Tuesday 15 March 2011

Something about: just because.

I love this guy. I mean, the cover from this guy. So cool and soothing. It makes you feel calm and want to sing along with this song, no? ;)

Okay, just because I had some time to kill, I want to write about the theater I'm involved with, entitled "Imbas" from late Hashim Yassin for my co-curricular marks. I'm the only girl that gotten a role as a woman (role; Timah) (we're lack of guys. Most girls act as men). Even the one that act as my husband (role; Jidun) is supposedly another girl, but she can't screams like a man, so some changes had been made. The one that act as my husband right now is a guy. Truthfully, I never thought that he's tall. I mean, he didn't look THAT tall. But there's one time we're practicing, I realized how tall he is, and he makes me feel small. Its not fun. At all. Nuh-uh. Okay. I don't have any problem with him, other than he's alter ego. We did involved in quite a number of arguments. I don't know whether he realized it or not. Haha. *awkward laugh*

And then, we also had an actor (the name is put into secret for reasons) that the alias for him is 'baby'. Don't asks me of how he got that alias, because I really don't want to think much of that. Haha. His role is Abdullah Munsyi, along with another guy. The reason of why we had two people with one role is because the dialog for some role is too long, and that's the only way to make things easier. The other guy that act as Abdullah Munsyi is someone older than many of us, as he's born in different year than us. A very calm and mature type of guy. More bout him? I hope that he'll succeed wooing that girl! ;)

And then, another two person is acting as Sir Stamford Raffles. One is a guy, and the other is a girl. They're best friend. And one thing I realized of them is they actually synchronize each other. I mean, they way they talk and their body language, they did sync! XD

Another two person is acting as Magistrate, and both of them are girls. One of them is in the same course (Business Management) with me and the other is one loud and cheerful girl, and her room is just next door!

The one that acting as Mamak Kumbang is one big guy from Chemist Industry. A guy who's playful and know how to make great joke. 

Also, I'm in charge of making pamphlet and other PR works. I hope that everything will turn out well. =)

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|]=^.^=[|)♪♫~~ Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are

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