Monday 28 March 2011

Something about: someone.

First thing first. Even the fever had gone away, but the cough had worsen. Like, very bad. So whether I like it or not, tomorrow I need to go to Unit Kesihatan @ UK and get some meds. -,-" And the flu, too. I can't even get proper sleep because of it. Few times wake up because its a little bit suffocating to breath properly. The card is almost full, too. For some unknown reason, the pain at my back come again. I really, really need someone to give a full top to toe body massage. TT.TT I'm in paaiiiinnnnn. 

Physically, but not mentally. Haha. Despite everything, I still am trying my best to memorize the script. And learning to wears contact lenses in less time. Today, it took me about 15 minutes to wears both! So happy with the rapid achievement! Seriously, after everything is done, I guess I won't wear contact lenses anymore. I'm not someone who's very careful, so something like contact lenses just not suitable for me.

Seeing someone today, and the perspective had turn upside down compared some time ago. I don't know. But I kinda like this feeling. The feeling that I just need to look at the positive part and ignore the rest. The unimportant things. Why make things complicated when it could be as easy as ABC? ;)

Anyway, take care and have a great day, everyone! =)

(|]=.=[|)♪♫~~ Lenka - Trouble is a Friend.

ps: I like guys drives manual cars like an expert. I think they look very hot. Like, smokey hot. XD

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