Sunday 20 March 2011

Something about: mother.

Had a short and sweet conversation(s) with my mother yesterday. And arguing with my sister over my mom's phone, too. Haha. We could be such child at times. XD Its relieving as you could feel the love from the family. Especially after all the dramas happening around me. =) I love you, Mak. So very much!

As times passed, I had been told over my childlikeness, and I really do hope to change that part of me. If I can't face this side of world, what more in the future, right? But still, I like to be childish. Just because. =)

Criticize is cool. Like, really cool. Only then you'll realized of how much mistakes had you commit. And how much effort would you put to change things.

At certain point, I think I had played my role well. Me being just me, and that's it. =) People might hates me, but I guess its still better than being a hypocrite, no?

ps; Z, Ky said that you wanna me listen to this song all over again. Erm, motives? =P ♥♥♥ You know, you really makes me eager to give a call to mama? Hehe~ But you know I won't, right? -,-"

Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! =)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ Rossa - Ku Menunggu

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