Tuesday 29 December 2009

Something about: respect....

Someone asks me, "don't you know what respect is?"

I say to myself, "well, I'm sorry I can't seem to respect people who don't seem to respect themself. I think I'm good enough for refraining myself from calling you bitch or slut, you know?"

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Monday 28 December 2009

Something about: because I am a nekojita....

Nekojita is a person that is unable to take [thermally] hot food... Just come back from Terengganu [shopping, yeah... but mostly parent's thing, but...] Buying food from R&R. Hungry. Eat. Tongue's burn. I guess you got the picture. Still hurt, thought. And my last tooth, too. (T.T)

Short update since I'm too tired to typing~ XDD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Thursday 24 December 2009


Mothers sell pornographic images of own children in shocking new trend...

Among the alarming increase in child pornography cases to strike Japan in 2009 are a number of particularly disturbing incidents: Child porn made and sold by the children's own mothers.

In many cases, mothers or other relatives agreed to sell nude photographs of their children to men they met on Internet underwear shops. So far this year, at least 12 guardians have been arrested on child porn suspicions related to their own children. Once the images are distributed on the Internet, it is virtually impossible to recover them, and the National Police Agency is now cooperating with other branches of government on formulating preventative policies.

"As a mother, you committed a deed as grievous as sexual abuse against your own child, whom you are bound to protect with your very life," a Sendai District Court judge declared at the conclusion of one such case. "And yet, you gave a reason as preposterous as money for your actions. From now on, pour your love into raising your child," the judge concluded, sentencing the 23-year-old mother to one year in prison, suspended for three years.

A woman from Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, had sent her a digital camera to take nude photos and videos of her 2-year-old daughter, promising the mother "more than 1,000 yen per picture." The mother sent the images via e-mail. According to a source with the investigation, the mother received about 100,000 yen in total, while the woman from Sakai sold the images to an amateur child porn collector.

According to a senior officer, police began seeing such cases for the first time in 2009, with as many as nine mothers as well as two fathers and one sister-in-law arrested in relation to child pornography. Most of the buyers of such material exposed so far are male amateur collectors, who meet the willing parents or relatives through Internet underwear shopping sites.

There has also been once case of a couple auctioning off flash drives full of pictures of their daughter over the Internet. The husband and wife, aged 33 and 28, were arrested for taking pictures of their 7-year-old daughter in her underwear, putting the images on two flash memory sticks and listing them on an auction site, finally sending the sticks to a customer in Aichi Prefecture for 15,000 yen.

"We were able to make some easy money. We were able to sell about 900,000 yen-worth (of pictures) from February to September," the couple apparently admitted.

According to the National Police Agency, 412 people were arrested on child porn charges involving 338 children in 2008, and the total looks set to climb in 2009.

source: HERE

me: such a rotten world, no?

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Wednesday 23 December 2009

Something about: doppelganger....

My latest...obsession[?] is Boys Over Flower, the Korean version of Meteor Garden or Hana Yori Dango... Well, this drama catch me since it was fun to see another Dao Ming Si or Domyoji Tsukasa... XDD The drama was, erm, quiet fast because it was cut-off quite a lot by the tv station, LOLX. Anyway, time to share my great discoveries. Haha~


Haha~ so much alike, no?

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Saturday 19 December 2009

Something about: I had fun with my dictionary, you know?

I was reading...things when a word get into my eyes, so I decided to look into the dictionary about it.

"nincompoop" ---> I had no idea what this word supposed to mean, and after I understand, I was laughing like a crazy human. [and that's not good considering the time, too... but, anyway...]

"nincompoop" = a stupid person.


Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Friday 18 December 2009

Something about: I'm biased, and yes, I know~!

from: here [i think it's not locked, so yes, please read it~] ^.^

Click for a better view...

And I think I'm such a slow fan-girl because I re-watching it for I-don't-even-know how many times before I realized that he really did it~! XDD I laugh so hard when I realized that it was his imitation of MJ~!!! Hahaa~~ And here I am, trying my best to take a caption, and I could only pick that as the best to show his fail imitation of MJ.

And yes, Kamenashi-san, I agree that you and Yamashita-san aren't supposed to be put together again cause you two plays too much and resulting you miss the start~ Hohoho~ [it make me think about Akira-power~!!! XDD]

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Something about: gums and teeth...

As much as I think I'm an adult, my teeth aren't perfect yet... Haha~ Three out of four had appear. And it hurts, man... Like, you can't really eat those food that will stuck between your teeth. Because it still developing to become perfect, so...

One of my concern is the last one, that did not have any sign that it will appear soon. Which mean that I'm not finish with my torture... *sigh* What a luck...

It look like I had nothing to be posted, no? XDD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Thursday 17 December 2009

Something about: ayaka

First, I just realized that some of the video that I put from youtube had been friend-locked, which mean that me myself can't watch it~ *sigh* I'm too lazy to find the replacement, or to just edit it~ So, somehow I could only hope that that person will un-friend-locked it... Haha~

Anyway, AYAKA. I can't believe that I even made a post just for her. After I did some rerun of things, I found out the name of her disease, which is Graves' disease. I still remember when I watch that clip last night, I was so worried if she'll collapse suddenly. She was sweating like crazy, man! And her eyes seems not focused too~!

I'm still hoping the best for her~! \(^.^)/

p/s: I was reading somewhere that they says she's the next Utada Hikaru, but no! I think she's AYAKA as she is.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Wednesday 16 December 2009

For my-friend-for-benefit,...

I know that you aren't that fond of me, and you hate me because I'm just simply annoying and I know that we were just friend for benefits. But your attitude lately annoyed me, you seems to refuse to talk to me and it just simply hurts me inside.

Maybe the others were true about you, that somehow, you was not that worth enough to be taken as friend, but I still accept you as you were, and the you lately had hurt me pretty badly. Somehow I was hoping that you'll read this so that you could realized why that you didn't have that much friend.

No, I'm not here to tattletale about you, I'm here to write about how disappoint I was to you. maybe if I really listen to my other friends, I won't hurt too much as I was by now. They tell me things about you, but still... I accepting you as you were because that was your own life style. I might try to say how you're not supposed to do some things softly, but you just turn your face away from me. Still, I be friends with you, and the end, I'm hurt.

Are there no more time for me to talk with you, to share my joy and sorrow anymore? Can't you just spare me even five minutes? One minutes, even? And your message was that short, telling that you had no time [at all] for me and it hurts...

I was hoping that once in awhile, you could listen to me, my word and think, because it for your own good, too...

And saying great day to everyone didn't seems right by this moment, too...


Something about: a confirmation





Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Something about: Best Artist 2009

Ah, no, I'm not done yet~~~

Well, it seems like Arashi do the opening [which I should've realized as Sakurai Sho was one of the MC, durh~] with "BELIEVE". No comment for this performance, since well, it was inside the studio and I'm not really fond of that song~ XDD But Leader Ohno Satoshi with his "Sakurai Sho, ganbatte" did make me smile. :D

And yeah, this is the full version of KAT-TUN's and NEWS's. NEWS's Koi no ABO was...interesting but the ending was the best. "Since when did NEWS had 7 members?" before I realized that that additional person was Kamenashi Kazuya~ Hahaa~

But Taguchi hair really did make me shock! Well, I could believe if it was from Tanaka, but Taguchi~! *sigh* I'm wondering if anything happen to him, actually~ And and and, after awhile I just realized that Kame miss a word during "Seishun Amigo"~ -.-" KAME~!!!

Anyway, move on with SPEED.

Oh, SPEED. One of them had cut her hair~ Hoho~ I don't know her name, btw so... XP But the sound, still... *sigh* I bet they had problem to harmonize themself... And I put SPEED after KAT-TUN is because it was impossible to see them together, hahaha~ Like, how impossible you could put Nagase Tomoya and Hamasaki Ayumi together, you know? XDD That is how impossible you could see Akanishi Jin and Uehara Takako together, ever again. If they were put together, I'm just gonna give one word: AWKWARDDDDD~~~!!! haahahaa~

Next: ARASHI medley~

They sing "truth", "One Love", "A.RA.SHI", "Happiness" and another song that I don't know... XD The first song, I was like "MAOU~!!!" and the second song juts turn me to a pile of goo~ XDD "Hyakunen saki mo, ai wo chikau yo~~~" *sings like crazy* But, when I look at Aiba Masaki... *gasp* WTH happen to his hair? Anyway, during "A.RA.SHI", Sakurai's rap was kinda rusty, I think... Well, that song was from 10 yearsssss ago, so... Hahaha~ They're getting too old to sing this type of song, I think... And "Happiness"~~~ Hashiridase~ Hashiridase~~~~~~ *singing like crazy, again* One thing that I love abou ARASHI was their ability to make people laugh almost effortlessly... btw, MatsuJun's hair is no comment... :(

Next, ayaka... I'm not really a big fan of her, but I do hope that her health will be better and her marriage with Mizushima Hiro will end till death and I hope that she'll have cute child with her husband~ :)

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

source: aramatheydidnt, youtube [of course...]


Something about: GOTTA LOVE TOKIO~!!!

Finally, I could make a post after my internet pms-ing for about two hours~ *sigh*

The pie chart really had made my grin like a maniac~ Hoho~ XDD Well, I guess since TOKIO is more like jrock than jpop, so they had quite a number of male fans~ And leader~~~~ :) You really had made my day with you...um...silly-ness? XDD And, I don't even know what happen with Matsuoka Masahiro~ [the guy who preten to be make-up artist, lolx] And love the opening by Yamaguchi Tatsuya~~~ Is it only me or he is getting hotter now? XDD And Nagase Tomoya with the geek's glasses~ Hoho~ I'm wondering what's up with Johnny's and glasses lately~ But meh, they're lucky that they got to perform inside studio rather than the others, no? But, Sorafune~ That song killing me~!!!!!!!!! He's so good because he could hold big amount of oxygen, or he'll die of out of breath~ Hehhehee~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday 15 December 2009

Something about: because I'm such a fan-girl

and should always stay as it,...? XDD

Anyway, Best Artist 2009 just passed around one hour ago[I think...] and haha~ Clips~~~ :)

Yes, KAT-TUN since I'm biased~ Not surprising though, that most of their fans is girlsss~ The pie chart really had me burst to laugh~ :DD And and and~ Shuuji to Akira~!!! Urgh~ Gotta love Kame's "Akira?" and YamaPi's "Shuuji?"~!!! I'm a total fangirl~! ^.^" And it was so amazing when you realized that they still could dance the steps almost perfectly despites years had passed, no? :D

But this year's was quite disappointing for me... The sounds system, the chorus, the mic, etc~ We could barely listen to Nakamaru's voice, Takana's and Taguchi's voice overlapping one another, with Kamenashi's and Akanishi's too, and Ueda's mic... WTF was wrong with his mic? His voice goes up and down suddenly~!!! AGAGAGA~~~ And Kamenashi, poor you, he need to control his voice and the mic so that the other's vocal could be heard too~ *dies* And and and, the chorus's voice sometime louder than the singer's voice~!!! I'm too disappointed of this year's Best Artist! :((

*runs to watch TOKIO's*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Monday 14 December 2009

Something about: my...outing?

So, last Friday I went out [finally~!!!] with my two best friends~ to Mid Valley... Well, yeah... I'm just follow what they had decided since early, so there we go...

This is one of the Christmas tree there~ so tall that it can't fit into the camera well~ hoho~

And then, there's pizza~ yumyum~ :D [I know I love food too much, so please bear with me, yeah?]
The pizza is delicious, but the service was... um~ you know~ the waitress that serves us didn't even smiles to us, you know? We even had to wait for 15-20 minutes before the pizza actually arrive... But we had fun with the button that used to call the waitress to make an order. So much better than having to look at her face while thinking about what we should eat... :)

Then, we go for movie~ OWH YES.
Christmas Carol, and we had special price for it too~ [well, we're considered lucky that we bring our student id, in this case was our library card~] The actual price was supposed to be RM8+ or RM9+, but but but, we got the student price~ Weee~ Even the timing was cool, right? Not too early and not too late...

This, just make me remember about the first movie that I had ever watch, ever~
Yeah, it was "knowing" by Nicholas Cage. Which I can't help myself from not making these caps~
images from: ctkt adult rules part I, subtitled by newshfan. Kudos to her~ Lolx at Nakamaru Yuichi for trying to make him laugh, by BEATBOXING. Haha~ Conclusion: beatbox didn't make people laugh, so you better think about a gag or something like that that could ACTUALLY make people laugh~

Anyway~~~ time to the picture of the day~
image from CTKT, subbed by JOR.

So yeah, we got Tanaka Koki as...Krilin? [Not a fan of dragon ball, sorry] and Nakagawa Shoko @ Shokotan as HARUHI SUZUMIYA from THE MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA and Akanishi Jin as Sephiroth from Final Fantasy...

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(^.^) Conclusion: I need a rehab from KAT-TUN. They're like drugs~ XDD

Friday 11 December 2009

Something about: finally free...

*double sigh* finally, I'm free from books(by now laaa~) and I could internet-ing till as late as I want without anyone actually care~ Woahahaa~ XDD

But now, I feel like I want to cry, but I can't cry... I was watching Gokusen 3 Graduation Special (you could download it here~) and I suddenly felt the pang in my heart the the fact I won't see my friends until we take the result or there's even possibilities that I won't met them anymore at all hit me. All these while, I'm just taking it as a normal things, people met and people part, it's what human do, but when I actually thinks about it, I just realized that it hurts me.

I realized lately that I had problem with how to express my feeling. Sometime, I was so angry, but I could only cry cause I don't know how to show my anger. My feeling pent up and I am so frustrated to myself. Is it so hard to yell at people when you're angry?

And I realized that even when the exam aren't yet to finish(a few days ago), I could see how some of my friends had already change. Some of them had already started job hunting and some of them just...distant themself for reasons that I don't even know and I realized that how much they look more and more like an adult. Somehow, I felt scared of this feeling.

My mother had started to nag about what I want to do during these three month span of time, durh~ I don't really want to work, but~ *sigh* I might need to, but that what I will think about later. Obviously, not now~ I still want to enjoy myslef in front of my baby pc first~

Ah~ there's three drama waiting to be finished~ *sigh* Well, at least there's thing that I need to do~

First, drama that I stop half-way: KAMI NO SHIZUKU~ (detail more on dramawiki) [I just don't seem to understand why they put the rating based on Kanto region only, durh~ XP]

Second: RESCUE. Owh, yeshhhhh~ I think this was based on a manga that I once read inside kreko, but I totally forgotten the title of the manga~ -.-" BUT, seeing Super Ranger in orange uniform rescuing, I'm interested to watch it~

Third: Koishite Akuma [I feel in love with the devil, I believe it will be like that of you translated literally...] I'm interested with this drama since it's not a love story which sometime too sappy for me to watch and I read some comments about it could be categorized as horror drama, so I'M IN!!! Plus, there's Kato Rosa too~ XDD She looks soooo young despite her real age, no? *am biased*

I think I'm having PMS though the fact that my monthly period is waaaayyyyy too long~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(^.^) p/s: I'm going out tomorrow. This is the first time I actually going places with my friends, so I'm a bit nervous since I'm just clueless about outings~ XD

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Something about: Picture of the day~


video: credit to J-One Records

Just feeling like i want to re-watch this episode again~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday 8 December 2009

Something about: owh~ I AM biased~

just a quick post before I go and sleep. Commerce baby, commerce... Two more paper to go~

pic: credit to J-One Records~
Owh, and what's up with me and people's back? XDD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Monday 7 December 2009

Something about: something is DEFINITELY wrong with me, no?

I just look around my blog and i realized lately, there's many clip from youtube. Haha~ Anyway, enjoy Nagai Aida by Kiroro. Translated but no lyric. Haha~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Something about: of annoying invigilatorrsssssssss.......

really. I had a badddddd experience today. During Economics paper 2, those people were talking and chatting and blabla-ing in front of me. I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY depressed right now~ *sigh* And I don't think I did the best with my Economics paper too~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Sunday 6 December 2009

Something about: hoping that i could be stronger...


What's wrong, what's getting you down
Was it something I might have said?
You're walking around
with your head to the ground
and your eyes are watery red

I know you've been through tough times
Kicked around, thrown to the ground
but you've always been the strong one
So don't tell me that nobody gets you
'cause I'm standing in your corner
Knocking at your door
You don't have to be alone

Just call my name
Let me be an answer
'cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter my friend

We share a bond
You and I we belong
We're like coffee and morning trains
You strip my defences
I catch your pretences
The same blood runs through our veins
I swore I'd be your lifeline
Made a vow that I'd surround you with love at every milestone
I'll listen when nobody gets you
I'm still standing in your corner
Waiting by your door
You don't have to be alone

Just call my name
Let me be an answer
'cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let me be your shelter my friend

It was not too long ago
You sought to understand
You helped me mend
Remember when
So promise me you'll

Call my name
Let me be an answer
'cause it hurts me to see you this way
I wanna ease your pain
Help me understand
Let my be your shelter my friend

Disclaimer: lyric aren't mine~ yuhu~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Wednesday 2 December 2009

Something about: Goo Keyword Ranking 2009 Female & Male Celebrities

something short and sweet

and yeay for the eggplant @ aubergine~ haha~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Something about: because he's smoking hot, bby

and pun is definitely the lowest term of gag, no??? hehe~
[for those who can't seem to understand, he's smoking, he's hot, smoking hot? XDDD]

SPM is definitely frying my brain bby~~~~ I can't think well even... *super sigh* The picture up there should be enough proveeeeeeee.... Aaaaaanywayyyyy, 8 down, 3 to go~ yeay~!!!!

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(^____^)V ----> ish definitely crazy by this moment...

Monday 30 November 2009

Something about: because I can remember the past and still smile~ :)

Okay... This song titled SOBAKASU[means: freckles]. If anyone still remember, this is the soundtrack of anime SAMURAI X. Anyone remember it? I DO. This anime was great. Who could've thought a guy wearing kimono with scar on the face will look so hot? Hehe~

Addition: lyric and translation here~~~ If you want to sing along~~~ yehe~~~

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Monday 23 November 2009

Something about: because I'm a sick fella~~~~

I'm sick... really... Sneezing like a tornado, coughing like my bones will broke... I"M SICK~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! *sigh* That should explain about Rudolph, no???

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Saturday 21 November 2009

Monday 16 November 2009

Aluminium wrappers is dangerous... I'd learnt it in harsh wayyyyyyyy~~~ (TT.TT)

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Monday 9 November 2009

I just realize something lately.

Ignorance is blisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Something about: jai ho~!

just a quick and short post from me... though it should've been post to the other part of my blog, but really, you all should try and watch it... *wink*

This is the episode which they go to restaurants that sells big meals... At the second part, when the "witch eater" had finished her curry rice, listen carefully and you'll heard "Jai ho!" Hahaha~ it make me laugh, real hard... A Japanese show, and Indian's[?] song... Erm...

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday 1 September 2009

Something about: me and me and me and me......

so yeah, trial had started today... and somehow, I feel awful. No, not about the paper, but about humans... XD

First, the not-understanding-mother.
.... no comment...

Second, a weird [and annoying] friend.
Guess what? She call me at 5.45. AM. *dies* OhMyBrain~

Third, an annoying and so-not-understanding teacher.
This thing, a BIG comments by me... You know, each year during Ramadhan, our school have tadarus al-Quran during recess, well, because Muslims are fasting... And today, it ended a little late and the teacher that was inside the class was not a Muslim teacher. I walk in and greet her and she look at me with her oh-so-smug-look and ask me, "why are you late?" and I tried to explain to her why we was late [note: I was the FIRST muslim student taht come in] and she just says to me "ah~ if you're having something at surau, is that mean you didn't have any paper right now?" Hell, don't you think that she had already cross the line? I admit that we were late, but it wasn't our fault that we're late. I was soooooo angy that I just walk to my place, saying nothing anymore and making noises [my place was waaaaayyyyyy back of the class] and making people around me looking weirdly at me. I think she [the teacher] did too, but I was too angry to care about her. I'm busy answering my paper, okay~~???

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(-.-) ---> too angry at peoples around me

Thursday 27 August 2009

Something about: Ramadhan, and...

Ramadhan come again.

Just feeling like I want to write something that happen in the first day of it. I was with my sister and my father, on the way to bazaar by the time, and we find a guy was smoking. Inside the car, and I was speechless. Like... "did he think no one will realized if he was inside the car?" I click my tongue a few times. What is actually happen in this world? Aren't he ashamed at others that could see him? Can't he hide it from public???!!!


Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Friday 7 August 2009

Something about: class party....

a few hours to go... *am waiting*

I know I'm childish~ XP


Just if you got some time, drop here~

I know, that was cool, right? *winks*


Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(^.^) --> is "genki"...
p/s: maybe i will put some pic from the party. Mayyyybeee.... Yeah, if I got the camera~ *sigh*

Monday 3 August 2009

something about: and the award goes to~

E-chan~~~~ hahaha~~~~ she's one of the girl that tease N-chan and she really had big and pinkish pimples. and and and its not one, it's twoooo~~~ XDXD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday 28 July 2009

Something about: girls are funny...no?

like seriously. During agama time today, we had bunch of girls asking... ridiculous questions...

"Bercerai mati" bermaksud suami tu mati, bukannya "bercerai DAN mati"... *shaking head furiously* Dang, how could the interprets it that way? *giggles*

and and and, my friend was soooo funny. She tease N-chan about her pinkish pimples, so we tease her, saying that the pimples will go to her. Urgh, if you got what I mean. And she says that it was "lagha", which I believe what she tries to says was "khurafat". We all laugh at her, and I teased her by saying "what are you doing with us is LAGHA". Hahahaha~ poor girl...

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


p/s: "lagha" means by doing something useless, like wasting your time, while "khurafat" was means by believes something that not true, or something like that. I'm not good to elaborate things, by the way...

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Something about: me, rambling

and this is another random post for me... And lots and lots of typing error... And I feel like I want to use rojak bahasa. Sue me... XD

Still not so well, but at least I feel better. Butbutbut, I manage to infect everyone in my house with my bacteria.... Lolx...

I don't understand some people. Somebody that I know. She didn't wear tudung, until lately. Her reason - "ala~ most people yg pakai tudung yg banyak buat maksiat..." I was thinking, wasn' that was just an excuse for her to avoid herself from wearing tudung? Boo you~human!!!

Another person that didn't seems like she cares about her SPM. I don't really mind when people borrow things from me, but when THAT particular thing was the thing that you need tosit for SPM, I just can't understand why she refuse to buy it... She's not poor... Membazir... Yelah kak oiiiii~ macamlah ko x leh jual balik bende alah tu kat junior2 ko... hisyy...

Neexxxtttttt... Two bestest friend and clashing. Heck, weird, no? They had been best friends since form one, and [seems] about to clash after five years. Whhaatttt a stressfullllllll year, deshyou?

Next... Mr N and Miss S. One is a cousin of me, one is my coolest friend... He says that, she says this. Oit, aku kawinkan je lah korang ni, okay tak? *smacked* XDD But seriously, jgn la asyik komen2 je,... Nanti jodoh tersekat betul2 baru tau...

Another important thing will be announce soon. Cause I need to inform Mr N bout it... Hehehe~


Ads in Malaysia.

I feel kind of sad with the quality of advertisement at Malaysia lately. Like seriously...

One - an ad about her mother promise to cook for her childs. "Yes... I promise. I'll cook, okay?" And she sees that there's a looooooooonnnnggggg queue to the counter. And she finally gave up on cook and buys a fast food for her family. Great, ne? It wasn't like I oppose the idea of she's buying the fast food, but I hate that she break her promise. You know, like giving the thought to the kids that it's okay for the adults to break their promises because they simply can't make it true. If you know that you can't fulfil it, why make a promise? *puke*

Two - an ad about a young boys throing tantrum at the mall. And one pretty lady walk... and she says "ah, it's okay... for acting like that for a loaf of bread" or "he's acting like that over a loaf of bread" or something like that. Is that was REALLY okay? *sighs*

Three - I got this from a friend. About a whatever-they-call-but-I-still-call-it-as-a-bleach ads. Put the washing powder and put the bleach. The housewife asks the model to stop and the model says that "it's okay. this is not bleac..." or something like that and my friend says that the housewife might meant by - you put too much bleach... LOLX. But it's true, you know? That model seems like she did put too much bleach in the washing machine...But seriously, the more you watch it, the funnier it gets... XD

I got a few more examples, but I think that these was enough...

It seems like my Commerce teacher was agreed with me too, she says about an ad about a coffee that bla bla and bla bla [can't write, or this blog will be rated as NC-17, so you got what that means]. She thought that it could give not-so-good image of Malaysia, like outsiders will think that Malaysian thinks about 'it' all the times. I'm sooooo agree of that.
Clue: genies... you got what that mean, right?

p/s: see? You've been warned about the language... XD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(T.T)---> feeling a little better
and learning everything in Bahasa didn't make we become more loyal to Malaysia, no?
why that careless people cares?

i love you, but it was hard to say so, no?

Monday 13 July 2009

Something about: PLAGIARISM

PLAGIARISM?! Yes, that was the first thing that I want to write today. Does anyone sees Last Friends? Oh yeshhhhh~~~ the drama about a crazy psycho and lesbian and all... I was reading [actually, looking through a Chinese newspaper] and I saw something that was...made me have this funny feeling inside me... It was about a drama, Taiwanese drama "Qiao Qiao Ai Shang Ni" [Knock Knock Loving You]. The banner, I mean.

This is Last Friends' banner...

*click to enlarge*

And this is Ai Ai Shang Ni's banner...

*click to enlarge*

Now tell me, am I the only one that's hallucinating here? (>.<)

Hopefully, I'm not... *sigh*

Second, I'm still sick. This is the third week, and I didn't do re-check. Hell, my parents didn't seems to care though I'm coughing blood. Just a little..., though...

Third, tomorrow was the test and I'm here, net-ing and lack of sleep and feels like puking and bla bla bla... *sigh* I really, REALLY need a big help here, don't I?

Forth,... I'm watching Cartoon KAT-TUN where Nakamura Ataru attent for Hard Disc[Heart Disc] *again*~~~ XDXDXD Seriously, that episode really touch my heart because I could see that they talk about themself, like showing more of themself to the world. But that part stop there because I read somewhere that the viewer didn't like because they thought that they was too open... *sigh* This episode really, really touching because you could see that Kazuya, Koki and Ataru talking about love AND marriage seriously [though they joke a little here and there]. She kinda amazed me when Kazuya and Koki ask her, would she confess if she think that the person didn't love her [or something like that. It was raw translation, so I might be wrong...]. And she answer something like "when I think that I woulnd't see him again, you know... when you have that kind of feeling that you won't ever see that person again, I will... You know, as a last fart..." Lolx, as a last fart? Hell, no wonder they didn't want that segment in CTKT again... XDXDXD But I like her answer, because it was an honest answer, don't you think? I believe I would do the same thing if it's happened to me too... XDXDXD
I was reading her wiki and I just realized that she was under the same label as Tackey and Tsubasa~~~~ XDXDXD *dies*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(TTT.TTT)---> IS SICK~ waaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~

Friday 3 July 2009

Something about: for the sake of a post...

I'm not well. Flu. Cold. Cough. Tell me if I could be worst. And no humans, I'm not carrying H1N1 virus with me. No. Believe me! XD

Well, the changing of weather affects me a lot. I'm sneeze and sneeze and sneeze like... no end. You know what worst? - When I'm trying to ask something to the teacher, I accidentally sneeze. Lolx~ XD And, instead of talking, I feel like I need to scream because my voice was so hoarse.

I did go to a clinic to get treatment, and the doctor, decided to be stingy, she just give me one day off. ONLY? Man~ Im half-dead in front of her and she just give me one day of MC... *sigh* poor me, no?

I didn't get to go to PLKN. Yeaayyyyy~~~~~~~ *stabbed* I feel grateful that I didn't get it because I could do something meaningful to me [rather than to do something to my country] and and and~ I need not to separate from my net, pc and you know, things~ XD Gosh, I can't imagine of KAT-TUN release a single or worst, an album during the three monts~ XD

Last few nights, I'm almost having a heart-attact when I switch on the TV. "Taiyou no~ NAMIDA~~~~~!!!!!" Heck, they play NewS songs, but but but, they won't ever play KAT-TUN's, no?

I was trying to kill mood of few peoples today. Just make something fun in my life~ XD You know, most Korean artist didn't go to National Service yet, such as DBSK, Super Junior, etc~~~ I was talking to Mrs. Kim [real name, secret...] about what if one day he need to perform it and come back with BALD head, like... Won Bin? XDXDXD I know, I'm a devil... And she thinks for a while and she says - so ugly~... XDXDXD That was totally make my gloomy day~ XDXDXD And I did to Miss Amalina to, since she's a fan of Kim JaeJoong from DBSK and she thought that I was mean~ I'm a meanie, aren't I? But seriously, could you ever imagine that happen? The whole DBSK or Super Junior or any other Korean boybands gone for two[?] months and come back being... BALD??? XDXDXD

Next week was a bus week, and the next week was the next mothly test. Heck, I feel like I'm dying.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(T.T)---> IS SICK~ waaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~
we had our own story, no?

Saturday 13 June 2009

Something about: this blog rated as...

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating


Erm... that all?

School will re-open soon. How i hope that it won't happen... *sigh*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(T.T)---> Am sad as thinking that people change...so much

Thursday 11 June 2009

Something about: from anger, I turn to sad

People change, aren't they?

Human. Pathetic. "Baby", how could you do something like that to your so-called best friend?
It's scares me to think that people change. And they, they one that we called as BFF could actually stab you from your back. Sad, right? "Baby", he's your best friend. How can you do something like that? YOU, the one that protect him once upon a time, and YOU the one that left him and come back and he accept YOU and YOU stab him from his back. I just can't believe that you change that much. You f***ing bastard. Ungrateful human.

Some people believes in chances. Do you?
I'm one of the people that believe in chance. Well, it depend, definitely. The reason, especially. But I just can't understand when people could give chances to someone, again and again and again and again, but refuse to give it to someone else, that making mistake that was nothing compared to the other. Human...is complicated, eh?

I just can't believe that I cry today, because of this matter. Thanks Farhanah, cause understand and listen to my rantings and things... I really need it, because somehow, I was quite sensitive when it comes to friends.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(T.T)---> Am sad as thinking that people change...so much

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Something about: we clickie, and DiGi donates...

So peoples out there, lets make DiGi goes bankrupt *XD* by donates and donates. Just click, aren't that was easy?

PS: stolen from Kah Fong's blog...

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(=_=)---> Am sick of peoples in the world...

Monday 1 June 2009

Something about: Heck, I'm cursing peoples, again...

Must they did each and every single things on Earth to make us mad?

Okay, I was writing about the limitation subject for SPM. I don't really care if they want to limit the subject, seriously, I don't. But the thing that make me sooooo f***ing mad was the number. Yes, is was limit till 10. Heck, wasn't that means by those Chinese that taking Science stream and hoping for scholarship must drop one subject? Because my mom said that JPA's [or something else] scholarship must take their language... like, if you're Chinese, then you need to take Chinese language or if you're Indian, then you need to take Tamil's language. Well, tell me if I was wrong, because as far as I know, it had been always like that. The worst? Those from SMA of SMKA. They need to take Arabic language if they want to further their studies to Al-Azhat and things. Then, they need to think what subject TO BE SACRIFICE?

One of my tuition teacher's said: "the next, next year, you'll find out at the newspaper's front page, titled '50,000 students gt straight A's', but one thing will never change, most of them still won't get their scholarship."

Does anyone still remember at Ahmad Atiq? He's one of talented Malay's student, but unfortunately, he didn't get scholarship... I'm sure most of people in Malaysia didn't know about this story. Sad, right? Blame the Education Minister by that time. Yes, it was his fauly, don't you agree?

My dad was highly disagreeing the limitation. Well, why must we stop people from learning things? Wasn't that what we, human, did all the time, from the first moment we born till the last breath in this Earth?

My friend thinks that the reason was ridiculous. They said something like "reduce the amount paid by parents for tuition fees" or something like that. Heck, it was their choice, and most parents encourage their child to do so if they think their child could do it. And and and, as far as I remember, 2008's best SPM student didn't even attent any tuition centre, yet she could get that title. Oh Ministry of Education, can't they give better excuse?

Me? I was agreeing the opinion by people around me. Because to me, education is everything. Can you live without it? Oh, I know some people can. Yes, the child of the kings. But, their life will be useless, then, right?

I was cursing, badly that night when the news shows it. Why must they stop people who want to learns?

Because my cousin reminds me that Ahmad Atiq DOES get the scholarship. Yeah, after beggings with lots and lots of s?

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(=_=)---> Am sick of peoples in th world...

Sunday 10 May 2009

just thought, it might be good if i post this here.

Orang kata aku lahir dari perut mak..
(bukan org kata...memang betul)

Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku....mak
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku....mak
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku.. ..mak
Kata mak, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut....Mak
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari....mak
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang ....mak
Bila nak bermanja, aku dekati....mak
Bila nak bergesel, aku duduk sebelah....mak
Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya....mak
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku....mak
Bila merajuk, yang memujukku cuma....mak
Bila melakukan kesalahan, yang paling cepat marah....mak
Bila takut, yang tenangkan aku....mak
Bila nak peluk, yang aku suka peluk....mak
Aku selalu teringatkan ....mak
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon....mak
Bila seronok, orang pertama aku nak beritahu.....mak
Bila bengang.. aku suka luah pada..mak
Bila takut, aku selalu panggil... "mmaaakkkk! "
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah....mak
Bila nak exam, orang paling sibuk juga....mak
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu....mak
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau.... mak
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni.. mak
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku....mak
kalau balik ke kampung, yang selalu bekalkan ulam & lauk pauk.....mak
Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku....mak
Yang selalu berleter kat aku...mak
Yang selalu puji aku....mak
Yang selalu nasihat aku....mak
Bila nak kahwin..Orang pertama aku tunjuk dan rujuk.....mak

Aku ada pasangan hidup sendiri....

Bila seronok, aku cari.......pasanganku
Bila sedih, aku cari......mak

Bila berjaya, aku ceritakan pada....pasanganku
Bila gagal, aku ceritakan pada....mak

Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat....pasanganku
Bila berduka, aku peluk erat....emakku

Bila nak bercuti, aku bawa....pasanganku
Bila sibuk, aku hantar anak ke rumah.....mak

Bila sambut valentine... Aku bagi hadiah pada pasanganku
Bila sambut hari ibu...aku cuma dapat ucapkan "Selamat Hari Ibu"

Selalu.. aku ingat pasanganku
Selalu.. mak ingat kat aku

Bila-bila... aku akan talipon pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak talipon mak

Selalu....aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk emak

"Kalau kau sudah habis belajar dan berkerja... bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk mak?
mak bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah"...
Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya........

Tapi kalau mak sudah tiada..........

Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup mengantikan lampin ibunya......
berapa ramai yang sanggup membersihkan najis ibunya.......
berapa ramai yang sanggup membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya.....
dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya......
Seorang anak mendapatkan ibunya yang sedang sibuk menyediakan makan malam di dapur lalu menghulurkan sekeping kertas yang bertulis sesuatu. Si ibu segera mengesatkan tangan di apron menyambut kertas yang dihulurkan oleh si anak lalu membacanya.

Kos upah membantu ibu:
1) Tolong pergi kedai : RM4.00
2) Tolong jaga adik : RM4..00
3) Tolong buang sampah : RM1.00
4) Tolong kemas bilik : RM2.00
5) Tolong siram bunga : RM3.00
6) Tolong sapu sampah : RM3.00
Jumlah : RM17.00

Selesai membaca, si ibu tersenyum memandang si anak sambil sesuatu berlegar-legar si mindanya. Si ibu mencapai sebatang pen dan menulis sesuatu di belakang kertas yang sama.
1) Kos mengandungkanmu selama 9 bulan - PERCUMA
2) Kos berjaga malam kerana menjagamu - PERCUMA
3) Kos air mata yang menitis keranamu - PERCUMA
4) Kos kerunsingan kerana bimbangkanmu - PERCUMA
5) Kos menyediakan makan minum, pakaian, dan keperluanmu -PERCUMA
Jumlah Keseluruhan Nilai Kasihku - PERCUMA

Air mata si anak berlinang setelah membaca apa yang dituliskan oleh siibu. Si anak menatap wajah ibu,memeluknya dan berkata,
"Saya Sayangkan Ibu". Kemudian si anak mengambil pen dan menulis "Telah Dibayar" pada mukasurat yang sama ditulisnya.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(=_=)-> I'm sick. flu. ergh... n n n, i feel like i was peeped. XD

Something about: Happy Mother's Day...

Yeah... Happy Mother's Day to all mums in the world.

Crap, my add math projet was still un-finished... >.< *runs*


Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(=_=)-> I'm sick.

Friday 8 May 2009

Something about: Perak

I know that I'm not really got anything to do with Perak, but I just read todays newspaper... You know, it makes me wanna puke. Like, seriously. I think that I did write a few times about this, so I think I shall repeat my opinion again. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST REPEAT THE ELECTION FOR PERAK STATE? *sigh* durh, they have their right too, you know. We're talking about who'll be the leader at there, and peoples have their right to choose who they want to be their leader. Come on, WE PAY OUR TAXES, YOU KNOW? And we have the right to pik who'll take care of the taxes.

That's it. I can go to toilet and puke now.


Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(=_=)-> I'm sick.

p/s: somebody said that my blog here was too emo. sorry, i'm not the one that good at control the feelings...

Monday 4 May 2009

Something about: for the sake of a posting... >.<

i know i know i know... it had been a long time since my last post. Like... almost a month? XD I'm dead tired and things happen and blablablablabla~~~

Okay, first.
I go to camp. Yes. I mean like a real camp that was so real. Not the type that you sleep in the air-con-ed chalet and great fasilitators. NO. I mean, the type that you sleep in the tent, inside the sleeping bags with a few REAL soldiers as our fasilitators. YEAP. That type of camp. I'm dead tired and might be loss around 5 kg [ i mean it,okay...] but it all soooooo worth it. *smiles happily*

Seriously. Even at ONLY Sungai Congkak[like my parents and my sister says "Only Sungai Congkak?"] but I want to say that it was more than that. I believes that some girls actually does thinks that I'm gonna cry and blablabla [I did, truthfully but it wasn't because of the camp but the food... yeah, the food was awful] and I DID NOT CRY, OKAY? I'm so proud of myself.

We was force to lie on the mud [more accurate, swim?] and do like everything that out of my mind and those guys just said "you're not even reach at PLKN level" and things and smell like i-don't-know-to-compare-with-what but I made it till the last second.

You know what was the best? THE NATURE. Yes, we do mountain climbing if I could call it as that and feel the real waterfall. Yeah, the REAL waterfall, not the one that you get at the bottom, but up there, the cleanest water... I miss those moments like, seriously. I'm sure N-chan and S-chan and K-chan agree with me, kan kan kan??? XD

One thing that I wanna repeat, I'M PROUD OF MYSELF. XD~~~

teachers. *sigh* I'm not really interested at typing on this, so I prefer to skip this. I just feel like I neeeeeeeeddddddd to slaughtered someone. Like, SERIOUSLY?

the mid-term exam was just next week. And my sister plan to go and shopping a little at this Sunday. Giler, ah~~~

But would I miss this chance to go outta this house? Definitely, NO. XD

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(^_^) ~> Kai Xin~~~ XD

Monday 13 April 2009

Something about: livejournal...

livejournal infuriates me. Some people adding me without introducing themselves, and and and...... they have none community that was same as mine. NONE.

honey,... what happen? Why it become like that? *sigh* if only I could just block them from viewing my page... *sigh*


I'm off to camping this Friday~ Yeay~ erm, I think it's not really camping,... but whatever... One word - forest. :)


Some people was annoying, you know? :X

"If everyone thinking about changing themselves and not the world,
this world would definitely be a better place."

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Wednesday 1 April 2009












Tuesday 31 March 2009

there's only a thin line between love and hate, you know?

and I hate that. SERIOUSLY.

Monday 30 March 2009

Something about: because I want to

blog about people. FUNNY peoples, to be exact.

So, the Earth Hour in my house didn't happen. Because someone will DIE if she didn't watch the news. SHE. Guess who.

Today, the "pelajar cemerlang SPM dan STPM 2008" come and give us some ceramah. Yadda yadda yadda [hell, they repeat the same thing every years, that's why... *sigh*] And POP! A girl talk about how she believe her tuition center, and how she FAIL at her trial exam. I think she's dumb. Okay, it wasn't really an insult, but why believe others too much? You should read. Man, I didn't really hoping and believing my own teacher regarding the spot question too. I just follow some, the logic to be followed, such a History. "The same question won't repeated in the next year."

Still regarding the tuition center. My Add Math teacher kinda talk about how student nowadays depending too much at their tuition teacher. BUT, she's the one that always, always ask did we had learn it at tuition classes. Am I wrong to think that she's uber funny human?


I still dissatisfied about the PPSMI, you know? - Is it that hard to ask what WE want? *sigh*

"funny peoples in their funny worlds." - the quoted by me for today. I feel like I wanna puke right now. Seriously. I don't know why, but seeing the same things, again and again, day by day just make me felt I wanna puke.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday 24 March 2009

Something about: human

I think that I have a normal day. Up and down, but it feel...balanced.


I should have be in hiatus, but...I'm posting things in two consecutive days. Bad me. Just feel like wanna post something here.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Something about: teach

teacher complaining about student that complains about teachers. Got it? Annoying peoples.


I think I quite hate my economics teacher. I mean, her crazily broken English. It drive me nuts. SERIOUSLY. I know that later, we'll learn economics in English, and normally I don't have problem with people who mixing that language. But she - ... Different. Okay, if she wants to use English in economics term, it was soooo fine by me, but... "sit down"...? I just don't seem to understand about why she must use it. Other teacher just gonna use Bahasa, or just using the hand-signal. It somehow irritated me. Whatever.


"you're stubborn" - says someone who never listen to other's opinion. *sigh*

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Sunday 22 March 2009

Something about: the precious sentence...

that I listen all morning







"let's integrate"


It's seems like I was bored to death to make this post, eh? No. That very sentence was very important, you know? (~.^)

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Tuesday 10 March 2009

Something about: PPSMI

Oh yeah, you know what? - I think I have a brilliant idea regarding this.


Simple, right?

All of them was talking this and that regarding this topic, but they never, never, tries to ask US, the student - of what we want. Right? Though we was the one that learning things, not them, they never asks us, right?

I'm wondering why.

OH WAIT, I KNOW. Because we're students. Just because.

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


Sunday 8 March 2009

Something about: clown...

yeah, for those who knows me, they'll know that I LOVE clowns...

Seriously, but they cute looking clown, not the creepy-looking clown...

such as Ronald.

I know you know him...

Everyone loves his products, including me...

But strangely, after more than 17-years living in this world, I still think that this guy was...creepy. Freakingly creepy, if you got what I meant.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Just thought of taking this for fun~
And yeah, I kinda depressed right now...

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~
