Monday 22 August 2011

Something about: Patient Pays...

...Sooner. Or later. We just need to sit back, relax and enjoy what we have right now.

Last week was kinda hectic as quite a number of things need to be settled in one go. But thank God, Alhamdulillah, everything went quite well in the end.

One of the things is, preparing job application letter and resume for our mock interview. The given post to me is being an Education Counselor at one of private university here in Malaysia. Well, it is mock interview, the word mock itself should present the mean of the said assignment, right?

Preparing the resume had makes me think about the future a little bit more that I usually would. "Future" to me is what I need to do next, and what I'm aiming to be soon. I rarely think about more than a year ahead (unless about babies, yes, I do think A LOT about babies).

I want to have a stable life. Get married before 27. And have 2 kids before I'm 30. Why? I did not want to be THAT old when my child graduating their study. Haha. Just imagine. If my child was born when I'm 30 years old, I would be 50+ when my child graduates. THAT old? (nak bergambar pon dah tak vouge!) 

I dream of someone who will hold me, spooning me close to him and could whispering sweet nothings to me when I'm feeling too miserable. And just be there when I need him. Someone who would look after me. Who cares for me. Who would treat me like I am the most important lady (next to his mother, of course) in the world. Someone who could guide me. Someone who could lead me when its time to pray, be my Imam. Someone who could just accept me as what I am. The good and the bad side of me.

I just want to have a small families, yet full of love. Because sometimes, that's the only thing that matters.

Anyway, take care and have a great day! =)

(|].^_^.[|) ♪♫~~ Far East Movement - Rocketeer.

ps: I'm way too miserable at this moment. Someone keeps me at confuse. 

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