Thursday 31 March 2011

Something about: Hard to say...

...I love you. Sometimes, it's even harder to say that you actually hurt. To admit things that you had done and you are not proud of. Ego, a big wall that make us all hard to say things that we feel at the moment. 

"Back then, we didn’t know what real love was.
Nor did we know
that it could hurt someone this badly."

Nakaji - Quote from Sunao ni Naretakute, episode 9.

This movie, overall, really left some impact inside me. I don't even know how to put it into proper words, but somehow, the drama struck me deep inside my heart. Its like, you could put yourself in each character and understand of why such things happen to be like this and not like that. And how things, how simple it is, sometimes we didn't have any control on it. IDK, it feels something like that.

Lately, I realized, with someone, I feel lost of myself. Being with that person makes me not the real me. Its a little bit suffocating, but then I think, if both of us is trying too hard then, won't it make things more complicated than it already is? Maybe, both of us need to take as much time to be ourself when we are around each other. To show our true colour to each other. Looking at the bright side of it, at least, we didn't cheat on each other. ;) It makes me happy by just thinking if it.

A very great friend of mine is worried of me. But now, at my home, my room, relaxing and just focus on the most important thing that I need to do, somehow feels refreshing. A great escape indeed, eh? XD By now, I could properly talk to her and say that I'm okay. I had live my life for almost 20 years by now. Someone can't invaded my life and destroy everything just like that. No, I won't allow such thing happens! :D

Right now, I'm trying to build myself and take bit by bit whats left behind. Trying to be an optimist. Bearing the thought of "my life does not linger around you and only you".

Before I forget. Last but not least,  ただいま!!!

Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! :D

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ The Ting Tings - Great DJ

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Something about: Way back home. Home sweet home.

Alhamdulillah, by now, I'm on the way back home. Selangor, here I come! =) So many things happened lately that I really can't take it at times. I snap, I lose control, and I lose myself bit by bit. This, might be the one that I need. A distraction for awhile. Some time to look back think about things I had done. Some things, I really feel happy and proud of, and the rest... well, let just say I did did things that I'm not really proud of.

But then, I just realized some moment ago that I left ALL my meds inside my room. Great. =,=" Now, can I survive with me being sick like this? :/ 

If things didn't get worse than it already is, I'll be back in Arau by this Sunday. I hope things will be better, because so many things had been keep in view. So many things need to be done before finals come. I'm worried  about quite a lot of things right now, which I shouldn't. XD

Anyway, take care and have a great day, everyone! And lets all pray things will be better. =)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ The Ting Tings - Great DJ

Something about: rain and rain and rain.

I'm a little bit panicked here, actually. This, if I'm not mistaken, is the third day raining almost non-stop. Well, it did stop, but for just a little while. And I just heard that some part of Perlis is already underwater. It might as well flood. I'm typing things in a little hurry here, so, okay. Bye!

Mass crowd withdrawing money from the ATM. Keeping some money with me, and stocking up for food, too. Hope that things will be better.

One by one class cancelled. The rain at this moment, still has not stopped. I don't even know what to do, since there's so many things planned, but with the weather right now,... My mind is all blank. One thing I know, I need to do the laundry bit by bit. Or I won't have enough clothes to survive. 

(|]=.=[|)♪♫~~ Lenka - Trouble is a Friend.
ps: lets pray that things won't worsen. 

Monday 28 March 2011

Something about: someone.

First thing first. Even the fever had gone away, but the cough had worsen. Like, very bad. So whether I like it or not, tomorrow I need to go to Unit Kesihatan @ UK and get some meds. -,-" And the flu, too. I can't even get proper sleep because of it. Few times wake up because its a little bit suffocating to breath properly. The card is almost full, too. For some unknown reason, the pain at my back come again. I really, really need someone to give a full top to toe body massage. TT.TT I'm in paaiiiinnnnn. 

Physically, but not mentally. Haha. Despite everything, I still am trying my best to memorize the script. And learning to wears contact lenses in less time. Today, it took me about 15 minutes to wears both! So happy with the rapid achievement! Seriously, after everything is done, I guess I won't wear contact lenses anymore. I'm not someone who's very careful, so something like contact lenses just not suitable for me.

Seeing someone today, and the perspective had turn upside down compared some time ago. I don't know. But I kinda like this feeling. The feeling that I just need to look at the positive part and ignore the rest. The unimportant things. Why make things complicated when it could be as easy as ABC? ;)

Anyway, take care and have a great day, everyone! =)

(|]=.=[|)♪♫~~ Lenka - Trouble is a Friend.

ps: I like guys drives manual cars like an expert. I think they look very hot. Like, smokey hot. XD

Saturday 26 March 2011

Something about: today. =)

Am trying my best to wears contact lenses by myself. Taking 45 minutes on average to wears both. But one of it had damaged as I accidentally step on it. haha. -,-" Luckily, there's a one spare for me. But but buuuutttttttt, the bright side of it, I take less than 10 minutes to take both of it out from my eyes. =) Alhamdulillah. Practice makes a better me. 

Okay, let see the destination reached by me today.
UiTM Arau ---> Kuala Perlis ---> Alot Setar ---> Kodiang ---> Kuala Perlis ---> UiTM Arau. 
Its a little bit complicated to elaborate, but well, thats the summary of my journey today. The simple half-a-day trip main target it to completing few things that we need for our theater next few weeks, that some of the things we doubt is findable around Arau. So yeah, with two cars, Wira and Viva, we conquer the road. Haha. XD 

There's few things that makes me upset, but I rather not to write it here. It just so hard when you love someone that you refuse to see that person makes mistakes, but you really don't know the right way to make things right. I guess my feeling could be sum up to that phrase. I am so refuse to become emo today. 

And today's journey too, makes me realized of how I didn't look some person deep inside their heart. Seeing someone helps me, even in smallest things ever sometimes makes my heart flopping weirdly. It feels something like this, "its okay, things will be better in the end. there's so many good people in the world, still". You know, something like that. XD I don't even know how to rephrase my feelings into proper sentence right now. Eepp. 

Feeling a little bit better compared to yesterday. The fever was still there, but still, its better compared to yesterday. But the cough had worsen for some reason. :'(

I guess thats the summary for the trip today. =)

Anyway, take care and have a great day, everyone! =)


Friday 25 March 2011

Something about: sick and homesick. :'(

Editing this post with a koolfever on top of my forehead. Translation; I'm sick. -,-" Haha. I just thought that I'm mutating with the weather, but I guess that I had push myself a little bit too much lately that I end up sick. :'( Just when we're planning to go and hunting for things, for out theater, tomorrow morning.  

Had shown one of my work, the pamphlet at our conductor and she said okay. Well, it just still a draft, not a final work, so I guess it still understandable. Some editing need to be done, other than that, I guess its okay. =)

Okay. I'm seriously sick right now. The thought that I need to eat even, make me feel like puking. ASDHGDFKJHGFKJHG. *incoherent*


Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! =)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ The Ting Tings - Great DJ

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Something about: falling in and falling out.

So I'm not really coherent here. Tired, messed up, and I got a test tonight, and haven't covering all the topics yet. Worse come to worse, essays on the go. And reports. And presentation. And the theater. And this and that and bla bla blaaaa. =,=" Sorry for my incoherent-ness. Haha. 

Yesterday, got myself contact lenses. Preparing for next month event. Just because someone asks me that there's no woman in 18th centuries would actually wears specs. Okay. And its suffering. Spending two hours just to learn of how to get the contact lenses into the eyes. Gahhhh. I'm so depressed of that. And truthfully, I'm sorry for the guy that need to attend me. He said that if this is a test, he had already failed. Because the standard procedure to teach of wearing and take it off and everything should only takes not more than 15 minutes. And me? Haha. -,-" TWO HOURS. And thats not all. The time is running out as I had another appointment, he didn't manage to teach me of how to take off the contact lenses. He gives me the number to be called if there's anything wrong with the pair, but unfortunately the numbers faded as it makes quite close contact with waters. Hoho~ >,< He tried to make me calm and all, trying to have a nice conversation with me as I was so stressed yesterday, but end up with he teasing me for never had any boyfriend after 19 years living. LOL. So nice of you, mister. =P

Last night, it took me half and hour to take off the contact lenses (because someone actually using the stopwatch to count the time), as I was too scared to touch my own eyes. XD Thanks to Anis, my roommate, for being there and teach me and guide me of the proper way of managing contact lenses. Sorry for being a nuisance and poking you so late last night. - . - And sorry to Mira, too, for the need to sleep with the light open. 

And the biggest thanks will go to my besties here, Biskut@Donutt@Miss Farhatul Syafiqa. =) Thanks for patiently waiting and trying to help me, and thank you for listening to my stress. Thank you so very much, sayang!

Okay. Right now, I need to prepare for the test tonight. And try to learn wearing contact lenses for less than one month, for the act. Wish me good luck, eh? ;)

Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead! ;)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Rossa - Wanita yang Kau Pilih

Monday 21 March 2011

Something about: Smile.

Smile. Laugh. Pretend that nothing is wrong despite so many things disturbing you. Its a healer. Just smile. Like this.


Because sometimes, whether you realized it or not, it did help. ;)


Hoping that I'll succeed in managing everything better after this. 

Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! =)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Sheila Majid - Dia

Something about: jowahe. daisuki.

Some quote taken from Sunao ni Naretakute // Hard to Say I Love You, third episode.

“The reason we couldn’t be honest wasn’t that we were being devious.
It was because we were weak … and scared.”

“Do you have times when even though you’re sad, you don’t cry,
and just play around and laugh with your friends and pretend nothing’s wrong?”

“Did you know?
They say diamonds don’t break.
They’re hard, and beautiful, and shiny,
but they are so strong that they don’t ever break.”

“I want my heart to become as hard as a diamond.
That way it won’t break.”

A beautiful story of real life that might actually happening around us. The difference would be of how we face it and handle things as they came along our life. I'd say that I love the last quote the most. To handle with a broken heart is not easy. To face the world as we heal ourselves slowly is even harder. Physically, and mentally, we need to be strong. =)

Will take some rest and spending time for myself more, means that lesser time for others. I'm a real narcissist, after all, right? ;)

I make mistakes too, at times. Trying my best to not hurt myself sometimes ending up I hurting others. But then, did I really didn't deserve to be forgiven? I had try my best, but sometimes, 'my best' won't ever be enough, I guess.

I had done my part. The rest is up to Him, I believe. 

Song from WEAVER, "Hard to Say I Love You ~Ii Dasenakute~". Do enjoy it! =)

Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! =)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ WEAVER - Hard to Say I Love You ~Ii Dasenakute~

Sunday 20 March 2011

Something about: Addicted. Japanese Drama. Playing now, "Sunao ni Naretakute" or translated as "Hard to Say I love You". Synopsis included in the link given. ^__^

Haru: Goodbye.
Nakaji: Wait.
Haru: What?
Nakaji: Forever?
Haru: What?
Nakaji: Is that goodbye forever?
Haru: What do you care?
Nakaji: I just want to know.
Haru: ... It's... It's semi-permanent. ... Goodbye.
Quote from "Hard to Say I love You" episode 1. ;) This is my favourite part of episode 1. 

I had fall in love with the insert song of this drama, with the same title of the drama too, 'Sunao ni Naretakute' sang by Sayuri Sugawara. A very great song, and the lyrics just makes me wanna cry too~ ;____;

And and and, KIM JAE JOONG!!! ♥♥♥ Going gaga over him most of the scenes including him. Haha. -,-" *baised* But still, the one with the greatest job will be Ueno Juri! I love her character in this drama so much. =D

Please, enjoy the song. =D

And please. Refrain yourself from thinking that I'm a good person at all. So that you could refrain yourself from hurting both you and me. I don't really care if you actually hurt, but I do care if you're actually hurting me. Okay? =)

And yes, have a great day ahead, everyone! =)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Sayuri Sugawara - Sunao ni Naretakute

Hujan di tengah hari.
Akan adakah pelangi petang nanti?

Something about: mother.

Had a short and sweet conversation(s) with my mother yesterday. And arguing with my sister over my mom's phone, too. Haha. We could be such child at times. XD Its relieving as you could feel the love from the family. Especially after all the dramas happening around me. =) I love you, Mak. So very much!

As times passed, I had been told over my childlikeness, and I really do hope to change that part of me. If I can't face this side of world, what more in the future, right? But still, I like to be childish. Just because. =)

Criticize is cool. Like, really cool. Only then you'll realized of how much mistakes had you commit. And how much effort would you put to change things.

At certain point, I think I had played my role well. Me being just me, and that's it. =) People might hates me, but I guess its still better than being a hypocrite, no?

ps; Z, Ky said that you wanna me listen to this song all over again. Erm, motives? =P ♥♥♥ You know, you really makes me eager to give a call to mama? Hehe~ But you know I won't, right? -,-"

Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! =)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Rossa - Ku Menunggu

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Something about: special.

if only you knew...

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Indigo - Istimewa

Something about: Tired.

I'm tired. Thinking bout you just put more mess in my mind. :'( Did you know that? Lots of time, you're my healer, but facing this side of you make me not know what to do or say. I think I'm losing myself here.

There are times that we really just want to let things go, but we can't.

(|]-.-[|)♪♫~~ Taufik Batisah - Sesuatu Janji

Something about: Remembering

Because its worth to be remembered. I still remember you, trying so hard to sing this song, despite you being sick and your voice is barely audible, despite you barely remembering the lyrics well, despite you so ashamed to sing, despite everything, you try to sing it because I love this song. Because this song carried so many meaning inside it.

I miss the good old time. Please, answer the phone?  

Sometimes, you could hear the clock ticking and realized the time for you is running out. But nothing that you could do or say to make things better.

(|]=.=[|)♪♫~~ Kerispatih - Lagu Rindu

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Something about: just because.

I love this guy. I mean, the cover from this guy. So cool and soothing. It makes you feel calm and want to sing along with this song, no? ;)

Okay, just because I had some time to kill, I want to write about the theater I'm involved with, entitled "Imbas" from late Hashim Yassin for my co-curricular marks. I'm the only girl that gotten a role as a woman (role; Timah) (we're lack of guys. Most girls act as men). Even the one that act as my husband (role; Jidun) is supposedly another girl, but she can't screams like a man, so some changes had been made. The one that act as my husband right now is a guy. Truthfully, I never thought that he's tall. I mean, he didn't look THAT tall. But there's one time we're practicing, I realized how tall he is, and he makes me feel small. Its not fun. At all. Nuh-uh. Okay. I don't have any problem with him, other than he's alter ego. We did involved in quite a number of arguments. I don't know whether he realized it or not. Haha. *awkward laugh*

And then, we also had an actor (the name is put into secret for reasons) that the alias for him is 'baby'. Don't asks me of how he got that alias, because I really don't want to think much of that. Haha. His role is Abdullah Munsyi, along with another guy. The reason of why we had two people with one role is because the dialog for some role is too long, and that's the only way to make things easier. The other guy that act as Abdullah Munsyi is someone older than many of us, as he's born in different year than us. A very calm and mature type of guy. More bout him? I hope that he'll succeed wooing that girl! ;)

And then, another two person is acting as Sir Stamford Raffles. One is a guy, and the other is a girl. They're best friend. And one thing I realized of them is they actually synchronize each other. I mean, they way they talk and their body language, they did sync! XD

Another two person is acting as Magistrate, and both of them are girls. One of them is in the same course (Business Management) with me and the other is one loud and cheerful girl, and her room is just next door!

The one that acting as Mamak Kumbang is one big guy from Chemist Industry. A guy who's playful and know how to make great joke. 

Also, I'm in charge of making pamphlet and other PR works. I hope that everything will turn out well. =)

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|]=^.^=[|)♪♫~~ Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are

Sesuatu tentang: Gangguan.

"Merasa terganggu kerana diganggu."

Pengajaran sebenarnya; maaflah. hatiku sebenarnya telah dipunya seseorang. Seseorang yang amat istimewa bagiku buat masa sekarang. Padankanlah aku dengan lelaki mana pun, usiklah aku dengan sesiapa pun, yang pasti sebenarnya, hatiku takkan terusik lagi. ;)

For now, I hate people that plays cupid around me the most. Please, stay away from me!

(|]-^.^-[|)♪♫~~ Cokelat - Karma

Dearest Z, I'm sorry for everything, if all the fault lies on me. Please, please answer the phone. :/

Monday 14 March 2011

Something about: Truthfully,...

...I really thought that I'm getting better. I mean, the condition of my leg. But yesterday I realized its not. The pain come again, and its doubled. :/

Yesterday, I had a fight with someone that dear to me. Its not fun at all. I keep on things to myself. And just pretend that things were right, that everything is okay despite its not. And I'm hungry and thirst and keep the pain to myself and something trigger me to screams out loud. And I cried after that.

And Z, I'm sorry. For everything. But, did you know how hard your words hit me? I guess you don't. Things happened for reasons. And I really do hope that you'll understand that you're actually making things complicated than it already is. Even you best friends ignore my present. It hurts. :'(

I'm not a superwoman. I had my limit too. 

(|]--.--[|)♪♫~~ Lenka - Trouble is a Friend

Friday 11 March 2011

Something about: feeling better.

Feels better now compared to yesterday. Had done my laundry (a pile of it! -,-") and just finished my early brunch that contain basically nothing other than hot chocolate and some snacks. Because I did feels better too, I stopped taking all the medicine. That's it. I'm fed up with meds. Thinking about it right now, even, make me want to puke. 

Tonight, I might be sleeping alone. Just because my roommates went home. Hoping that someone will accompany me, but only if she's willing to. :'(

Tomorrow and the day after. *sigh* I'll be busy and let's just hope that I won't screams directly at someone's face. I'm tired. I know you too. But that doesn't mean that you could just let your responsibilities go. Enough is enough. I really thought that you would change after things happened. Well, you did. For awhile. And then, you go back to the 'you' before. The 'you' that creating problems to others. You hope that others will listen to you, but you put no efforts. You just simply talking back. Creating more problem. Apologize. And then acting like nothing had ever happened. I guess you deserve an Oscar for yourself. I might even did the standing ovation for your act. Your act when you did apologize. Because the word 'sorry' had never means anything to you.

Will went out with friends after co's class. To Kuala Perlis. Insya-Allah. =) I just wanna screams my lungs out and have fun. Let things go. Too many things pent up inside me that I'm not my usual self. =( Lets just hope that I'll be better, okay? Being the 'me' right now is not fun at all. XD

Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! =)

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~ Blue feat Elton John - Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word.

Something about: Things happens,...

I am so emo right now. Crying twice today. Just because. I was too angry and too sad that things just went wrong. Too many things and too many problems to be solved. To people that cares, thank you very much. I do appreciate all, but things just too complicated to me that my mind is a mess right now. I can't think and even speak coherently. 

Call my mother and talk for a little while. Keeping myself from crying to her, because it'll just make her worried of me. I miss you, mom. :'( Talking about my nephew, Umar. Did you know that he recognize people easily? He'll smile if he knows you and close his eyes and refuse to see if he didn't know you. Aww~ so cute~ XD

I'm still a human. The vein inside me is not steel nor that my blood is oil. Please, don't tire me out.

Planning to sleep. And do my laundry. First thing first. I'm tired. Anyway, good night.

Take care and have a great day ahead, everyone!

(|]=,=[|)♪♫~~ flumpool - Zanzou

Thursday 10 March 2011

Something about: Mistakes.

Mistakes happens everywhere. Because no one perfect. Not me and not even you. Sometimes, it is hard when you did try your best to satisfy everyone around you that you actually sacrifice for others. Time and energy. And not only you're not appreciated, but a small mistakes from your side had damage everything that you did did.

Did you know how hard it is? Did you know the pain it caused? Did you even know how much effort had been pulled by me to make sure things went right?

I'm not trying to say that I'm better than others or something along that, but lately, things just a little bit too much for me. Seeing me smiling and joking and fooling around with others did not mean that I did not hurt over your teasing, your words, and your acts. It hurts, in so many ways than one. But I tried to be strong. Because I'm just not good at showing that I'm upset to others.

My parents are worried of me because lately, I rarely give a call to them. It wasn't that I was so busy that I had no time for them, nor that I did not miss them, I do, that's why I refuse to call them. Because it gets overwhelmed that I afraid I'll cried as I talk to them. That will make them worried of me more, and that is the reason of why I tried not to call them too often, or talks too long to them. I just, don't have enough energy to do so, to not make my parents worried of me.

I get depressed lately. Sometime people just refuse to understand that I'm imperfect. I'm far from it. I make mistakes that I didn't realized. I think it is just not fair for me to be punished for something that I done unintended-ly or even been told of what my mistakes is. Because I believe that no one in this world choose to make mistakes. 

My health condition deteriorate a lot lately. Few weeks ago, I fall. And me being normal me thought that it's okay. It heals over time. Well, at least I thought it did. Last few days, during the DBS Family Day, I move a lot. Okay, I ran a lot. And the same part that I fell upon hurts. Went to the Unit Kesihatan and get myself three types of medicine to be consumed, one vitamin, and another to be put on the skin. And truthfully, it still hurts. I might just ignore it for real until it hurts like hell that I can't handle it before I went for further check up. I'm just too tired to think of it. 

I'm depressed. Lets just hope that I won't be crazy after this. 

But still, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! 

(|]=,=[|)♪♫~~ Arashi - Beautiful Days

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Sunday 6 March 2011

Sesuatu tentang: Family Day DBS 2011.

Post ini dikemaskini dalam bahasa Malaysia disebabkan kemalasan saya untuk merujuk kamus dwibahasa pada masa ini.. ;)

Family Day DBS 2011, 5 Mac 2011.

Ini tag saya! =)
Seawal 8.15 pagi, acara telah dimulakan dengan perasmian oleh En Fawzi sebelum diteruskan dengan acara senamrobik oleh Madam Azura, pensyarah Sains Sukan dan Rekreasi. Setelah itu, beberapa acara terus dijalankan secara serentak, iaitu permainan futsal, bola jaring dan beberapa 'indoor game' seperti congkak, karom, dan batu seremban.

Aku diberi tugasan untuk menguruskan perlawanan-perlawanan bola jaring bersama junior seumur dengan aku. Cik Syuha. Perlawanan bermula pada 9 lebih sebelum acara 'semi-final' pada pukul 12 lebih. Kami diberi rehat setelah perlawanan 'semi-final' tamat hinggalah ke pukul 4 petang. Pada masa lebih kurang 4.30 petang, perlawanan final dijalankan. Part5 bertemu Part6 untuk menentukan kedudukan ke-3 dan ke-4, sementara Part2A bertemu dengan Part2B untuk menentukan johan dan naik johan. Kemenangan adalah seperti di bawah;

Johan; Part2A
Naib Johan; Part2B
Ketiga; Part5
Keempat, Part6.

Pada petang juga berlangsung perlawanan akhir untuk futsal, namun aku tidak pasti siapa yag memenanginya kerana aku sedang membersihkan padang ketika keputusan akhir diumumkan. XD Setelah tamat perlawanan akhir bagi futsal dan bola jaring, acara seterusnya ialah sukaneka.

Antara permainan sukaneka yang dimainkan ialah Semakin Jauh Semakin Sayang, Jalan Kasih, Tarik Upih dan Game Geli-Geli. Permainan Semakin Jauh Semakin Sayang melibatkan 10 orang pemain yang disusun dengan jarak yang semakin lama semakin jauh antara mereka, dan mereka dikehendaki melambung belon yang penuh berisi air. Jika tidak dapat dicapai oleh pemain seterusnya, basahlah mereka. Permainan Jalan Kasih melibatkan 10 pasangan yag diikat kaki mereka dan dikehendaki berjalan dan mengatasi halangan, iaitu upih dan sebiji buah kelapa. Seterusnya, permainan Tarik Upih, melibatkan 10 orang. Peserta pertama dikehendaki menarik peserta kedua, peserta kedua dikehendaki menarik peserta ketiga dan begitulah seterusnya. Game Geli-Geli melibatkan 10 peserta. Setiap peserta dikehendaki membasuh muka dengan air, sebelum mencari gula dalam tepung dan diletakkan juga perada di dalamnya. Tidak salah rasanya bagiku untuk menulis permainan ini adalah yang paling meriah sekali kerana melibatkan air dan tepung. Bayangkan sahaja muka-muka peserta yang dipenuhi tepung yang bercampur air, selain gemerlapan perada. Sungguh meriah dengan sorakan ketika permainan ini berlangsung.

Setelah itu ialah upacara penyampaian hadiah dan berakhirnya upacara ini, maka berakhirlah Family Day DBS 2011.

NAMUN, itu tidak bermakna tugasan kami telah selesai kerana kami perlu mengemas hampir kesemuanya. Sampah dikumpul, kerusi dan meja disusun, dan payung-payung disimpan selain memastikan semua peralatan yang dipinjam dipulangkan semula. Hanya setelah semua itu dilakukan, barulah kami pulang.

Hari semalam amat memenatkan, namun telah terukir berbagai pengalaman dan peristiwa yang sukar luput dari ingatan. Dan semalam juga, atas kelambatan aku untuk memproses kata-kata En Fawzi, aku dijadikan bahan ketawa beliau dan dua orang senior lelaki. Siapa sangka aku yang perempuan ini tidak menyedari maksud tersirat kata-kata beliau? Saat aku ditertawakan itu jugalah aku rasa ingin menggali lubang untuk menyorok di dalamnya. >.< Kepenatan mengaburkan fikiranku, mungkin. Atau aku memang selambat itu? :/

Sedikit sesalku adalah aku tidak sempat meluangkan banyak masa bersama rakan lain kerana terikat dengan tugasan aku, selain kekalutan aku telah menyebabkan kelambatan kepada semua. Maaf, hanya itu yang mampu aku tuturkan kerana aku tidak mampu untuk memutarkan kembali masa dan membetulkan semua. Maaf, jika ada tuturkata mahupun tingkah laku ku semalam menyakitkan hati sesiapa. Kepenatan dan stress menipiskan kesabaranku. :/

Sampai sahaja aku di dalam bilik, hampir sahaja aku menangis setelah melihat kulit mukaku yang terbakar agak teruk, terutama bahagian hidung. Hidungku berbelang! >.<"

Hari semalam ialah hari yang cukup indah. Pelbagai kenangan, suka duka, senyuman dan keringat terpahat dalam memoriku, yang Insya-Allah tidak akan aku lupakan sampai bila-bila. Terima kasih pada mereka yang bersama-samaku melaksana dan merealisasikan hari semalam, dan terima kasih juga pada semua yang hadir memeriahkan dan mengambil bahagian dalam pelbagai acara semalam. TERIMA KASIH SEMUA! =)

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~ Dadali - Disaat Aku Mencintaimu

Saturday 5 March 2011

Let me tell you this. You had cross the line. My apologize for my behaviour, but I really can't help it. 

Friday 4 March 2011

Something about: facial expression.

You know, its hard to accept when you're actually smiling but people thought that you're going to cry? *incoherent* I mean, kjsaglkjgsafjgdakjgsdnkjgdljfalkds. How bad my face look like actually that you think that I'll cry at that moment and at that place too? I shouldn't depressed over small thing like this but well, I am. *weep*

Owh. I think that I could disgrace guy's ego easily. Its a talent, I guess? With just two words, I could make guy flush red in madness and anger and shameful and who knows how much more emotion they felt. I just didn't like guys showing off their so-called inflated ego to me. Well, some is acceptable, but the rest is just... *sigh* I was so angry at this particular guy that I almost shout and screams and cursing, even, to him. Please do your part, your job. Is that that hard for you? And its getting worse as he had the gut to talk to me about responsibility. You, the guy that your responsibility is a student can't even fulfilled fine. Don't make me open the topic of you copied others works, or you letting others do your part because you're just simply 'busy'. Sometimes, I guess, guys are just simply unbelievable. =,="

Today, later on until tomorrow will be my busy time. I don't know about the given job to me for tomorrow. It'll be harder tomorrow because I need to move from my room to Sports Complex right after Subuh and maybe just get back to my room after Maghrib. I could already sense the tiredness. Hohoho~ But its going to be worthy. Insya-Allah. =) Truthfully, I do hope that everyone will enjoy it and just, have fun!
If you didn't understand what I'm talking about here actually, its about this event. ;)

Owh. dearest Z, thanks for your help upon my assignment. It really do help me a lot. Great tips, by the way! =)

Anyway, take care and have a great day, everyone! =)

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~ Destiny's Child - Survivor

Thursday 3 March 2011


ps; maaf lah. kau bukan sesiapa untuk aku pon. 

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Sesuatu tentang: Hidup.

Hidup tak selalunya indah. Kadang-kadang, datang segala dugaan, cubaan, dan cabaran yang menduga kita dari segenap sudut kehidupan. Kesabaran contohnya, adalah salah satu aspek yang sering diuji. Aku mengaku, aku bukanlah orang yang paling penyabar sekali di atas muka bumi ini. Dan atas ketidak-sabaran aku itu, kesabaran orang lain turut teruji sama. Justeru itu, aku ingin sekali lagi memohon maaf atas keterlanjuran aku yang kadang-kala melampaui batas. 

Akhir-akhir ini, aku penat. Terlalu amat sangat. Contohnya malam tadi. Aku ada perjumpaan latihan untuk teater ko-kurikulum drama, teater bertajuk "Imbas" karangan Almarhum Hashim Yassin. Skrip yang menarik namun agak sukar untuk direalisasikan, apatah lagi kami semua masih amatur. Namun itu tak mematah semangat kami (setakat ini). Teater ini akan dipentaskan di Dewan Sri Semarak UiTM Arau, Perlis pada 15 atau 16 April 2011, Insya-Allah. Pada masa yang sama dengan masa latihan ini, aku juga ada perjumpaan Persatuan Entrepreneurs, untuk Hari Keluarga yang akan berlangsung pada 5 Mac, Sabtu ini. Sebagai ajk bahagian penerbitan, aku dipertanggungjawabkan untuk membuat flyers. Dan aku juga mendapat kiriman sms bahawa ada latihan tarian Kelab Taming Sari. Aku bukan penari, namun aku ahli yang dikira agak aktif dalam Taming Sari. Dan aku juga perlu membuat persiapan atas peperiksaan CTU151 hari ini (yang telah berlangsung tadi). Hahaha~ Bayangkan saja betapa sibuknya aku semester ini dengan tanggungjawab dan tugasan, dan bagaimana saja aku harus membahagikan diri aku untuk melaksanakan semua. Walau sibuk, walau tertekan, namun aku tetap berasa gembira. Aku tak tahu bagaimana harus aku terangkan, namun yang pasti, aku gembira. ;)

Malam tadi juga, selepas tamat perjumpaan Persatuan Entrepreneurs, aku terus ke Studio Tarian kerana seorang senior telah memberitahu bahawa mereka ingin menyambut hari ulang tahun salah seorang penari. Oh, ingin ku beritahu dengan tidak-berapa-gembiranya aku telah bermandi tepung malam tadi. Mujur sahaja yang memandikan aku itu adalah 'birthday girl' sendiri, atau aku akan benar-benar menangis. Dan mujur juga ianya tepung dan BUKANnya telur. =) Teringat aku kepada kawan yang sama kursus denganku (namun berlainan kelas). Dia berkata bahawa dia sangat teringin untuk memandikan aku dengan tepung, namun khuatir aku menangis. Dia telah meletakkan gelaran "muka nangis" kepadaku. Maaflah, bukan mudah bagiku untuk menjaga ekspresi muka. Namun aku memandangnya sebagai aset. Kerana aku tahu dia takkan sanggup untuk memarahi aku. =)

Ini adalah lagu yang sering aku dengari akhir-akhir ini. ;) Sekadar ingin berkongsi di sini. Do listen and enjoy it! =)

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~ Melda Ahmad - Kimia