Friday 4 March 2011

Something about: facial expression.

You know, its hard to accept when you're actually smiling but people thought that you're going to cry? *incoherent* I mean, kjsaglkjgsafjgdakjgsdnkjgdljfalkds. How bad my face look like actually that you think that I'll cry at that moment and at that place too? I shouldn't depressed over small thing like this but well, I am. *weep*

Owh. I think that I could disgrace guy's ego easily. Its a talent, I guess? With just two words, I could make guy flush red in madness and anger and shameful and who knows how much more emotion they felt. I just didn't like guys showing off their so-called inflated ego to me. Well, some is acceptable, but the rest is just... *sigh* I was so angry at this particular guy that I almost shout and screams and cursing, even, to him. Please do your part, your job. Is that that hard for you? And its getting worse as he had the gut to talk to me about responsibility. You, the guy that your responsibility is a student can't even fulfilled fine. Don't make me open the topic of you copied others works, or you letting others do your part because you're just simply 'busy'. Sometimes, I guess, guys are just simply unbelievable. =,="

Today, later on until tomorrow will be my busy time. I don't know about the given job to me for tomorrow. It'll be harder tomorrow because I need to move from my room to Sports Complex right after Subuh and maybe just get back to my room after Maghrib. I could already sense the tiredness. Hohoho~ But its going to be worthy. Insya-Allah. =) Truthfully, I do hope that everyone will enjoy it and just, have fun!
If you didn't understand what I'm talking about here actually, its about this event. ;)

Owh. dearest Z, thanks for your help upon my assignment. It really do help me a lot. Great tips, by the way! =)

Anyway, take care and have a great day, everyone! =)

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~ Destiny's Child - Survivor

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