hwa. "For The First Time Lovers // Banmal Song".

"For The First Time Lovers"

And I must say that I really, really had fall in love! With this song, of course! :') The lyrics are so nice to ears that I could just smile all the way as I listen to the song. Banmal (반말) or simply acknowledge as crude language, means that dropping the honorific in conversations. The opposite of Keigo (敬語) which simply acknowledge as "respectful language" in Japan. 

Both in Japan and Korea, they had their own way of engaging in conversations, which varies in many ways  (and levels) such as how close between the people is, or differentiate by age, too. Such as in Japan, I remember that it actually considered quite rude to not using Keigo when talking to a people that you barely knew.

Thus, I could actually says that I really loves the way Jung Yong Hwa actually arrange this song. Conveying such feeling to talk in Banmal as you grew closer to each other, knowing more about each other, had really makes this song special in its own way. 

I could actually listen to Korean's music (surprise surprise! LOL!).

Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Jung Yong Hwa - For The First Time Lovers

Friday 25 May 2012

Something about: Annoyed.

Click to enlarge. 

As you can see, my twitter account currently is suspended. I completely had no idea what happened, and it irks me sooo much. More than 24-hours without twitter? I think I'm dying. And I hadn't decided yet about I should or should not stop subscribing twitter on my phone. 

As you can see, I'm not an android user, not have iPhone nor Blackberry, so I tweeting via mobile subscription which cost me some money over certain period of time. Devastated, and annoyed at the same time. Had already referring this problem to twitter support, TWICE, but getting the same result, still. I believe I had enough reason to be angry about this. 

Because let's face this - my twitter account is not having twitter block, it's freaking suspended. And it's freakingly annoying to me. 


Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ KAT-TUN - Our Story~Prologue~

Thursday 24 May 2012

Something about: 3 Weeks Holiday.

warning: fangirl ahead. 

Yeah. Holiday that doesn't really feels like holiday. 3 weeks and 1 day to be exact. LOL. Well, I better use it fully before coming back to Arau.

First thing first - I had finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, all 64-episodes of it. "まえ へ すすめ。。。 // mae he susume" literally translated as "keep on moving forward" is the phrase that used a lot in the anime. It makes me feel happy, and reminded how harsh this world is, giving up is not an option. It's a sign that you're not human once you giving up. It makes me feels  "げんき // genki" all over again.

Second thing - I had also finished watching all 11-episodes of Ouran High School Host Club [drama version]. What a happy otaku I am, since I loves the anime too much, too! The drama version seems to have quite a lot of things changed, but it gives out new and surprised feeling.
Yamamoto Yusuke as Suou Tamaki, personally I never thought that he could pull it off. But gladly, he did it! I'm sooooo in love with Suou Tamaki! :'3 It is because I think he seems a little bit too "hard" to be Tamaki. His body, I mean.
Kawaguchi Haruna as Fujioka Haruhi; I really don't even know how to comment about this girl. Since Haruhi's character is very emotion-less, she did a great job. By being emotion-less, I mean. I'm not even make any sense here, right? -___-;
Next, Takagi Shinpei and Takagi Manpei as Hitachiin Hikaru and Hitachiin Kaoru. This is the first time I ever watch their acting and they're quite okay, I guess. But still, they're lacking the Hitachiin Brothers' craziness. I don't even know how [they're real-life twins but... Hitachiin Brothers' is really crazy in the anime]...
Daito Shunsuke as Ootori Kyouya. I really loves the way he act as Kyouya. I think he is the only one that did manage to pull off the character the best. The way he moves, the way he speaks, and all~ I really loves this Kyouyaaaaa~~~!!! :'3 And the part where he shows emotion when he jump to save Haruhi? - LOVELY! 
Chiba Yudai as Haninozuka Mitsukuni @ Honey-senpai. I love Honey-senpai but this guy lacks the fluffiness, maybe? He looks cute but not cute enough to be Honey-senpai... This is quite disappointing to me because I really really really love Honey-senpai... :'( Well, I believe that Tegoshi Yuya would look better in Haninozuka character because he manage to pull it off being Toyama Yukinojo in Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Nakamura Masaya as Morinozuka Takashi. This character is another disappointing character to me. Because Takashi naturally is emotionless but Masaya somehow looking like a guy that full of emotion in the drama. I'm a sad sad girl. :'( But I think I could understand why he is picked to be Morinozuka Takashi - because of his height. 192cm - is he even a human? I mean - he IS taller than Shirota Yuu and anyone that taller than him is too tall because Shirota himself is soooooo tall. 
A big twist to me is Nekozawa Umehito's character somehow among the main characters. Played by Ryusei Ryo, I think that this guy is too sparkling [perhaps] to play Nekozawa-senpai. Because this character supposedly giving out "dark aura" but in the drama, I just think it is not "dark" enough.
Yeah, I love commenting dramas after I watched it. So please bear with this habit of mine. :')

Third thing - last Monday, my friends and I had painted the town red. So what? I live in Kuala Selangor and here we have:

  • bowling center
  • game center + karaoke 
  • cinema (HBO, if I correct)
  • Pantai Remis
  • Bukit Melawati

Trust me. This place is not as kampung as people believe. In fact, this place is more "town" than Arau. LOL. Here we have McD, even! Arau adeee??? XD

Fourth thing - visiting and meeting as many family members that I could. This weekend, one of my cousin will have her engagement ceremony at Putrajaya, inshaAllah. I hope that I could meet as many people as possible. :')

Right now, I'm on the way finishing Dream High [the first season]. Hope that I'll finish it before this week ends. :')

Anyway, take care! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Dygta feat Ira - Cintamu

Sesuatu tentang: Memori Lampau.

Melihat kenangan lampau.
Senyuman dan tangisan lalu.
Gembira kini, mampu tersenyum.

Dygta feat Ira

Yang kurasa walau tak terucap,
Semakin dalam
Yang terukir di batas cintaku,

Tak pernah kumencoba,
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu
Kuingin selalu dalam,

Dan tiada yang kan memisahkan,
Yang terlintas, terbias matamu
Selama ini

Adakah di hatimu,
Terbesit satu harapan untukku
Tuk berjanji selamanya kan selalu milikku

Satu cinta,
Tak pernah kumencoba,
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu
Kuingin selalu dalam,

Tak pernah kumencoba,
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu
Kuingin selalu dalam,

Saja suka-suka nak kongsi lagu ni. Sangat best, silalah dengar! Walaupun lagu ni dah berzaman sebenarnya, tapi di antara lagu yang senang meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam. :')

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Dygta feat Ira - Cintamu

Friday 18 May 2012

Something about: School.

Today's twitter is full of #schoolmemories which actually, do makes me miss being a student. Though if you know me, I'm quite a depress girl. Well, I still am. 

But that doesn't mean I miss less school than others. 

I'll face the last paper for this intersession and flee back home the very night. Will be a tiring journey, but I hope I'll manage to put everything through. :')

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Tangga - Utuh

Sunday 13 May 2012

Something about: Everything needed.

I remembered of those moment when someone said to me, "do whatever it take for you to be happy, for you to heal" and I can't help but feeling guilty when right now, I'm letting myself swallowed by pain. 

Some people asked, what's the point of me keeping on with this blog? - The answer is simple, I'm trying to be a better person. I do occasionally read back my posts from way long ago, and realized how much had I change. Certain part change to the better, and some - it's not a pretty story to tell.  But one thing for sure is, I do change. 

Looking through my playlist, I'm stuck with this song from quite some time ago. Quite a fan of Tangga, this song really makes me feel something inside without I could put out my real feeling is.

Ahh. But somehow I kinda happy with how things were right now. :')

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Tangga - Cinta Begini

Sunday 6 May 2012

"everything will be more beautiful when we're being positive. :3"

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Something about: Meet the Baby.

When I write baby, I literally mean a new baby. To me, at least. 

It means NO, my sister had not deliver yet. She's due somewhere around June, which I still hopes that I'm still at home during that time. 

I mean that tadahhhhhh~!!! Meet MY new baby (which is not-so-new by now, actually). LOL. 

ROAD KING. How 'bout that? :'P

*pictures in bad quality since it was taken right after rain had stopped*

This post is mainly pointless. I think I just had the urge to brag about it. Pointless, still. 

Truth is, this month is not-so-great to me. Meet few people that just annoys the hell outta me -which is so not fun because I failed to be positive around them- and few things here and there. But but but. At least let me brag (again) about my MUET (since it is the only thing that didn't let me down) BECAUSE I GOT BAND 4. Alhamdulillah and YEAY~~~! Well... It just proved (once again) that my only talent is language and words. WORDSSS. I don't even know if it is a good thing or not. Really. 

I was thinking about changing my course once I further into first degree (inshaAllah, under HIS will) but I am still thinking about it. 

Next, one of my cousin had finally in India now. :'( Sobsob. Take care youuuuu. I know that first few weeks is the hardest (just look at me during semester 1, all crybaby and whatnot) and I know that he is stronger but but but I can't help but worried about him, actually. I think I'm blabbering like someone mother or something but stillll... This year will be one of the loneliest Raya to me because he is not here. Who else gonna feed me with ohsem movies and games after this ahhhh? Sobsobs.

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ KAT-TUN - Hodoukyou

Thursday 26 April 2012

Sesuatu tentang: Perkara

Sesungguhnya semua yang terjadi itu punyai pelbagai perkara disebaliknya. Sebab dan akibat, contohnya.

Cuba untuk melihat sesuatu perkara dari sudut positif adalah suatu perbuatan yang sebaiknya menjadi amalan. Kerana dengan bersifat positif, dunia mampu menjadi lebih indah.

Alhamdulillah. Satu perkara telahpun menjadi kenyataan yang indah. Harapannya, esok menjadi lebih baik.

notakaki: kadangkala dengan menjadi gembira, sakit pun boleh pergi. tak lama, sebentar pun tak mengapa. 

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ KAT-TUN - Hodoukyou (roughly translated as pedestrian overpass)

Saturday 14 April 2012

HF; Short

It's a thing when you start doubting your self if you once had loved him.

But its another thing to realized; you never did.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Something about: Wounded.

This is a totally plan-less update from me, but it wasn't like I normally planning out my updates, but I know I'm rambling so I should stop it.

But again, someone decided to share this song in fb and I can't help but feeling helpless.

It had been approximately 8 years, but ...

the wound never heals.
the thought never cease.
the said person, is someone to me.
and the name, its carved within me.

I don't even know how to let go of this feeling.

I feel overwhelm, helpless.

I can't get it out from my mind, "if we started off things differently; will it eventually end differently?"

"If I know about the act earlier, will I be able to save others from getting hurt?"

"Will I be able to prevent those scars from my friends?"

Obsession hurts. It hurts you yourself, it hurts me, and the worst part is; it hurts my friends. And it is not literally. You hurt them physically.

In the end, I'm still a girl that holding so many complex within.

At one point, I just hope that we could meet. And having a proper closure.

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ KAT-TUN - Please Come Back to Me

Thursday 29 March 2012

HF; Healing Heart.

I know that my heart really takes it time to heal.

But now I could say, I'm glad it did.

Despite how slow it is, but I really am glad that it heals.

The process really takes time, but it is not something that we could force ourselves with, right?


Sunday 25 March 2012

Something about: Random Act.

Some said that fangirls are creepy. But I'll say that fanboys is creepier. #truestory

Less than 24-hours and InshaAllah my parents will arrived in Perlis. I'm a spoiled-rotten child; some might say. But really. It just shows how much you did not know about me.

Well well. What's up with this emo-kinda entry? 

Because I'm emo-ing currently? 

No. I don't think so. But some conversations lately just makes some things harder within me. I'm not that happy about it. Maybe it's because I do believe that there are lots of things that we could try so hard, but we can't force to make it happen for real. 

It makes people feels tired and just want to let go of everything. Escaping from the world that succumb us to falls into some sort of repetition. Again and over again. 

It makes me tired putting on façade. It makes me realized how hypocrite one could be.

I miss writing. Writing as in turns situations into something that much more deep, rather than just blogging my feelings. But sadly, someone had run away with all the muse I have from before.

I feel like receiving a b*tchslap on my face when a friend of mine snap about certain someone to me. :'(

Still. I'll leave you all with a picture of my beloved Kamenashi Kazuya. :D

Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Akanishi Jin - Eternal

Monday 19 March 2012

Something about: Because I can! =)

I really am turning to a pile of pink, sticky, goo.

Because of him.
Why so adorable haaaaaa? 
I so wanted to pinch his cheek. Naw naw, am I a pervert or a pervert? LOL. XD To think back - how many years had it been, yeah? 5 years? Woah! :O I think I had already stuck and be a fan of Kamenashi Kazuya and KAT-TUN since I'm fifteen. Well, that is if I'm not mistaken. Avid fan since I'm sixteen. Yeap, that basically is. 

I'm currently back addicted to PlantVSZombie thing. 

Finished one round and getting myself a trophy. Yeay~! See the trophy? Did you see that? Did you?
Defeated all zombies, minus Yeti Zombie because it hadn't appear in any level. I'm a sad sad girl. :'(

I know. I'm lifeless like that. On the other hand, I read about Lucid Dream from and I really really, badly, want to try this out. But never had any gut to try it. Scaredy-cat? Very. Never denied it. A friend of mine even said that she was scared to try it out because she thinks that it looks like we could step up into another world or something. ええええええええ

See that? I totally download it from HAHA. :D

Few hours ago, a friend from facebook share the link to this song.
And I am so reminded to Proposal Daisakusen. Sick-puppy-love drama that aw aw so sweet. Am I even make any sense now? Haha. Still, I do love this song because the lyrics is just oh-so-sweet. :3 Lyrics could be found here, well that's it if you're interested. 


Anyway, take care!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫ Keisuke Kuwata - Ashita Hareru Kana
ps; for whoever that makes me blushes, you... *sigh*