Tuesday 23 August 2011

Something about: Says.

"Somewhere between laughing for no reason, innocent smiles, long talks & making fun of each other, they fell in love."


My mood is having its roller-coaster moment. To put it in simple words, I'm emotionally unstable by now. As simple as that.

It hurts me when people plays Raya songs (sad ones, especially) without caring others feeling. I mean, I had no problem at all with all the fun and enjoying Raya songs. but the sad ones? Damn it lah. I had spent my entire short mid-semester break to finish so many things here in Arau. I had got no chances to meet my parents at all, and people just do things without cares of others. And to make things worse, they played such songs in MAXIMUM volumes. They just had to. Dude, I do nothing to you. Can you please, PLEASEEE wears your earpiece if you jest need to listen to such songs? Well, I mean, who knows you could die from NOT LISTEN to such songs, right? And that is not all. The annoying thing about all of this is people that do so is the people that their homes just close by (means they meets their parents in regular basis or went home every weekend).

Next, I had problem with wimpy kids that wails anytime they want, commenting things, COMPLAINING even when they got their parents close by. Dude, aku ni dari akhir bulan 5 tak jumpa mak abah aku. So please, before you do things or say things to me, please think. Because my patient already at its limit. I really don't want to throw harsh words to others, so just stay away from me! Unless if you really want to listen to my strings of curses, you're most welcome to poke me and annoys me.

Few things happened in this semester. And I decided to make space, putting gap between some people around me. I'm sorry, but hypocrisy is a big NO-NO to me. For once, I really am happy with this. Alhamdulillah. Because after so many things occurs, Allah had showed me people that worth enough and people that were not. I'm not throwing people away from me, I just make a gap, quite a huge one. HAHA. Because I did not want others to take me for granted. Or hurt me. At one point, I just decided to become a selfish person. A completely selfish. Because people takes me for granted, so why I must take them seriously, aite? ;)

This song, completely suits my mood right now. Cliché much?

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone!

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ ayaka - Blue Days

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