Tuesday 2 August 2011

Something about: Missing them.

I miss my family right now~~~ *homesick* Especially when I am not only homesick, but also sick.

For some reason, I remembering the time when I was a kid, back then. I grow up as someone who actually eats depending on my mood. And I did not eat at times, really. I remember up until I am around seven, I need to be pushed to eat or finishing up my food by my mother. The same thing happen again and again until at one moment, my mom stop pushing me to finish up my food. What she did was; make sure I eat as I usually would, no matter how small the quantity is. Well, I guess such habits stick to me until now. One thing that I hate the most until now is, people thinking that I am on diet because how small the quantity of foods taken by me. Its quite annoying, really. I eat little doesn't mean I am on diet. If I'm on diet, I'll fasting because when I'm fasting, I eat only once a day; during break fast. So yeah, if only you could understand how annoyed if I am eating out with others only to get question "are you on diet" etc etc thrown at me. Really, people. Stop throwing such question to me. I should have realized it earlier that being too stressed out make me lose weight too. -_-

Right now, I'm not feeling all that well. The weather, perhaps playing such role. Almost collapse earlier on my way to class. Arau is too hot for me! And my stomach too. Talking about it with my mother, saying that my stomach making problem to me despite I only eat little bit spicy food more than I could actually handle. Well, compare to others normally consume, what I take few days back is nothing. Haha. -,-" And my mom just reply saying, "nak buat macam mana, dah lidah minah salleh". I was like,... MOOOOMMMMM!!! =.="

Mom said that Baby Umar (my brother's son) had lose weight. Mom said that it because of he fall sick few weeks back, and he lose so much weight. Aww~ I miss him so much, too. Me at Arau, while he's at Johor. So far away~~~ :'( I really can't wait for this upcoming short Shawwal, the time that all the family members will gather together. Seriously, being in Arau, despite so many good things, there's also minus things. The greatest example of all time is the distance from families. I know I'm acting like a spoil rotten child, but I really can't help it. I miss my family so much! I really do! :'( Can't wait 25th of August, cause that's the date of I'll be home! :D Well, at least that was what I hope, since the ticket already been bought. InshaAllah.

Baby Umar ♥♥♥

There are few things that I had done today, which I am not proud of it. But really, stop disturb me when I clearly can't even talk to you properly, please. You've commented way too much about me, did a little bit more that I could have ever stand, you're judging me while YOU BARELY KNOW WHO I AM, we barely even talk to each other before, I just can't stand it at all when you're actually acting all nice to me lately, suddenly, after something happen to you. I can't help it if she did something like that to you, I got nothing to do with it at all. Please, spare me from your problem. I had got myself enough problem to taken care of, I really had no time to help you with your problem. I know I'm acting so selfish here, but the wound that had been created by your act to me had not heal yet. I'm sorry

I'm acting all emo-ing lately. People says cause of moodswings, I'll say it because of too much stress. HAHA. :P

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Shiina Ringo - Aozora

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