Friday 25 March 2011

Something about: sick and homesick. :'(

Editing this post with a koolfever on top of my forehead. Translation; I'm sick. -,-" Haha. I just thought that I'm mutating with the weather, but I guess that I had push myself a little bit too much lately that I end up sick. :'( Just when we're planning to go and hunting for things, for out theater, tomorrow morning.  

Had shown one of my work, the pamphlet at our conductor and she said okay. Well, it just still a draft, not a final work, so I guess it still understandable. Some editing need to be done, other than that, I guess its okay. =)

Okay. I'm seriously sick right now. The thought that I need to eat even, make me feel like puking. ASDHGDFKJHGFKJHG. *incoherent*


Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! =)

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ The Ting Tings - Great DJ

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